Chapter 17

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When I got back to my room that night Margie and Olive were asleep, but Selene was nowhere to be found. I felt a pang of worry at first but then let it go, she didn't deserve my concern. I slid into bed and struggled to fall asleep for a few hours. Constant anxiety was vibrating all over me and wouldn't allow me to rest. 

I must have fallen asleep eventually, because the next thing I knew it was morning. I awoke to find myself alone in my dorm, surrounded by sadness and anger.  

After getting ready I made my way to the great hall for breakfast. I felt like everyone's eyes were on me while I walked through the corridors. Did they know? Who did Selene tell? More anxiety washed over me as I walked into the Great Hall and saw Selene, Margie and Olive all chatting together. 

Selene looked terrible, but I wouldn't allow myself to feel bad for her. I was angry now, very angry. A part of me was glad she saw Malcom and I, I hope it hurt her as much as me.

I didn't dare go sit next to my friends, if I could even call them that, but I didn't have many other options. Selene, Olive and Margie had always been a security blanket. The other people I knew well enough to sit with were near them, as us four had most of the same friends. 

I saw Tom sitting at the end of the table. His followers were surrounding him, but I didn't have anyone else to go to. Walking in between the Slytherin and Ravenclaw table I made my way to him. He didn't notice me at first, but when I took a seat next to him he looked my way. None of his followers paid me any attention. Tom simply stood up and walked away from me, as if I was a stranger. 

I felt a sharp emotional pain shoot through me as I watched him get farther and farther away. Looking down the other end of the table I saw Margie and Olive watching me with flat faces, while Selene was laughing hysterically. I couldn't stand this. I got up from the table and walked over to where they were sitting. 

"Selene.", I said in a loud voice so that Margie and Olive could hear too. 

She stopped laughing and looked at me. She was a mess, her brown eyes were bloodshot, probably from crying. Her light hair was frizzy as opposed to neatly brushed, and she looked very pale. Somehow, Selene still looked pretty though, she always was. 

Once Olive and Margie were looking at me as well I continued. "You were the first friend I ever had at this school. We have grown up together over the past few years, I loved you like a sister." I felt tears start to form but I held them back. "But somehow, even after all that,  you choose the boy who cheated on you over your best friend." 

Now I had the attention of many students. Tom stopped from walking out of the Hall to watch the commotion. Ravenclaws at the table next to me were whispering and staring. I spotted Shreya and my stomach flipped, I was uncomfortable with this attention. Selene didn't even look the littlest bit sad. 

"Best friends?! Best friends? The one time I get something that you don't have, you rip it right from my hands.", she let out a pained laugh, "I should have known from the day you told me you were born of a love potion-  you will never be a decent person."

I heard gasps come from surrounding students. Selene snickered, but Olive and Margie looked baffled. I gathered up enough pride to walk out of the Great Hall even with everyone gawking at me. On my way out I pushed into Tom Riddle as I passed him, not even bothering to apologize.

Authors Note- 

Hey everyone! Thanks for even just clicking on my book! This is my first time writing a fanfiction, let alone a story as long as this. I never expected it to get any attention because i'm a new writer, but I'm really glad that it's gotten support. I'm sorry I went from updating every other day, to once a week, and eventually stopped for a few months. I have many ideas for this fanfiction, but as an inexperienced writer sometimes I'm not sure how to fit them in smoothly with the story. Because of this I wasn't sure the story was good enough to continue. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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