🖤Part 1❤️

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Love is... putting someone else's needs before yours... no matter how... problematic they are. My mother always told me that "when you're in love... you'll know. The whole world gets brighter, puppies will get cutier." Me, however, have never experienced love... until recently. Her name you ask? well... that I'd like to keep to myself because it's obvious... they just don't know it yet. So in conclusion, never forget who brought you into a dark room because they are the light to brighten it up...

*Ms Bustier claps, shortly followed by everyone else*
Ms Bustier: Thank you, Adrien, for that wonderful audition.
Adrien: *Smiles and sits back down next to Nino who fist bumps him*
Marinette: *Sighs, happily* Adrien's my light.
Alya: He will be as soon as you ask him out.
Marinette: *Hides her face in shame*
Ms Bustier: Thank you all for your auditions for our summer play "Love Is...". The cast sheet will be posted at Lunchtime in the library.
*The bell rings*
Ms Bustier: Have a nice rest of your day!
*All of the students walk out in groups or pairs*
Alya: Hey, if you get the lead and Adrien gets the lead, you'll be able to hang out and even rehearse the kissing scene!
Marinette: Ki...Ki...Kissing scene! Alya, why didn't you tell me?!
Alya: Because I knew you would freak out. Come on, you just need confidence!
Marinette: I can't even speak to him without stuttering! How am I suppose to act with him?!
Alya: *Places his arm around her* Oh, Marinette. You'll find a way.
*With Nino and Adrien*
Nino: so, dude, who was that monologue about?
Adrien: o..oh that... that was... what my character would say, it's not about anyone.
Nino: *doesn't believe him* hm-mhm.
Adrien: um... I need to use the restroom. *Walks off faster*
Nino: Whatever you say, dude.

*In the restroom with Adrien*
Adrien: *looks around then open his jacket*
Plagg: *Flies out of his open jacket and stretches* that monologue was so sweet... let me guess... it was about Ladybug.
Adrien: *leans onto the sink, looking in the mirror* was it that obvious?
Plagg: hmm... obvious to people with another identity perhaps...
Adrien: *sighs* I meant what I said about the dark room. She came into my life and made that room brighter. She needs to know how I feel.
Plagg: For like the 500th time this year...
Adrien: This time... I will mean it... no more jokes!

*In the library, 2 hours later*
Alya & Nino: *sitting together, studying*
Adrien: *browsing through books*
Marinette: *runs in, holding her phone* Alya...
*She bumps into Adrien, causing her to fall over and smash her phone*
Adrien: *Notices her on the floor* Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Marinette! *Holds his hand out* Let me help you up...
Marinette: *Stutters, holds his hand* it...its not your fault.. I... I didn't see where I was going... um... *looks around* my phone... *gasps and picks it up* it's smashed...
Adrien: I'm sorry, I'll buy you a new one!
Marinette: n..no.. it's okay... I'll wait until my birthday... *walks over to Alya*
Adrien: *Feels bad*
Ms Bustier: *walks in with the cast list and pins it up onto the notice board and leaves*
Nino: Hey, was that the cast list?
Chloe: *snaps her fingers* Sabrina, check the cast list.
Sabrina: Yes, Chloe. *goes over and checks then walks back to Chloe and whispers into her ear*
Alya: what happened?
Chloe: Dupain-Cheng got the lead female role! Ridiculous utterly ridiculous! Come on, Sabrina! *gets up and leaves with Sabrina*
Lila: *overhearing*
Nino: *goes over and checks the cast list* Sweet! Adrien got the lead male role as well!
Adrien: Oh cool! Looks like me and Marinette are the leads!
Marinette: *faints*
Alya: *runs over and kneels* GURL!
Marinette: *regains consciousness* what happened?
Alya: you fainted...
Marinette: *sits up* I did?
Adrien: does she need a nurse?
Alya: *gets an idea* um... actually she does... Adrien, why don't you take her?
Adrien: Ok. *Helps Marinette up*
Marinette: *stands up, feeling a little dizzy*
Adrien: One step at a time, ok?
Lila: *Not happy, shaking her head*


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