Where am I? What is this place?

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Is all I could hear right now was our breathing and the machines beeping till I heard another knock at the door. The nurse walked in calmly to update my clipboard and smiled softly.

"You can see her now. your lab works are simply fine." The recovery girl said as she put the clip board down and walked out.

"Sero...come help me up I want to go see her." I said as I launched the blanket off my lap.

"Sure Eijiro." Sero walked on the other side and helped me on the side. we walked carefully but hurriedly towards the next room. We stood in front of it, anxiety skyrocketing not knowing what she looked like on the other side of this door. With a shaky hand, I knocked on the door but didn't hear anything, I then turned the doorknob to open the door. Once the door opened, I feel relieved. She's all right. Thank God. But why didn't she hear us knocking I wondered? Looked around and saw a nurse.

"Excuse me, can you tell me what's wrong with Y/N? I'm her boyfriend and this is her brother." Eyes plead of any report.

"of course, let me get the doctor for you. You can wait in there with her." she said as she went to get her doctor. Left the door open, so it'll be much easier on them.

As minutes past I sat next to her bed, her hand in mine rubbing my thumb against the back of her hand as I watched her sleep.

A silent knock was heard, I lifted my head slightly seeing the doctor coming through the doorway.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Greg. It's a pleasure to meet both of you Red Riot and Cellophane." As the he shook our hands.

"Please, we're out of our uniforms, I know we're heroes in training but please. How is my sister? And why is she not waking up??" Sero had asked while I still held onto Y/N's hand.

"Y/N is in a coma  when she came here. we're trying our best to wake her up. And you Red Riot need to be in your room." The doctor looked towards me.

"Is there any way I can be next to her in this bed? It's the only way I can keep an eye on her for her brother's sake when he's not here." I pleaded.

"of course. I'll have the nurse bring your belongings in here." He said as he walked out to go tell the nurse.

I gave out a sigh of relief knowing that I'll be next to her.

"Sero, thank you. if it wasn't for you taking down my aunt. we wouldn't be here in the hospital " Eijiro bowed his head

"Eijiro, there's no need for you to bow towards me. we're heroes in training. that's what we do to save others even if it's the love of your life and a family member as well. but i do need to ask you something later once we're healed up and all. but I need mina's help on this. 

Y/N's P.O.V

"Where am I? what is this place?" as I thought to myself.

"Oh, that's right.... I'm at the hospital. But why can't I move. Wait, ...I hear Eijiro and Sero."

Start to listen carefully

"Did my boyfriend just thanked him??" while trying to hear him clearly

"Have to move. Work fingers, work!" as I tried moving my fingers

Fingers twitched then I tried again. Gasped slightly in excitement. ,"Can feel Eijiro's hand, I want to grip his hand harder." I thought to myself.

Wrapping my fingers around his hand tightly "now the next challenge is to open my eyes.

I started fluttering my eyes a bit seeing the bright lights from the ceiling

Sero's P.O.V

I sat next to Eijiro, wrapping my arms around my torso.

"She's a fighter; this isn't the first time she's been in a coma. Ever since she found out about her quirk at 5. There was blood all over from her fins coming out. And then when she woke up again, she got into an accident. caused her to have a head injury which caused her to be in another coma. Hence why she always has headaches now. and having amnesia. I wish I can help her remember."

As I finished, at the corner of my eyes I thought I saw Y/N's fingers twitched. Know I'm tired but not that tired. Rubbed my eyes a bit and focused on her hand and sure enough her fingers started wrapping around his hand. And then I saw her eyes fluttered slightly.

"Eijiro! Look" I shouted.

Eijiro snapped his head up and looked at her hand tightening around his hand.

"Go get the doctor quick!" he said.

Hurried out the door and shouted down the hall. "Need a doctor in here quick. My Little Sister is starting to wake up!"

The doctor ran down the hall and into my sister's room as they started examining her, shining a flashlight in her eyes seeing if her pupils shrink and dilate which it did.

"Y/N can you hear me? If you can hear me, can you move any parts of your body? can you blink twice for a, yes?"

We watched her carefully as she started moving her arm slowly towards her face, trying to grasp the tube while blinking twice for a yes.

"Quick. Remove the tube." Doctor Greg had instructed.

"Alright Ms. Y/N. I need you to take a deep breath, ok?" the doctor instructed her.

She took a deep breath and they started removing the tube, once the tube was out, she started coughing. I'm so happy nothing bad happened to her. I know she's a fighter. She always has been. But something is odd about her though. I'll ask her once the doctors and nurse leave the room.

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