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My eyes snap open to see Savanna in the room, and she's in what looks to be pjs. She's wearing a white tank top with black yoga pants, and she's staring at me with a small smile. This girl doesn't give up, does she? I thought as she closes the door and walks over to me. I haven't realized that I sat down on the ground again until Savanna sat down next to me. I glanced at her and still wondered why she's not afraid of me. I mean you would think a young girl like her would be afraid of the undead. I also thought she was heading to bed, so why is she back here?

"Loki. I'm sorry my friends are mean to you." Savanna apologizes.

I glanced at her before grabbing the board out of my bag and wrote down my question that's been bugging me since I met her. I turn the board towards her so she can read it, and once she finishes reading she looks back up at me.

"Because you're different Loki. When I walked into that store and saw you eating that raw meat, well I knew you were different. But once you noticed me standing there, you didn't attack as any other zombies would've. You just stood there and stared, and I could see the fear in your eyes." Savanna explains to me still with that smile on her face.

I raise an eyebrow at her and look down at my board trying to figure out what to say next. I tense when I felt a warm hand on my cold ones, and I felt afraid to move as I forgot how the warmth felt. I glance down at her small pale hand on my pale, discolored hand before looking back up at her. Savanna is staring at the ground seeming upset, and I still felt afraid to move. I kept glancing down at her hand on mine and wondered why she's so nice and comfortable around me. I'm one of the undead, and she's human she shouldn't be this comfortable around me.

"Loki? If you were still alive, would you be my friend?" Savanna asks now looking at me.

I turned towards her not really knowing what I'll do or who I'll be around if I was still alive. I gave her a shrug as I really don't know, and she just nods sadly before setting her head on my shoulder. I tense even more as what is actually going on here? Why is she doing this? I wonder now very afraid to move. What if her friends walk in here and see this? They will get the wrong idea and blame it on me for sure. I try to carefully move away, but Savanna suddenly picks her head up and looks at me.

"I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" Savanna asks realizing.

I nod quickly as I slip my hand out from under hers, and she frowns as I move away from her. I might be different from the other undead, but I still think she shouldn't get so comfortable with me like that. What if I suddenly turn like the others? Then what? She would be dead and I won't even be able to feel guilty about it. I don't want to hurt anyone, and I don't want to get myself killed. I'm already part of the undead, but I don't want to be completely dead just yet. I glance over at Savanna and she seems to be thinking about something, and when this girl thinks it's never good.

"Loki? If we could find a cure for you, then could we be friends?" Savanna asks me with hopeful eyes.

I stare at her with wide eyes because truth be told I never even thought about getting cured. I thought I'll be stuck like this forever, or until I decide to just end it all. I give a shrug as I nod my head because even though she's too trusting, she is kind but I highly doubt they will find a cure. This isn't a movie or a story, where good things happen, so a cure wouldn't be possible. Right?

"Really? That's great! I'll get my friends to start searching for a cure!" Savanna says happily as she stands up.

I watch as she rushes out the door closing it quietly before I'm all alone once again. What just happened? I wonder confused. I shake my head as I let my head hang as I don't know what to do now. I shouldn't be here and I don't know why I even followed them in the first place. I must be out of my mind, well I guess maybe I am since I am technically dead. A cure would be nice and being able to talk would be great, but I'm not even sure if that's even possible. I'm not going to get my hopes up, and I really hope that Savanna won't get her hopes up either.

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