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"I knew those zombies couldn't be trusted!" Hank growls.

"That zombie took my sister and she's probably already dead because those two let him in here." Darren snarls as he points towards George and me.

"Don't blame me! You told me to listen to Mandy and I did." George defended himself glaring at Hank and Darren.

"You still let her bring a bloody zombie into our camp! Now I lost my sister!" Darren argues back.

"Guys enough!" I yell slamming my hands onto the table before continuing with, "Nothing will be solved if we just throw the blame at each other."

"Yeah, your right." George agrees.

"There you go again agreeing with her without a fight. Your a big fucking coward George!" Darren growls.

"What did you say to me asshole!" George snarls as he storms over towards Darren.

"Guys! Stop fighting! Yes the zombies are gone and Savanna and Alex are missing, but that doesn't mean they ate them." I tell them honestly.

"What makes you so sure miss know it all?" Darren asks coldly.

"Well, first the most noticeable is that there's no blood anywhere or no commotion that indicates that they were attacked. Also, the secret exit was opened and they didn't know about that but Savanna." I explain to them in a duh tone.

"She has a point." Hank says sounding like he hates agreeing with me.

"Okay if they just left here in the middle of the night, then why did they?" George asks crossing his arms.

I cross my arms as well as I didn't need to think about it at all. It's obvious why they all left in the middle of the night. The two zombies hated it here, they didn't like how we were treating them. They knew we didn't trust them, and of course, Alex wouldn't let his sister leave his side. Savanna being the stubborn girl she is didn't want to let her new friends leave, so she tagged along as well. I know that's what happened. Savanna kept telling us over and over again that Loki was different, and he wasn't going to hurt us but we still didn't trust him. It's not like we meant to hurt his weird undead emotion, it's just it's hard to trust something that looks like a corpse that will eat your face. I know one thing though, we have to find them and quick. It's a dangerous world out there and Savanna and Alex will not make it.

"Who cares why they left! That damn zombie took my sister and I'm getting her back!" Darren growls.

"If you're going to have that attitude then you should stay here." I tell him bluntly.

"Mandy are you stupid? That's my little sister out there and I'm not leaving her out there with those monsters!" Darren growls again.

"I'm not saying to leave her out there. We will get her back along with the others, but if you are going to be all pissy then you should stay here." I tell him calmly.

"What? Who put you in charge!" Darren yells pissed.

"Hank." I bluntly say.

"Listen everyone. No more fighting. We have to find those kids and us standing around isn't going to help find them quicker." Hank says jumping into the conversation.

"What's the plan?" George asks.

"Well, you two aren't afraid or angry at the two zombies. So, I'll send you two out to look for them." Hank tells George and me.

"What! That's not fair Hank! Savanna is my sister! I should be out there looking for her!" Darren yells slamming his hands on the table.

"If you want to go then you have to listen to Mandy, Darren. No giving her a hard time and stop with the yelling will you? If you're out there you would be attracting zombies instead of being stealthy." Hank warns Darren sternly.

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