Chapter 8

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I kept to myself throughout the last few classes of the day. Ever since retrieving Tom Riddle's diary I hadn't been feeling like myself. I stored the book in my bag, I needed to wait for the right time to return it. Plus, there wasn't any purpose in keeping it for long, he had enchanted it so the contents could only be seen by him.

Skipping dinner, I sat in the corner of the Slytherin common room and read the letter I had received from my parents. They wrote to me every once in a while. This time the letter came with a small package. I opened it to find beautiful emerald earrings and a matching necklace. My parents never failed to spoil me, I knew I didn't deserve it. It was purely out of  their own guilt.

    As I got up from where I was sitting, I fought with my bag trying to get it closed. Walking with my head down was not a good idea, as I stumbled right into someone. Of course it was none other than Tom Riddle, sending me and various items in my bag sprawling across the floor. With my luck one of those items happened to be Tom's book, which he seemed to care more about then the fact he knocked me to the floor.

Snatching it up he said, "I knew someone took it, but I figured you were decent enough for it not to be you. Seems you've gotten some ideas from Shreya."

"Excuse me but, what?! ", I exclaimed, "I was going to give it to you as soon as I saw you."

"Easy for you to say after I caught you hiding it in your bag.", he scoffed as I brushed myself off.

"Ok I know how it looks, but i'm telling you I went through a lot trying to get that book for you.", I defended myself.

"For me? More likely getting it from me was harder.", he grabbed my wrist and with a cold look said, "Don't ever steal from me again or there will be consequences." He aggressively let go of me and began walking off.

I was furious, I couldn't help myself. Yelling after him I said, "Fine next time I'll just let Charles Ruetic and his juvenile friends keep it to rub in the dirt."

Tom stopped in his tracks. "What did you say?", he responded without turning around.

Getting quieter I said, "Charles Ruetic and a few other Gryffindor boys were tossing it around in the courtyard, that's where I got it from."

He turned and faced me. Looking thoughtfully into my eyes, after a moment he said, "Was Connor Olfer there by chance?"

I nodded, "Yes, he was trying to get the book back to you though. How did you know?"

"None of your business.", he said dryly.

"Whatever, I don't even know why I bother asking you questions anymore.", I responded kneeling down to put my escaped belongings back in my bag.

To my surprise, Tom didn't leave, he knelt down and picked up the earrings my parents sent me.

"Beautiful aren't they.", I said, as his dark eyes examined the jewelry.

He then looked up at me, "Yes, they're the same color as your eyes."

"I uh- yeah I guess they are.", I stumbled over my words taking them from Tom's hands to put away. I couldn't help but blush.

"How did you manage to get my book from Ruetic anyway?", Tom asked me curiously.

"It cost me a date with him." I said embarrassed. From the corner of my eye I thought I saw Tom smile, almost laugh, but I didn't say anything. "Well, I better be headed off. Goodnight." I continued as we both got up.

"Goodnight.", he replied.

When I got to my room I fell on top of my bed dreamily, my brain fuzzy with joy. He was nice to me again! Tom Riddle was nice to me again? He noticed my eyes too! He even said goodnight. What just happened? I forced myself to get together knowing the other girls would be back from dinner soon. At first I was excited to tell them what happened, but then I decided I wanted to keep it to myself, just in case it was all a charm. I was smart, and I wasn't going to let this captivation get the best of me.

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