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The sun is still down as the moon is still up shining brightly. It's a bit hard for Savanna and Alex to see since there's no light except the moon. Alice and I have no problem seeing in the dark considering we are undead. The darkness isn't our problem at the moment though, as we need to find a safe place to rest. That thing that attacked us in the sewers injured my leg, and I'm limping but besides that Alex and Savanna need to rest. If there was one of those weird mutant undead then I do not doubt that there's more of them. They are sneaky, quiet, and quick and can be anywhere. I never thought I'll encounter an undead that will attack me, considering I'm kind of like them. Why did he attack me? I wonder. Did he sense that I still have some human blood inside of me? I guess it's possible, but why would he be able to and the other undead couldn't. I don't understand.

I've only been like this for a few days and feel like I'm getting more questions with no answers. I thought before wincing from the pain in my leg. This just doesn't make any sense. I'm undead but I have some human blood inside me still, and I can still feel some pain like humans. I might not be able to talk but I'm actually grateful that I can still feel pain. It makes me feel human a little bit, even though I know I'm not one. I'll probably never be human again but this little bit is enough to make me remember what being human had felt like. I don't remember much about being human, but I remember that humans definitely had it better than what I have now.

"How's your leg Loki?" Savanna asks as she's been helping me walk.

I gave her a shrug as I don't feel like taking out my board, and besides this is embarrassing. I'm undead but need a human girl to help me walk because I was injured by another undead. I have nothing against Savanna it's just that it's embarrassing and I'm worried. I'm a bit iffy with people touching me, especially the humans. I don't want them getting turned because of me, however, that happens. I wish I remember how I got turned then it would help me be careful.

"Should we try and see if one of these houses is empty and unlock?" Alex asks pointing to a blue house.

"Good idea Alex! It will give us a place to rest." Savanna says as we start heading towards the blue house.

I look towards the blue house and I don't know why but it looks oddly familiar. I kept staring at it and as Alex tries the white door but found it lock, something in me found this place more familiar. I'm not sure why as most houses are locked due to the apocalypse, but something about this place is making me feel like I've been here before. I was in such deep thought that I didn't realize that Alex broke a window, and climbed inside before unlocking the door for us. We walk inside before Alex closes and locking the door again. I look around the house feeling more familiarity with this place before glancing over towards the kitchen to see a table with two chairs. Something about that kitchen is making me feel like I've definitely been here before. I push away from Savanna which surprised her but this feeling is making me feel weird. I walk into the kitchen and look around before noticing something sitting on the counter. It was a first aid kit that's opened.

"I wish you well miss." I tell her politely.

"Please just call me Beth. I might be the only other human you encounter." Beth tells me sadly.

"True. Please take care Beth, and hopefully, this will all end soon." I tell her as I'm heading back to the door.

"What's your name, young boy?" Beth asks.

"My name is..."

"Loki? Are you okay?"

I snap out of my memories as I hear Savanna's voice calling me by my undead name. I grab onto my head as this memory, I had it before back at Savanna's camp. Why is it bothering me so much though? Beth? She took care of me when I was turning but she still helped me and wanted to know my name. The name I still don't know of. I turn towards Savanna and the others as they are watching me with confused and worried looks. I look around the kitchen again before pushing by them and into the living room. Beth has to still be alive right? How long has it been since that memory occurred? I look around the living room but it looks fine and untouched. I saw some pictures of Beth and her family and just seeing her brought that memory on again. I can't believe I'm back here. I thought of feeling different emotions. I look around the room before going towards one of the doors.

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