the sorting and a warning

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As the boys left to get there's and the girls things.the girls walked off the train and buped right into lavender and the twins . Oh look girls its a bunch of snakes 🐍 lavender said while sneering. Just then three boys walked up but thay were not draco and the gang thay were Harry Ron and the twins .don't waste your time with them there snakes I mean look at the red head you would think she was a Weasley if she was not so ugly .just then sam came out of nowhere and punched Ron in the face and blacked his eye.dont you ever talk about my sister again or I will kill you thats a promise and it will be when you least expect it. Just then Hagrid called for all the 1st years to the boats so in lines of two thay walked to the lake then split up to begin there journey to the castle. Once off the boats thay walk up in pairs each holding someone's hand Sam held lunas hand .  Blaze ginnys . Theo held pansys and of course draco held Hermione s .and so thay came to a grate dining hall were thay stood before a hard looking witch .now before we begin sorting the head master would like to speak to you . with that he rose I would like to welcome you all to hogwarts we are pleased to have you all and hope you think of this place that helped shape your future now on with the sorting. Sam snape. Snape sat proudly at the head table as gasped went round. The hT did not touch him slitherin. Ginny snape slitherin. Harry Potter griffindore .

Ron Weasley. Griffindore.

Lavender brown. Griffindore.

Luna love good. Slitherin.

Theo Knott. Slitherin

Blaze zanbenie slitherin.

Pansy Parkinson.  Slitherin.

Hermione riddle. Slitherin.

Draco malfoy.  Slitherin.

And so on till the shocker of the night came when a smile spread across Fred's face as he was put into slitherin and was happy .it was so quiet a pin drop would brake glass. The head master went pale and evan snape almost died right there how cold one twin be good  and one be evil . But theses things happen I guess . Just hope he will be able to make a hard choice one day . Woth the sorting done the food came and the rest of the evening went by with small talk and getting to know rheew new friends. Fallow that and off to bed this year was to fun it seemed thank goodness tomorrow was Saturday so thay had time to look around before Monday.  As draco  fell asleep he dreamed of her like always. He wondered if you could be in love at birth he would give her his life but at this age friends was enough.

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