time to go .

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It was the morning of the big day the day the girls were to get ready and dressed to find there future husband's and no one was speaking. Even the house elfes were sad this lot had to grow up so fast and it seemed just yesterday  hono Hermiones personal elf was putting out a fire that Hermione caused after she was told no for the frist time .ahhh thay grow up so fast or when draco and blaze spyed on the girls in the pool .but today was a day of sadness people think because she's mean and evil but Bellatrix is really a loveing kind mother  and the same can be said about tom . Speaking of hes just about to give his daughter a talk . And Bellatrix is on her way to fred the son she was so lucky to have taken in .as Hermione was laying out her dress there was a knock on her door. Come in . Hermione my beautiful butterfly 🦋  I wanted to talk to you I know this is hard and there's no telling who you will get and I can only hope it's draco for I know that's were your heart is and if you truly love each other the hat will know so don't worry just be you shine for them like you do for us .that's easy for you to say eavry one is scared of you and the death eaters. My darling girl do you know why thay hate us and fear us. No not really. It's because we stand for what we believe in and are willing to fight for it we don't just sit back and let our world and way of life since the beginning of time be taken away. We are made to look bad for we are not sheep . Ok I guess I understand. Good now just know you have been the best thing in our lives and your brother has proven to be a wonderful  boy as well take care of each other. I promise. Well ill leave you too dress . Dad did you know  mom was the one right away yes from the frist day I saw her she was a light in a dark life you  will know if's its draco or not so will the hat so cheer up .and with that he left .as Bellatrix knocked on the door she was nevertheless nervous about Fred he was a smart boy but troubled and she hoped who ever he got would love and be kind to him . Hello son hello mother . Fred why are you crying. Boys don't cry its my allergies. Really I don't remember you having any. Ok i was thinking how grateful I am that you took me in made me look like father and gave me a home family friends. We love you as our own because we saw how brave it was to give up eavry thing for what you believe in just remember who you are and were you. Come from who you were is not important take care of each other and always remember who you are. I promise. Well ill leave you to get ready .as she left she met Tom in the hall and couldn't help but to cry as she did he held his love tight and told her not to worry thay will be ok we knew this day was coming. He had been cursed by Dumbledore during the break so he  never left the manor and had the  deatheaters on mission after mission and the young adults would take the mark soon and he called upon draco and blaze and offered them seats at the head of table and ranks if thay killed Dumbledore by Christmas. To witch thay agreed and so not only do thay have weddings dates and babies to handle this year but also murder so ya simple year .the girls make up hair nails you have seen dresses.



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