💛Part 3💜

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*The next morning with Marinette and Tikki*
Tikki: *Staring at the flowers*
Marinette: *Packing her school bag*
Tikki: I'm still confused.
Marinette: About what?
Tikki: Why did you keep the flowers?
Marinette: *Walks over and looks at the flowers* I don't know it's just.... I thought it was quite nice he bought me a bouquet so I thought I'd treasure it.
Tikki: It wouldn't have to do with the fact you might like him?
Marinette: Me? Like Chat Noir? Please.... he's just a flirt.
Tikki: But he opened up to you last night...
Marinette: He only did that because I asked him to. Besides, these flowers make me feel more confident.
Tikki: You think you can rehearse with Adrien today?
Marinette: I'm still nervous but I'm going to do my best.
Tikki: I'm proud of you, Marinette! *Hugs her cheek*
Marinette: *Laughs*
Sabine: *Shouts from downstairs* Marinette, one of your friends is here!
Marinette: *Confused* Hmm, Alya never mentioned picking me up today. Hide Tikki.
Tikki: *Hides in her bag*

*In the Bakery, with Sabine chatting to one of Marinette's friends*
Marinette: *Walks in from the back door, eyes widen* Lila?!
Lila: Hi Marinette! I know we don't talk much but I would love to get to know you more on the way to school!
Sabine: Why aren't you sweet? Marinette never mentioned you before.
Lila: That's because I'm new and I haven't seen Marinette much around school. Plus, we'll be working together on the school play.
Sabine: I can't wait to see it. I can't believe my daughter got the lead role!
Marinette: *Glaring at Lila*
Lila: I know, isn't it exciting? I've been in tons of plays so I'm here to support Marinette in any ways possible.
Marinette: Oh, did you hear that? The first bell went, we don't wanna be late for the second bell. *Quickly rushes past Lila*
Lila: I'll see you at the play, Mrs Dupain-Cheng.
Sabine: *Smiles* Bye, Lila!
*Lila leaves, catching up with Marinette*
Marinette: What do you want?!
Lila: I want you to stay away from my Adrien.
Marinette: Your Adrien? He hardly knows you exist. Anyways, that will be impossible considering Ms Bustier wants us to rehearse together.
Lila: Not for long because I can easily fill in for you...
Marinette: Was that a threat?!
Lila: No but it will be. You better watch your back, incase something bad happens to you...
Marinette: *Stops as she walks on, gulps, looks into her bag* Tikki, do you think she'll actually try and hurt me?
Tikki: No, Marinette. Don't listen to her, she's just bluffing.
Marinette: *Nervous* Ok... *Closes her bag and carries on walking*

*Outside of school*
Lila: *Walks inside*
Marinette: *Watches her walk inside then looks around*
Alya: *Walks up to her* Hey, Gurl! You excited for today?!
Marinette: *Jumps and turns around quickly* AHHHHHH! Oh, it's just you.
Alya: Why are you so jumpy?
Marinette: I.... uh.... watched a horror movie last night.
Alya: Without me?! Gurl, you know I love horrors.
Marinette: I.... uh.... *laughs awkwardly* sorry...
Alya: *Laughs* don't worry about it. I'm gonna go find Nino, you coming?
Marinette: Um... nah, it's okay, I needed some fresh air before I go in.... you know.... with rehearsals today.
Alya: You're going to be okay. I'll see you later. *High fives her then walks inside school*
Marinette: *Sighs*
*Adrien's limo arrives*
Adrien: *Gets out* Thanks, Gorilla.
Gorilla: *Grunts and drives off*
Adrien: *Sees Marinette* Hey, Marinette!
Marinette: *Sees him* Oh, Hi Adrien...
Adrien: I wanted to make up for what happened yesterday... *Reaches into his bag*
Marinette: Adrien, it wasn't your fault...
Adrien: *Pulls out a phone box* Here... I said I was gonna get you a new phone and I did...
Marinette: *Eyes widen, takes it* THE NEW GABRIEL AGRESTE IPHONE 200?! I mean.... uh.... I can't take this... *Tries to hand it back*
Adrien: *Pushes it back* No, seriously, take it. I feel bad you'll have to wait to your birthday.
Marinette: Wow... um... thank you, Adrien. No one's ever done this for me before.
Adrien: *Smiles* I'll see you at rehearsal. *Walks inside*
Marinette: *Looks at the phone, hugs it* Ahhhh, Adrien's scent.

