weddings are set

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It had been two months since the new minister Mr riddle took over the wizzarding world and was working on the muggle one .with grate success. Now as long as the girls get married this month and pregnant next his plans were as good as set he was going to give them each a title .to ensure the death eaters line would not die now he had to make a stop at home Hermione said her and draco had news.
Hermione was with her mum in the kitchen finding why lunch was late who would die for it.mum I need to tell you something. You mean that your already pregnant yes how did you know because I'm your mother I notice things in you im so happy you and the baby will always be safe here you know that yes and draco will look after us mum .knowing your father's temper he better .he's not as layed back as me .with that said Bellatrix sent aspell round the room killing all the kitchen elves and called for a upstairs maid to fetch  more in a hurry.  Now that means the others are as well all pureblood families get pregnant at the same time to ensure the study rise of our chain .I hope father does not kill draco. I invited the others and there parents to lunch with is now being late .and thay are as well oh .there's the floo Hermione take eavryone to the main dining room and I'll deal with your dad thanks mum .anytime love. As bella went one way Hermione went the other. Frist to arrive was the malfoys.

My dear daughter in-law. How wonderful it is to see you and may we say what an honor it will be to have your bloodlines mix with ours .thank you mr.malfoy im equal in the knowledge of how wonderful this mix shall be and with beautiful and smart looks and breeding this mix will be a dynamic fit draco darling can you show your parents to there seats .yes my love .she heard them say as thay left the room how charming and perfectly beautiful she was never mind haven her marriage to there son brought power in circles and wealth it brought them . But love was love you can't pick your in laws. Next was miss snape ginny and sam.
How are you all doing have been away trying to forget that man rest his soul .but whats done is done and our lord and minster is always right. But how have you and the lot been .good miss snape and looking forward to  playing with my grand baby's. Even if one set will be puppy's. Mum i know ill fine just as long as your happy. And with that Hermione sent them to the dining room. Next were the zabinis.thay were rich beautiful and just a purebloods dream .but thay were better then veelas thay were dieing out the only acceptable breeds besides purebloods were the rich ones vampire werewolf.can you show your mum and da to the table we have big news to tell you all yes of course and Hermione it's so good to see you mistress. As it is you alpha and luna please be my guest. And before too long eavryone was there and ready to eat and decide dates .just as the table was ready and everyone was about to eat thay heard from the hall a very angry tom and a scared bellax . This how it went He did what to my baby before the wedding. Fallowed by Bella yelling run draco and he did and the chase was on the whole table was stuned but thay came to the agreement  that this way the baby's would be here quickly and shrink the wait time . Bella was not impressed if your done playing around i want to congratulate our girls onthe news and we need dates well said tom if thay all get married this month my plans are safe so two a week except Hermione gets her own week and honeymoons are on me and at our summer place in our country manor safety in numbers until baby's come . Ok who's wedding is frist .Tom said it would be Hermione and so it was to be in 3days money can hurry a lot up .
So it would be miss Hermione malfoy before she knew it and that came with a house and baby's and the man she has loved her whole life and her best friends would be along for the ride her family was dominant in the world of magic and muggle. What else could a girl want. As thay ate drank and celebrate thay all missed something there peering through the window was a hood figure. Watching irs pray . The wards should have told them but this person was known the house and its magic.

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