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"I send you out to save two kids and you come back with another zombie." Hank says with a huff.

"Well, we did save two kids one of them just so happens to be a zombie." Mandy explains to Hank.

"She's like Loki! Now he's not alone." Savanna says smiling wide.

"Yeah, but what are we going to do with two zombies in camp? People are going to start talking and being suspicious of us." Hank warns them again.

"Will we have the doctor take some blood from her as well?" George asks.

"We should see if their blood is similar and that's why they both are like this." Hank says sighing.

"Excuse me, your going to do what to my sister?" Alex asks stepping in front of his twin sister.

I glance over towards them as they were standing in the corner this whole time. I'm in the other corner like last time as I don't like to be too close. I can tell that Alice is scared and confused about everything, but I'm glad that she has her brother. I feel like I'm a danger to everyone here since I didn't have any family helping me when I first woke up. I don't know how this whole thing works, and so I don't know if I'm going to become like the others over time. If that does happen then I don't want to be here when it does. I don't want to hurt anyone and make them lose their trust in Alice. I don't think she will become like the others because she has Alex, but I honestly don't know. I hope that doctor hurries up and tells us what he found in my blood.

"We aren't hurting her if that's what you're worried about. We have a doctor here, and he took a blood sample from this zombie so we will have him do the same with your sister." Mandy tells Alex seriously.

"What did the doctor find in his blood?" Alex asks glancing over at me.

"We don't know yet, he's still searching." Hank tells him.

"I'll go get the doctor!" Savanna offers again like last time.

We watch her as she runs out of the room and everyone around the table starts talking amongst themselves. I stay in my spot not wanting to draw attention to myself, but then I felt a tug on my sleeve which made me look down. I'm a bit surprised to see Alice next to me because she seems shy but then again I don't blame her either. Alex is behind her watching me closely, and I don't blame him for being protective. This world is shit now, and he doesn't know if he can trust me yet. I completely understand. I'm still a bit uncertain if I trust these humans, especially Hank and Darren. They both don't trust me and I'm sure George and Mandy don't fully trust me either.

Alice tugs on my sleeve again and I look at her raising an eyebrow. Alice points at me over and over again, and I didn't understand what she wanted. I think she's trying to tell me something. I thought as I reach into my bag. I took out my erase board before handing it to her. Alice takes it before trying to write whatever she was trying to say. Alice then hands it back to me and I try to read her messy handwriting. Wh-what is your na-name. I read before erasing her message and writing down Loki in my messy handwriting. I hand it back to her as she reads it or at least tries to read my handwriting.

"It says Loki." Alex tells Alice as she was having too much trouble reading it.

"What are you three doing?" Mandy asks suddenly making Alice and I jump.

"Alice just wanted to know what his name was. I did too honestly since nobody introduced him. Is that a problem?" Alex asks crossing his arms.

"No, but you seem so calm being around zombies considering you're a kid." George spoke up.

"My sister is a zombie, and he's just like my sister. So I don't see what there is to be afraid of? I don't know why you guys are giving him such a hard time, he's helped you get into the mall, didn't he? He's not attacking you, isn't he? Why are you still treating him like he's a monster that will eat your face?" Alex asks glaring at them.

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