the ball and the pairing

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As the girls got off the train thay were led to the boats that would take all the girls to the hall were thay were put around a row of tables at the back .and the boys would stand up at the front as to be sorted.
The middle was clear for dancing. It was so beautiful thay were almost less terrified. Just then the ministry consultant walked in I have the rules to read frist and then we will welcome our new couples and you will start classes here and upon graduation be give a job together. Unless your pureblood and then you can choose your path.
Rule 1you will move in together with 3other couples and attend classes together.
Rule 2 you are to have two children in two years for the purebloods we have solved the issue of only having one with a shot that will be given on day of wedding.
And finally you are to marry within 12mouths. Now will Harry please put on hat .as it was put on it yelled out.cho chang and she walked up and thay held hands the whole way back to there seats.
Ron Weasley. He walked up and sat just then the hat said i know you have a crush on Dean Thomas but your soul mate is lavender brown.  With that the hall. Was rolling with laughter. This was going to be funner then thay all thought.  And so it went until the last table a green and silver table slitherin it will be your turn for judgment  mr.blaze as your finding your luna you must leave your wand here .Mr malfoy will keep it safe .why. because if she has been given to another I don't want a wand fight .miss im a werewolf. And a wizzard don't need it .with that he get the hat. When it was placed he smelled  beautiful lemons and saw dust and fresh rain it was her and the hat said yes Mrs snape is wonderful with that at the same time thay both said  ginny she had red hilghted hair and a great body and she was his all his.he went and dst next to his mate .next theo .he was hopeful that he'd get the girl he has dreamed of his whole life.hmmm don't see why you need me for this one luna relief washed over him for to him there would never be another. Sam please put on the hat as he did he heard the hat speak this one needs you your strong and can give her the love she needs and you need her. For all you doubt and fear she can make dissappear with a touch. Pansy. He was shocked he liked her but never thought that way .but now seeing her all done up he was breathless. That brings us to mr.malfoy. Draco put the hat on he that about last night how thay snuk out to there garden a place no one knew but them and how beautiful she looked .pitcher at top.he was brought back by the hat yelling Hermione. The whole table cheered. But then thay realized something Fred was left and thay were out of girls but it was his turn the last pairing.the hat said there's no doubt thay were made for each other but will she reject her house show no love or loyalty and even kill them all for love and accept a master at the same time .who Fred and the whole school shots . Misty she stood shook went through the hall he was in love .just then Harry stood grabbed her arm id rather you dead then a death eaters wife Rice and evil .its what I choose brother issue mates are forever there would be no one else I rather be with them the your Dumbledore army Fred stood along with the others so proud thay all were of there knew family member. Blaze draco went and walked her to her rightful place. Wait till mum here's she's yours not mine im a riddle now .


that did it Ron had to start a fight Oi why do I get this cow and ya shell do as a soul mate but thay got all the hot 9nes

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that did it Ron had to start a fight
Oi why do I get this cow and ya shell do as a soul mate but thay got all the hot 9nes .Mr Weasley the hat now showed almost popping a stitch. You get who the gods have made you your luck you got anything she is your mtch your both selfish greedy and unfaithful so if your done being a that can we move on .red faced he sat .and so the ministry lady said now you may begin the ball thay had so much fun and before thay knew thay were led to there new homes in sets of 3 The riddles the malfoys and the zabinis.thay also went to 5 thay insisted the not be there and the snapes so thay were not single out so off thay went .net chapter x-rated
Ps werewolves are hot and smart rich not like books

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