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I'm running as fast as I could but they are slowly surrounding me. My heart is beating so fast that it feels like it will jump out of my chest. I stop as I hit a dead end, but I notice a crack just big enough for me to fit. I spun around hearing them getting closer as I felt so afraid that I wish that this was all a bad dream. I ran towards the crack in the wall and squeezed myself through, and managed to just slip my leg in when they showed up reaching for me. I grit my teeth together as one of them scratched my shoulder. I ignored it for now as I kept pushing myself through until I made it to the other side. I let out a breath as I got away for now. I glanced over at my shoulder to see that it's bleeding, and I got worried that this was going to make me into one of those monsters.

I heard more coming and I knew I have to find some place to hide. I ran down the road trying to find anyplace to hide, and found a couple of houses. I ran up to one before banging on it for help, and when the door opened a crack I saw an older lady. I didn't want to be rude, but I push the door open and the lady out of my way before slamming the door closed. The lady gasped before backing away from me, and I glanced at her after locking the door.

"I-I'm sorry I burst in, bu-but they were chasing me a-and I didn't know wh-where else to go." I explained gasping for breath.

"You're not one of them?" The lady asks cautiously.

"No, bu-but one of them scratched me a-and I don't know if that means I will soon." I explain to her.

The lady glanced to my shoulder before offering to clean it up, and I accepted her offer. I told her that I'll leave afterwards not wanting to get her killed if I do end up turning. The lady tells me that she appreciates it but felt bad that I would have to go.

"I'm sorry someone so young is going through this." The lady tells me cleaning up my wound.

I wince as I held onto my bow tightly. I really hope that I won't turn, and I really wished that this was all a bad dream. I turn to the lady thanking her as she finished up cleaning my wound. I put my bow and quiver of arrows back over my shoulders before turning to her.

"I wish you well miss." I tell her politely.

"Please just call me Beth. I might be the only other human you encounter." Beth tells me sadly.

"True. Please take care Beth, and hopefully this will all end soon." I tell her as I'm heading back to the door.

"What's your name young boy?" Beth asks.

"My name is..."

I open my eyes from the dream? Memory? I felt confused as it didn't feel like a dream, but how could I actually remember something? I slowly sat up rubbing my head until I froze seeing everyone by the table. I forgot about them and whose this new guy arguing with Mandy? Savanna notices me awake and comes over with a smile plastered on her face.

"You're awake Loki!" Savanna yells happily.

"Savanna get away from that monster!" The new guy growls.

"You're not my dad Darren!" Savanna growls back.

"No, but I am you're older brother. Get away from that abomination!" The new guy named Darren growls.

"Calm down Darren. I've told you he's different and Dr. Mitsbee has some of his blood to take some tests." Mandy explains to him which sounds like she's done it already.

"I don't care! He's still a zombie!" Darren yells.

I glanced at my arm and noticed a bandage on it, and I'm surprised that they even took the time to even bandage my arm. I'm also surprised that the doctor already took my blood, he must've did it when I fell unconscious. Which I'm guessing this Darren is the reason I fell unconscious. He smacked me with the door, but I didn't realize something like that could make the undead go unconscious so easily.

Undead MuteWhere stories live. Discover now