Chapter 1

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I gazed out the open window after taking my seat on the Hogwarts Express, excitedly awaiting my 5th year at one of the best schools of wizardry. The sound of chatting parents, rolling trolley carts, hooting owls, and friends reuniting were all part of the regular scene on platform 9 and 3/4 after summer holiday. 

"If it isn't Christine Hale!", I heard a familiar voice say form behind me.

"Selene!", I jumped up from my seat and gave her a huge hug. "I haven't seen you since last year, I missed you so much! Can you believe it's our fifth year already?", I exclaimed.

Selene Lotus was my first and best friend I had at Hogwarts. She was tall and slender, with bright blonde hair and brown eyes. Her porcelain skin was so pale it almost looked transparent, even after two months of sunny weather. 

"I know right! The past few years have gone by so fast, where did the time go?" Selene responded while taking a seat next to mine. We started chatting and after a few minutes the train was on its way to the castle.

When we arrived Selene and I briskly stepped off the train to meet with our friends. We walked with two other girls from our house, Olive Merken and Margie Hilder, to the Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin table

"So how was everyone's summer?" Margie said with a smile. She had glowing tan skin and dark wavy hair that fell below her shoulders. Margie was always quite nice, the soft features of her face corresponded with her soft personality. 

"My parents took me to Romania this summer, it's crazy how many dragons they have there.", Selene replied.

Selene's parents worked along with mine for the Ministry of Magic. We both came from pure blood families. The Hale's were well respected amongst the wizarding world, and we had a fair amount of money to our name.

Olive spoke up, "I broke up with Henry this summer, it was all getting to be too much. I don't do controlling relationships, and I made that very clear."

Selene, Margie and I all looked at her in surprise. Henry and her had been together since third year, of course not without judgment from some of our fellow Slytherins.

"Well hey it's a new year, and there are plenty of cute guys that would love to date us." I said with a smirk.

"Easy for you to say Christine, you're basically the Princess of Slytherin, any guy would like you." Margie replied. I didn't really like that name, but I knew my influential bloodline earned me a reputation.

Everyone hushed up when the first years started getting sorted into their houses. It was quite a long process, and I couldn't help but drift off in thought. A girl was sorted into Slytherin, and the students next to me stood up and clapped.

Coming back from my daydream, I noticed I had been looking at a boy not far down the table from me, Tom Riddle. We made eye contact, and embarrassed I looked away and clapped for the new house member.

Even after being in school with Tom for four years he remained a mystery to me, as well as many others. All the girls loved him, all the guys wanted to be on his good side, but he never fed into any of it. I had a few classes with him here and there over the years, but we never really talked.

I would almost consider Tom Riddle scary, or at the least intimidating. But that didn't stop the group of people constantly around him seeking his approval. He had a charm to him, an effect that anyone would fall victim too. I would be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive myself. 

After the sorting ceremony everyone was dismissed to their respective dormitories. I settled into the room Selene, Olive, Margie and I shared. We put away our belongings from our trunks, and I set up my uniform in preparation for tomorrow, the first day of classes.

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