Chapter 2

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The next morning came quick enough. I put on my uniform adjusting my robes in the mirror. Margie and Selene had already headed down to breakfast, so Olive and I went to meet them in the Great Hall.

"What's your first class Christine?", Selene asked me.

"Potions, not too bad, but I'm most excited for Care of Magical Creatures.",  I replied.

"Ugh I have Herbology first.," Selene said unenthusiastically.

"Hey I have potions first too!," Margie added in.

"Great, we should get a seat next to each other!", I exclaimed.

"Nope, Slughorn is assigning seats this year, apparently there is going to be a lot of group work." Olive said, "With my luck I'll get the worst partner."

Selene smirked, "I hope I get a cute guy." We all laughed and then finished breakfast, heading our separate ways.

"Everyone come wait in the front of the room while I assign your partners." Slughorn said to the class whilst we filed in. After everyone had arrived he started calling out names to take a seat.

"Christine Hale and Tom Riddle," he says after seating Margie and another student. A little shocked, but somewhat pleased I walked to my seat trailing behind Tom.

While Professor Slughorn continued to call out names I introduced myself to my partner. "So you're Tom? I've heard you're very smart, it should be a pleasure working with you this year.", I said with a bright smile.

In return he glanced at me rolling his eyes, giving no response. I was a little offended, but also embarrassed, so I just sat quietly and listened to Slughorn for the rest of class.

When class was dismissed Margie approached me. "Wow, you're next to Tom Riddle? I'm jealous.", she laughed.

"I tried to make conversation but he just rolled his eyes at me, you would think after four years he would have the courtesy to at least reply." I said disappointedly.

"That's just how he is, standoffish, mysterious. You've got the whole year to know him, considering you are partners." she replied. I shrugged, "Or be ignored by him."

I headed off to my next class, History of Magic. I didn't know many of the people in this class, so I talked with another boy from Slytherin named Avery, and we sat together. He was friends with Riddle, I knew that much about him. I also remembered him to be familiar with Olive.

Following that I had Herbology. When I entered the green room I noticed Tom was in my class. As the day went on, I realized I had many classes with Riddle, much to my surprise. In Charms class I was even seated next to him, except this time I didn't bother saying anything.

At the end of the day Selene and I met up in the courtyard and discussed our first day of classes together. We had a great time, I missed her throughout the summer. We washed up and got ready for dinner, meeting up with Olive and Margie, as well as a few other students from Slytherin, and headed to the Great Hall.

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