💚Part 4💛

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*10 minutes later*
Ms Bustier: *claps her hand* Class, I have something to tell you all. Unfortunately, I have to leave for my dentist appointment so rehearsals will continue tomorrow. *Gestures Adrien and Marinette* can I talk to you guys for a sec?
*Everyone else leaves as Marinette and Adrien stand in front of Ms Bustier*
Ms Bustier: Great scene from you guys today! I knew I picked the right two people for this!
Adrien & Marinette: *laughs awkwardly* Thank you.
Ms Bustier: And obviously we don't want to loose this chemistry by tomorrow. Can you guys possibly rehearse with each other before tomorrow?
Adrien: *Looks at Marinette* I'm alright with that. How about you, Marinette?
Marinette: I... I mean... sure... um... do you perhaps want to c..come over?
Adrien: *Smiles* Sure!
Ms Bustier: Thank you, you two! See you tomorrow! *Picks up her bag and leaves*
Adrien & Marinette: Goodbye Ms Bustier!
Adrien: I'll see you later then? *About to walk off*
Marinette: WAIT! uh... I know this is probably none of my business but... um... what about your father? I mean, d..do you have like a... photoshoot or something?
Adrien: Don't worry, I'm free all evening. *Leaves*
Marinette: *Sighs happily*
Alya: *Walks up to her* Good job, gurl! You managed to ask Adrien out on a date!
Marinette: A... A date?! No! This is just a rehearsal...
Alya: *Smirks* That involves kissing...
Marinette: It's not a date! I... *gasps* oh my god, I asked Adrien to come to my place... HE'S GONNA SEE ALL MY PICTURES OF HIM! I GOTTA GET HOME FAST! *Runs out*
Alya: *Laughs* Oh, Marinette...

*In the Bakery, with Tom and Sabine*
Tom: *Serving a customer* Have a nice day!
*The customer opens the door and Marinette runs in, almost bumping into the customer*
Marinette: *Regains her balance* Sorry!
Sabine: Why the rush, sweetie?
Marinette: *Out of breath* Rehearse..... school..... here.... Adrien.... coming....
Tom: Adrien's coming?! I'll start making some of my homemade soufflé!
Marinette: *Out of breath* Got to.... get.... ready.... *Goes through the back door and up the stairs*
Sabine: *Looks at Tom* Don't embarrass our daughter like you did with Chat Noir.
Tom: I didn't embarrass her, I was just exicted about her liking him. I only want what's best for our daughter. Now where did I put that big bag of flour? *Rummages*
Sabine: *Rolls her eyes*

*10 minutes later in Marinette's room, running around trying to take down her Adrien posters*
Marinette: Quickly, Tikki! He'll be here soon!
Tikki: I'm flying as fast as I can!
Marinette: *Takes down the last poster and hides them under the bed*
Sabine: *Shouts from downstairs* Marinette! Adrien's on his way up!
Marinette: *Quickly slides down the ladder and stands, smiling big*
Adrien: *Opens the trap door, looks around, sees her* Hey, Marinette!
Marinette: *Waves* Hey! *Still waving, looks at her hand and pushes it down*
Adrien: Thanks for inviting me. I would've invited you round mine but I don't think my father would've approved.
Marinette: Oh... no it's okay... um... shall we.... um rehearse?
Adrien: Sure... um... which scene?
Marinette: Uh... perhaps.... the.... kissing scene?
Adrien: Sure, yeah, that's the most important scene.
Marinette: Yeah...

*With Chloe and Sabrina, playing Ladybug and Chat Noir*
Chloe: Ridiculous utterly ridiculous! That is not how Chat Noir does it!
Sabrina: Chloe...
Chloe: I don't wanna play this anymore!
Sabrina: What would you like to do instead?
Butler Jean: *Walking in, holding a tray* Mademoiselle, your sushi has arrived.
Chloe: Did I order sushi?!
Butler Jean: Uh.. well...
Chloe: And did you finish making them stupid props for the play?!
Butler Jean: Mademoiselle, I....
Chloe: Ugh! You are useless, Jean Bark! Get out!
Butler Jean: I... *sighs* yes, Miss Chloe... *Leaves, sad*
Chloe: *Clicks her fingers* Sabrina, homework!
Sabrina: *Stands up, quickly* Yes, Chloe! *Goes and does her homework*
Chloe: *Her phone rings, answers it* Hi, daddykins!

*In Hawk Moth's lair, the window opens*
Hawk Moth: Ah, working for the daughter of the mayor of Paris can be quite stressful. No time can be wasted. *Creates an akuma* Fly away my little akuma and akumatize him!
*The akuma flies out of the window*
Butler Jean: *Goes into the hotel kitchen, sighs*
*The akuma flies into his serving tray*
Hawk Moth: Valet, I am Hawk Moth. So Chloe thinks she can just boss you around? How about you turn the tables and wipe her smug look off her face with your new powers? In return, you will get Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous! Do we have a deal?
Butler Jean: *Evil smirks* I will show Chloe who's boss! Without me, she is nothing! *Turns into Valet*
Hawk Moth: Perfect...

*Back with Adrien and Marinette, rehearsing*
Marinette: Sorry won't help you this time! *Turns around*
Adrien: *Grabs her hand* Wait!
Marinette: *Turns back around, making eye contact this time*
Adrien: Please forgive me... *Walks closer to her and holds her cheek with his other hand*
Marinette: POV: wow... he's really getting into character... or is he?
Adrien: I love you...
Marinette: Do you really mean that?
Adrien: Lucy, if I could, I would scream it to the whole world but I can't because... you're my whole world.
Marinette: POV: oh my god... does he actually have feelings for me?!
Marinette: I love you too.
Adrien: *Leans in*
Marinette: *Leans in*
Tom: *Opens the trap door* Dinner is served!
Adrien & Marinette: *jump back*
Tom: Oh... sorry, I didn't know you were rehearsing.
Marinette: Really? Because I told you earlier.... *Glares*
Sabine: *Pops her head out* Sorry to interupt but I think you guys might wanna see this.
*They all go downstairs and watch the TV*
Nadja: Don't be bemused, it's just the news! A new supervillain is attacking Paris and seems to be throwing plates!
Valet: *Opens his tray and grabs a plate* Ladybug! Chat Noir! Come out and give me your miraculous!
Nadja: And in other news, it has seem that the supervillain has also capture the mayor's daughter! More to this story as it continues...
Sabine: Oh no...
Tom: Don't worry, Ladybug and Chat Noir will turn up soon.
Adrien: I... uh... better get home incase my father worries about me. Bye! *Runs out*
Tom: But... my soufflé.
Marinette: Sorry, Papa, I need to hide from the akuma. I... uh... will hide in my room... *Runs back upstairs*
Sabine: *Rubs his arm* Don't worry, honey... they're just scared, that's all.
Adrien: *Leaves the bakery and hides behind a dumpster*
Plagg: *Flies out* Leaving rehearsal so soon.... or your date perhaps...
Adrien: *Blushes* It... it wasn't a date... besides we have a villain to fight. Plagg, claws out! *He transforms*
Marinette: *Closes her trap door*
Tikki: *Flies out of her bag* That was intense...
Marinette: You think?! Ugh, why do we keep getting interrupted! I just want to get the kiss over with!
Tikki: For now, we have to save Paris!
Marinette: Right. Tikki, spots on! *She transforms*

To Be Continued

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