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It's been almost a week since Aaron, Mandy, and George left to look for the boat. Hank has been trying to be patient and not send out a rescue team. I can tell he's worried, but they should be fine. All three of them are great at shooting, and they are smart. Aaron knows where he left his boat last, it's probably just a faraway distance from here. Anything would take longer when your walking and have to constantly hide from zombies that want to eat you. I kind of feel bad suggesting the boat, but at the same time, I don't. It's for the best. This is for the best for humanity. I still don't know what's going to happen when the news comes out that Alice and I have to stay here. What will Alex do? I hate thinking of the worse but I hope he leaves her behind, how awful that may sound but nobody is going to want us, zombies, to go with them. Especially if it's a chance to start over without zombies around trying to eat everyone with a beating heart.

I glance over at Alex and Alice as they are talking, well Alex is talking while Alice is writing on her board. I can tell Alice feels a bit distress about this whole thing, but she's not saying anything to her brother. I don't know if it's because she realizes that she won't be able to go along with her brother or if it's because of something else. I'm not sure but I don't like to intrude on other people's business, but still, this whole thing is frustrating. If they do find Aaron's boat and return. Then it's going to take us days maybe weeks to get everyone to the boat. I'm not sure if we have that much time. I know for one thing for certain before I say my last goodbyes to everyone I want to talk with my father. If it's not too late by then.

"Loki, what are you thinking so hard about over here?" Savanna asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look up and over at her as she walks over with a smile on her face. I felt a bit upset as she doesn't realize I won't be able to come with them when they find the boat. I noticed that she has different clothes on today, and couldn't remember if she always changed her clothes or not. I'm assuming so but anyway she's wearing a red t-shirt with black leggings and her work boots I first saw her in. I noticed that her hair is down this time, and it reaches her hips. I didn't realize how long her hair was, it looked different when it was up in a ponytail. I guess that's to be expected. Savanna sits down on the ground next to me before looking over at me still smiling happily.

"I hope they find the boat soon! It will be great that we can start our lives over." Savanna says happily.

I nod as I didn't want to tell her I won't be able to go with her. I didn't want her to start a fight with everyone and end up stopping the search for the boat. I don't know if they will, since it's the only option they have for their survival.

"What will you do once we get to the new land?" Savanna asks suddenly cutting me off guard.

I glance at her as I didn't know how to answer that, but I still don't want to tell her the truth. I took out my board as I wrote my answer, as it's a half-lie but it's still a half-truth in some way. Because once all of the humans are gone from this land, then it will technically be a new land for us zombies. Until the toxic waste kills us all off. I turn my board towards her as I let her read my messy handwriting.

I don't know. I wrote.

"It's okay Loki! We can figure it out together!" Savanna says happily.

I stop erasing my message as I didn't know how to answer that one. I feel like befriending her was a bad idea, because now when I have to say goodbye it's going to be so hard. I felt my chest tighten as I feel so upset about this whole concept. I still can't tell her the truth, and honestly, I can't even hug her. I don't want to get the urge to bite her like last time because I was too close. Just her being this close is getting hard. I can smell her scent. I can hear her blood running through her veins and I can hear her heartbeat beating. It's making the urge come back but I'm pushing it down or trying to at least.

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