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I follow the three humans very hesitantly, well one of them is behind me which makes me very nervous. I glance back at him before turning back towards the two girls. Savanna is telling Mandy the story of how we met, and I don't know why she's so fascinated by me. I'm undead, and she's alive so wouldn't she technically be disgusted by me? I glance down at the board I'm carrying and wonder if they are going to let me keep this. Maybe I could use this to communicate with the other undead. I wonder as I thought back to that other two undead who tried to communicate with me. I don't know if they could read, but it's worth a shot I guess and it's not like they could kill me. Right?

The two girls stop suddenly in front of a metal door, and I look around to see spikes and cars tipped over as shields. Mandy walks up to the door and banged on the door with her fist double times, then stops, then double times again. The door slides open and reveals a tall dark-skinned guy in a white tank top and dark blue jeans with brown boots. He smiles at Mandy and the others but instantly frowns at me. He grabs onto Mandy and Savanna pulling them inside before quickly taking out a shotgun. I panicked as I fell flat on the ground when he shot at me.

"No! Wait, stop Hank! He's with us!" Mandy yells pulling his arm down.

"This abomination is with you? Mandy, he's a zombie and will eat you. Did you forget what they do?" The scary guy named Hank asks.

"I didn't forget, but this one is different. He doesn't eat flesh. He eats raw meat." Mandy explains to him.

"Oh? So he's a cannibal?" Hank asks aiming his gun back at me.

"No! Just listen to me for a second! He eats meat like us but raw! He's not like the other zombies." Mandy explains more clearly.

"What? How can that be?" Hank asks lowing his gun and looking over at Mandy.

"He's a special zombie Hank, he doesn't eat humans and he can't speak." Savanna spoke up.

"Can't speak?" Hank asks as he glances up at me.

I stayed on the ground afraid to get up, and I knew coming along with these three humans was a bad idea. I still did it though and why? I have no clue, maybe I just felt lonely. The other undead doesn't seem to care for me since I can't talk back to them, but these humans seem interested in the fact that I can't. Well, that and the fact I don't eat flesh.

"Yeah he's mute. I don't know how but he's different than the other zombies, can you please be nice to him and let him come inside?" Savanna asks him sweetly.

Hank raises an eyebrow but shakes his head sighing as he puts his gun away. He tells Mandy that if I make any wrong move that he's blowing my head off. I gulp nervously as he turns and walks inside, and the others followed. Savanna comes over with a kind smile telling me that it's alright. I don't think that it's alright but I guess I have no choice now. I thought as I stand up. I stare at Savanna and never noticed until now that she's around my age, whatever age I am. She has long blonde wavy hair and bright blue eyes, she's wearing a dark purple hoodie with blue jeans and boots. She's slim with an almost pale complexion.

"We should get inside Loki." Savanna spoke up.

I snap out of my thoughts nodding and I almost forgot that my name is Loki now. I wonder where she got that name from? I followed her inside the humans camp and I felt afraid of being attacked, as I kept looking around watching for anyone sneaking up from the shadows. I saw some other humans who I haven't met staring at me with caution and with fright. I wish I wasn't here. I thought as I followed Savanna further inside the humans camp. Savanna walked inside a room and I followed seeing Mandy, Hank, and the other guy who I still have no idea what his name is. They were around a table with what looks like a map, and I didn't want to get too close so I stayed by the door. Savanna rushes over to the table and looks down at the map listening in on their conversation.

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