🧡Part 15🖤

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*In class, Ms Bustier is taking attendance*
Adrien: *Keeps looking at the door*
Nino: *Puts his hand on his shoulder* You okay, dude?
Adrien: Did I scare Marinette?
Nino: No! She's just late, what made you think that?
Adrien: I... uh... kind of asked her out last night...
Nino: Way to go, dude! But that can't be the reason she's not coming to school.
Adrien: Then where is she?
Ms Bustier: Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
Ms Bustier: Where's Marinette?
Alya: I don't know, Ms.
Ms Bustier: Well she better be in by tonight! It's the play... it's too late to recast.
Alya: I'll get her in by tonight.
Ms Bustier: Thank you, Alya.
Adrien: *Worried* I think something's wrong.
Nino: What do you mean?
Adrien: I don't know but... I think something's happened.
Nino: Let's not worried yet. Give her until the end of the class and if she doesn't turn up, we can start to worry.
Adrien: *Sighs* Fine...
Ms Bustier: Ok, please take out your history books and turn to page 103.
Adrien: *Leans over to his bag and opens it*
Tikki & Plagg: *Awkwardly wave*
Adrien: *Eyes widen, screams, quickly closes the bag*
*Everyone looks at him*
Nino: Dude, are you okay?
Adrien: *Breathing very heavily* What, me? y..yeah I'm fine... I...
Ms Bustier: *Interrupts* Adrien, do you need to see the nurse? You're breathing very fast...
Adrien: Oh... um... yeah... it must be the nerves for the play, I better go see her. *Picks up his bag and leaves*
Ms Bustier: Take care, Adrien...
Nino & Alya: *Look at each other, exchanging questionable looks*

*In the locker room, Adrien throws his bag onto the bench*
Tikki & Plagg: Ow!! *Fly out*
Plagg: What was that for?!
Adrien: How long has Tikki been in my bag?!
Tikki: Oh... um... since you arrived at school.
Adrien: Where's Marinette?!
Tikki: You tell me! I woke up and she wasn't in her bed!
Adrien: *Starts pacing up and down* You don't think Hawk Moth took her, do you?
Tikki: If Hawk Moth took her, he would've took me too! She's definitely trapped somewhere, I know it!
Plagg: Where do we even start looking?
Adrien: I don't know! Where's does Marinette like to go?
Tikki: Well, if she's drawing then I guess she sits in the park opposite the Eiffel Tower...
Adrien: We need to find her, Plagg, claws out! *He transforms*
Chat Noir: Tikki, hide in my pocket.
Tikki: *Hides in his open pocket*
Chat Noir: *Jumps out of the window*

*With Marinette, in the janitors closet*
Marinette: *Slowly starts waking up and sits up, stretches* Tikki? *Looks around* Oh, right... Lila... *Stands up* What do I do now? *A glass breaks in the distance and she jumps* Hello?! Who's there?!
??: *In the shadows, gets scared* Wh...who are you?!
Marinette: *Looks closely* It's Marinette... who are you?
??: *Slowly walks out of the shadows*
Marinette: Who are you?
??: Your worst nightmare...
*Marinette suddenly wakes up again on the floor*
Marinette: Oh... it was just a dream... *Looks up* But this place wasn't... *Groans and face-plants the floor again, mumbles* I'm never getting out of here...

*With Chat Noir, jumping roof to roof*
Chat Noir: If she wasn't at the park then where is she?!
*He arrives at Marinette's balcony and lets Tikki out*
Chat Noir: It's hopeless, I can't find her! *Leans onto the railing*
Tikki: Don't give up!
Chat Noir: Tikki, we've just spent 10 minutes looking for her, I've tried looking everywhere! The play starts in 7 hours! Where could she possibly go?!
Tikki: I'm more upset that she just left me! I'm supposed to stay with her!
Chat Noir: *Looks at the time on his baton, sighs* It's nearly lunch, anyways. I'll take one last look inside her room. *He opens the balcony door and climbs in, he searches the room* Come on, come on. *He stands on a screwed up piece of paper, he picks it up and reads it, gasps* Someone wrote this letter to ask her to meet her in the school and signed it as me!
Tikki: So, she's at school?!
Chat Noir: Yeah! But....... she won't be there now...
Tikki: How do you know?
Chat Noir: Someone could've kidnapped her!
Tikki: Or... she could be trapped?!
Chat Noir: Let's get back to the school!

*At school, with Alya and Nino sitting on the bench*
Alya: How could Marinette not turn up?! Is she sick?
Nino: If she was sick, her parents would've phoned in by now.
Adrien: *Walks down the stairs*
Alya: *Sees him* Are you okay, Adrien? What was that screaming about?
Adrien: Oh, um....
Lila: *Walks past, laughing with some friends*
Adrien: *Looks at her* Lila...
Nino: What?
Adrien: Of course.... Lila...
Alya: Not you, too. Sure, she did one bad thing but she's not a liar!
Adrien: Sorry but I have to do this... *Walks up to her* Hey, Lila!
Lila: *Turns around* Oh, hey Adrien!
Adrien: Hey, um... have you seen Marinette recently?
Lila: No, why? *Gasps* Is she missing?!
Adrien: Well... sorta... I found this piece of paper in her room and it's signed as me...
Lila: So?
Adrien: This isn't my handwriting... Lila, show me your book...
Lila: Adrien, why would you think it was me?
Adrien: Just give me your book, Lila.
Lila: *Scoffs* Fine... *She reaches into her bag and pulls out her textbook*
Adrien: *Takes it, opens the first page and compares the handwriting, turns around to Alya* Hey, Alya...
Alya: *Walks up to him, looks at the textbook and the note, eyes widen* The handwriting are so similar!
Nino: Seriously?!
Lila: *Rolls her eyes*
Adrien: *Slams the textbook shut* Where's Marinette?
Lila: Like I'd tell you....
Adrien: Look, Lila, I know you don't like Marinette but this is serious! Did you or did you not trap Marinette somewhere?!
Lila: *Smirks* I may or may have not... I'm not telling you anything... *Leaves*
Adrien: *Rolls his eyes* Don't worry, guys! We will find Marinette!
Alya: Whatever she has done, we will find out...
Nino: Let's start looking!

To Be Continued

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