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The next morning we left Beth's house and I couldn't find it in me to take her food, but I knew some other survivors would've. That or it would've just gone bad, so we took what we could eat. I took the first aid kit as well, she would have wanted me to have it. I couldn't stop seeing that memory and then seeing her lifeless body on her bed. I'm glad I remembered something but why did she have to go? Then again, who knows how long it's been since we last saw each other. It could've been months or years before I got turned. I need to find a way to trigger that memory but how am I suppose to do that? I thought maybe since being inside Beth's house triggered that memory, then just being outside with all of the corpses would trigger how I got turned. I'm not getting anything but a terrible stench of these corpses.

"This area stinks of high heavens." Alex says covering his nose as Alice nods agreeing.

"This place is giving me a headache. We should leave." Savanna says looking at all of the corpses with sadness.

I nod as well as this place gives me the creeps as well as the smell is bothering me. We were just walking around trying to find a safe place where we can set up our safe havens like Mandy and Hank. When we came upon this area full of rotten corpses and they reek. They've must've been dead for a very long time if they smell this bad. I wonder who killed them though? I wonder thinking back to that undead who attacked me. It could be him, right? He was quick and silent, and besides, he attacked me and I'm one of the undead.

"Let's rest over there for now." Savanna suggests.

We nod as we follow her towards a small corner before sitting down. Savanna took off the bag she found on our here before taking out a bag of chips. Alex grabs one out as well from the bag, and it made me hungry seeing them eat. I don't remember when the last time I ate anything. I grab my bag before opening it up and taking out the bacon since it's morning still. I turn towards Alice who's watching me and gesture towards the bacon and back to her. Alice smiles before coming over and I gave her half before I ate the other half of the bacon. I'm gonna have to find more food soon. I thought realizing that I only have chicken and steak left. I guess I should've taken something from Beth's freezer as well.

"Alex don't litter!" Savanna scolds.

"Seriously? This place is already destroyed by the apocalypse so who cares." Alex mumbles.

"That's no reason you should help destroy the world more with your garbage." Savanna tells him seriously.

I shake my head with their argument as I look around the area. I then spotted a crack in the wall and I kept staring at that crack as I felt a sudden fear come over me. I'm not sure why as I'm not sensing any other undead near, but I do sense blood near that crack, and it's my blood. I quickly stand up before rushing over to the wall with the crack to try and confirm, and yes it's definitely my blood I can sense. It's very faint as it's dried up and looks like it's been here for a long time. I've been here before as well. I thought as I furrowed my eyebrows. It's almost like we are backtracking to where I've been before I was turned, but is this all a coincidence, or are we somehow being led this way? I shake my head as I look down through the crack as this once used to be an alleyway but they shield it up. I can't remember how this crack formed but I'm glad it did as it helped me escape all of those undead.

"What's the matter Loki?" Savanna asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

I glance behind myself to see them all in their spots still, but they are all staring at me now. I don't know how I'm going to explain this. I remember that I've been here before as well but, wait a minute! I grab onto my right shoulder as I remember one of the undead scratching me when I tried to squeeze myself through here. Is that how I got turned? It sounds silly but it's what I remember at the moment. I thought glancing over to my shoulder.

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