*3 hours later, with the class getting ready for rehearsals*
Nino: *Helping Adrien with his lines* After Marinette says this line, your next line will be....
Adrien: You know we're not actually remembering lines today? We're just reading from the script.
Nino: That wasn't the line I was looking for but ok.
Ms Bustier: ok, class, apart from Adrien and Marinette, you will be helping backstage so... *checks her clipboard* Rose and Juleka, makeup and costumes. Nino, music. Alya, stage manager's assistant. Sabrina and Chloe, props. Lila, Ivan, Kim, Max, Nathaniel, Mylene and Alix, ushers.
Alix: *Raises hand*
Ms Bustier: Yes, Alix?
Alix: What's an usher?
Ms Bustier: They escort people to their seats.
Alix: Oh, sweet.
Ms Bustier: Anyone else got any questions?
Alya: Ms Bustier, what do I do since i'm your assistant?
Ms Bustier: I thought since you know Adrien and Marinette better than me, you can help me direct them. You even get to sit next to me at the front.
Alya: Oh, thank you.
Ms Bustier: Everyone else whilst Adrien and Marinette are rehearing, you may get started on your tasks.
*Everyone goes into their little groups whilst Adrien and Marinette go onto the stage*
Ms Bustier: You two ready?
Adrien & Marinette: *Nod*
Ms Bustier: For today, I would like you to read from the scripts but from tomorrow I would like you to remember your lines. You can act today if you would like. *Sits next to Alya* Ok, we're gonna try and rehearse the kissing scene...
Marinette: *Gets nervous*
Ms Bustier: And.... action.
Adrien: Lucy, wait. Where are you going with that suitcase?
Marinette: I'm leaving you, Charlie. I can't be around you.
Adrien: Please don't go. You mean everything to me.
Marinette: If I meant everything to you then why did you cheat on me?!
Adrien: It was a mistake! I'm really sorry!
Marinette: Sorry won't help you this time! *Turns around*
Adrien: *Grabs her hand* Wait!
Marinette: *Blushes, snaps out of it and turns back around*
Adrien: Please forgive me... *Walks closer to her and holds her cheek with his other hand* I love you...
Marinette: Do you really mean that?
Adrien: Lucy, if I could, I would scream it to the whole world but I can't because... you're my whole world.
Marinette: *Blushes really hard* I... I love you... too...
Adrien: *Smiles then leans in*
Marinette: *Leans in*
*A phone rings, loudly*
Marinette: *Screams and accidentally smacks Adrien round the face, gasps*
Ms Bustier: *Turns around* Class, whose phone was that?
Lila: I'm so sorry, Ms Bustier! That was Prince Ali phoning me, I promise it won't happen again!
Ms Bustier: Oh, no, I'm sorry, Lila. If Prince Ali needs to speak to you, go ahead and answer it.
Lila: I'll go outside and answer it. It might be about something personal. *Leaves*
Adrien: *Holding his face* No, Marinette, it's fine, you got scared.
Marinette: No, it's not fine! I smacked you!
Ms Bustier: It's okay, Marinette.
Alya: Yeah, it's okay, you were focused and the phone brought you back to reality. *Winks at her*
Marinette: *Hides her face*
Ms Bustier: Why don't we take a 5 minute break?
Adrien: Please may I get some ice?
Marinette: I'll get it for you! *Trips and falls off the stage*
Alya: *Helps her up*
Adrien: It's fine, I'll go get it myself. *Pats her back and walks off*
Marinette: *Grabs Alya's collar* Alya, you gotta help me, please, please, please, please!
Alya: Woah, gurl, you need to calm down, it was only a smack.
Marinette: It wasn't just about the smack. I'm too nervous to perform with him.
Alya: Don't worry, I'll think of something that will stop making you nervous.


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