Flustered Mess

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Chapter 2


Morning came around soon, windows barely covering from the curtains as the light shine through. I groaned softly rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I reached over and grabbed my phone, squinting from the brightness from the screen. As my eyes adjusted, I looked at the time and saw it was 6:00 Am. I groaned rolling out of bed, then flinched. I looked behind me then facepalmed my forehead. "I forgot that I'm in this world" I yawned tiredly stretching slightly while getting up from my bed.

I opened the door, towards the bathroom and noticed that the door is locked. I knocked just loud enough for whoever is in there to hear it.

"Hold on" is all I heard while rubbing my eyes.

The door opened slightly, I looked up tiredly seeing who it was "oh sorry Sero."

"it's ok Lil sis, but you might want to get your school uniform, we'll be leaving here in 30 minutes" as he said going out of the bathroom.

"Oh, that's right school starts today, which I forgot what year I'm in." I rubbed that back of my neck.

"you're in the same year as me, which is second year of U.A high" as he said going towards his room.

I nod a bit while going to my room to grab my uniform then head towards the bathroom to change and brush my teeth and hair. "I wonder why my teeth only goes shark like when I'm upset?" as I thought to myself but shrugged it off at the thought.

As I finished getting ready for school, I went back to my room to grab my bag while putting my night clothes into the laundry bin.

"Hopefully, things go right at school" as I made my way down the stairs where Sero is waiting for me at the door.

"let's go Y/N, or we'll be late" as he said slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"De-ja vu" is what I thought "reminds me when I was doing that to my little brother Matt before the accident.

"Y/N!" Sero yelled out as he went through the door.

"Oh sorry, Coming Sero" after I blinked a couple of times because sliding my shoes on.

As Sero and I walked to school, I heard a voice behind us.

"OI Soy Sauce Face, wait up damn it" as what I heard.

A ticking nerve pulsed against my temple but kept my cool as I walked. Sero on the other hand stopped for said person. I looked back to see who he was waiting on and it was a boy with blonde hair and red eyes and next to him was the boy from yesterday. I turned my gaze around as I kept walking towards the school.

"Hey Sero, how's it going man" the red head said.

"Nothing much Kirishima, just keeping an eye on my little sister there, just in case she has any episodes" Sero pointed out.

My ears perked a bit listening on their conversation's, and overheard my brother said the red head's name.

"Kirishima huh?" then you winced at the pain from your head causing you to stop in your tracks.

"Sis you ok?" as my brother ran towards me.

"No, my head hurts" as I placed my hands on my head.

"Could it be a headache?" Kirishima said.

"Might be, since we're here at the school anyways, let's take her to recovery girl" Sero has suggested.

I nod a bit while rubbing softly against my head.

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