can she be healed?

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Once we got to the mall, we looked around and picked up some new shoes, some clothes, I stopped at one store and saw it had full of nothing but Neko stuff. I smirked gesturing Eijiro to come over and see. We both started laughing knowing too well that Mr. Aizawa loved cats. I grabbed his hand and head inside. We started looking around till I spotted a big stuffed cat that remotely looked like our teacher. I picked it up showed Eijiro it. He laughed and nodded his head. "Yep, that is Mr. Aizawa all right, come on let's go pay for it so we can go back."

We bought it then head towards the cabin where the others were. As we got halfway there, I kept hearing footsteps behind me. I didn't want to turn but something was off. my skin felt like it was crawling. I started hugging the grumpy stuffed cat in my arms.

Right as I started to grab Eijiro's arm, someone's hand wrapped around my waist. It was so quick that I didn't realize that Eijiro was on the ground. I blinked a few times trying to process what was going on. I looked up and saw someone that I don't even know who It was. All I saw was a female smiling widely. She had long flowy black hair, but something was off about her. it's like I should of know her. I grabbed my head as the pain throbbed against it as the memories started flooding back.

"Make it stop" I cried out.

Why is my head hurt so much now? I kneeled screaming in pain, as my head felt like it was going to split open.

Sero's P.O.V

Eijiro and my sister was supposed to be back by now. I wonder what is taking so long. I have a sickly feeling that something is wrong till I heard her scream. That scream only happens when something is majorly wrong. I got up grabbed my shoes and ran towards where her screams were coming from.

"OI! Soy Sauce face where are you going??" Bakugo yelled out.

"I think my sister and Eijiro is in trouble. We need to go.... now.... call All-might and Mr. Aizawa. I'll leave the location on so they can track me.... Hurry now." I yelled out as I used the tape from my quirk to sling myself towards the scream.

As I did Bakugo called All-might and Mr. Aizawa, telling them both what was going on and told them that the location on my phone was on. I really hope I can make it. As I got there, Eijiro was on the ground unconscious, and my sister was kneeling holding her head. I looked up and saw a woman long flowy black hair, smiling like she's crazy. I shot my tape towards her and wrapped around her then knocked her out. I got confused because any normal person that is around hero students and heroes in general would fight but this one.... didn't fight at all.... what's going on. Right when I knocked out the woman, my sister unclenched her head and fell over. I rushed towards her, checking to see if there's no cuts or bruises around her which there is. But something did happen to Eijiro. Once I made sure that both are unharmed. All-might and Mr. Aizawa came.

"Sero, is everything alright?" All-Might asked.

I nod my head but still have a puzzled look on my face.

"What happened?" Mr. Aizawa said in his monotone voice.

"All I know is that I had a gut feeling that Eijiro and my sister was in trouble. When I came, she was holding her head like it was being split open, and Eijiro was unconscious on the ground. The lady there" points to the knocked-out woman on the ground "was just looking at Y/N, smiling. Y/N and Eijiro does not have any marks or any injuries that I can tell on the outside of their bodies."

"I see.... well one. You did an excellent job but two. Your reckless on going by yourself." All Might had said before giving out another cough.

I nodded my head and looked over towards Eijiro and Y/N. soon there was an ambulance stopping behind us to take them to the hospital.

I followed the paramedics to the ambulance, but they stopped me.

"Sir I need you to get back" the paramedic said.

"that's my sister, I need to be there with her." I said with a stern face.

They looked at Mr. Aizawa and All Might, which both nods they're heads. The paramedic allowed me into the back, and I held Y/n's hand.

Once we got to the hospital, they took my sister and Eijiro to the room to be examined. I sat down on to the chair in the waiting room, I placed my head onto my hands waiting for the doctor to come out.

Eijiro's P.O.V

I woke up, my vision blurred a bit. I lifted my hand up but noticed that there was an I.V. in my arm. I sat up slowly, still feeling groggy from what happened. wait. What did happen? I thought to myself. All I know was that me and Y/N was heading back towards the cabin and felt something pinch my neck.

"Oh god I hope my quirk works still...." As I activated my quirk, both arms and my whole body hardens. I felt relieved that my quirk still worked but it makes me wonder what was injected into me. "Wait where's Y/N????" I started looking over the place for her. I started to get up till recovery girl came in.

"Young man you need to lay back down." as she said holding her clipboard in her hands.

"where's Y/N?" as I tried getting up but got pushed back down by her.

"she's fine, she's in the room next to yours." While placing the blanket back on my lap.

I frowned a bit wanting to see her and see how she's doing.

"After your lab works are done, you can see her." she said after leaving.

I looked over at the nightstand next to me and saw my phone, I picked it up and started looking for Sero's number.

Daddy Shark- hey Sero, are you still at the hospital?

Knock-Off Spiderman- yes i am. im in the waiting room waiting to see Y/N.

Daddy Shark- thats good, but i wanted to ask you what happened last night. can you come to my room?

Knock-Off Spiderman- oh sure. I'll be there in about 10 minutes, I'm down the hall from your room.

Daddy Shark- oh cool.

I placed my phone down onto my lap, leaning my head against the frame of the bed. What did happen? And how did we end up here?

After the 10 minutes were up, there was a knock at the door. Sero peeked through the door.

"Hey Eijiro. How are you feeling man?" he said while placing the stuffed bear with a shark outfit down on the chair.

"That I'm not sure. That's why I asked you what happened last night." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Oh, that's right, to be honest I'm not sure. I got a gut feeling that Ya'll were in trouble. And when I got there. You were unconscious, Y/N was gripping her head like it was splitting open, but there was a woman with long black flowy hair." He said as he recalls on what happened.

"Wait, did she have this tattoo on her arms?" as I skimmed through my phone to look for that type of tattoo. Once I did, I showed him the person with the tattoo.

He looked at the picture with a shocked expression. "Eijiro......who is that person...."

"That woman, is my aunt..her name is Samantha....we disowned her because she tried to kill mom when she was pregnant with Y/N......I think it's because mom can get pregnant, and she couldn't...." as I look back at the picture. "And her quirk.... I pray to god that my aunt didn't do any damage to my baby shark....and if she did damage her brain.......just hope she can be healed from it."

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