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I made it to a gas station, and I'm not sure how much food will be here but I'll just have to hope for the best. I walk inside and just like the grocery store there's corpses everywhere. I went to the cold section, and hope that there's some meat. I don't care what kind. When I got to the cold section it was completely empty. All there was left was old containers of cottage cheese and a package of hotdogs. I don't know if that will satisfy my hunger, but I grab them anyways and tried one. I instantly spit the hotdog out and felt even more hungry than before. Damn. I can't eat hotdogs. I thought upsettingly. I dropped the rest of the package onto the floor before searching for anything else I could try. There's absolutely nothing for me to eat here, and I highly doubt old candy will satisfy me. I plopped down on the ground wondering what to do now. I really wish that girl killed me now. I thought upsettingly. If I don't get food soon, then I might end up just like the rest of those undead. I don't want to be like them, but I guess this is my destiny. I drop my head down so it's hanging, and I closed my eyes as I try to sleep. I then open my eyes again as I realized I can't sleep anymore. Well this sucks. I thought annoyed. I can't eat and I can't even sleep, so what's good about the undead but killing and eating humans?

"I think there's food in here."

Uh oh! There's more humans coming, but at least they didn't see me moving so I can just play dead. I just have to stay still until they leave. I hear them coming closer towards me, and they stop in front of me. I heard one of them groan in frustration when they notice that there's no food. I hear the second one move away and pick up the package of hotdogs that I dropped on the ground.

"Well, here's this."

"Are you kidding? Who knows how long that's been on the ground."

"Yeah I guess. So now what?"

"We head back to camp and see if anyone else found anything."


"Let's go."

"Hey wait a minute Mandy, look at what that guy has!"

"You mean the corpse?"

"Yeah but look what he has! He has a bow and arrows!"

"Yeah so? Do you even know how to shoot?"

"I can learn."

"Just leave it stupid. You will just shoot an arrow at someone."

"I won't! Please let me take it!"

"What are you? A child? No! Let's get out of here, it's almost dark."

"But Mandy!"

"Shut up! Let's go."

"Your no fun."

"This isn't supposed to be fun, we are in the middle of a-"

I didn't hear the rest of their conversation as they left the store. I slowly pick up my head and looked around the store. More humans. I need to leave and find a place to hide. I thought as I stand up. I'm glad that girl convinced that guy not to take my bow and arrows. I might have to give up my fake deadness so he wouldn't take it, of course that would only end me in being actual dead. I walk out of the store and out into the night sky, and I stare up at the dark sky as I don't see any stars. I shrug as I continue making my way to who knows where. I glance around the area and wondered where I should try to get food now. I then notice another undead, and I stop in my tracks as I stare at him. He's limping along but hasn't noticed me yet. I turn to walk the other way but then saw more of them walking around, and I felt afraid even though I know they won't attack me. I turn around again and saw a zombie girl come limping my way, and she stops as she stares emotionless at me. Her eyes are white like mine, but more darker and she has dark circles under her eyes as well. Her eyes are sunken in as her skin looks paler, discolored and bloodied. I scrunch my nose up as she smells really bad, and she stares at me like well I don't know.

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