💙Part 2🧡

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*At the nurses office with Adrien and Marinette*
Marinette: *Drinks her cup of water whilst sitting on the nurses bed*
Adrien: *Sitting on the chair next to the bed, looks at her* Are you okay?
Marinette: M..Much better now.
Adrien: *Nods* Good...
Marinette: *Smiles then looks away, sipping her water*
Adrien: *Taps his foot in boredom*
Marinette: Y...you don't have to stay, you know?
Adrien: N..No I insist... I'm the one who made you fall over... 
Marinette: It wasn't your fault. I didn't see you standing.... right.... in front of me... *laughs awkwardly*
Adrien: *Laughs too* Maybe I shouldn't have been blocking the door...
Marinette: Ok, it's both our faults.
Adrien: Yeah... *laughs awkwardly*
*They have an awkward silence for a couple of seconds*
Marinette: So....
Adrien: So.... uh... I guess we're both going to be hanging out with each other a lot this summer...
Marinette: *Blushes* really? *Realises* Oh right, yeah, for the play.
Adrien: You don't mind me kissing you, do you?
Marinette: K..KI..Kissing me?! I.... why do you want to kiss me? Not that I have a problem with kissing you, I do want to kiss you... I MEAN! we're not boyfriend and girlfriend but I... um... why... why do you ask?
Adrien: *Confused* For the play...
Marinette: *Realises* RIGHT! Of course I was talking about the play, I mean, it's only acting, right?!
Adrien: Good because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. You're a really good friend to me and I didn't want to lose you over a kiss in a play.
Marinette: It's just a kiss for a scene. No one's going to get hurt or anything.
Adrien: Not even Luka? 
Marinette: Luka? Luka's just a friend.
Adrien: Oh, I thought you two had a thing. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions.
Marinette: Oh, don't apologise. You didn't know. Besides, I like someone else.
Adrien: Really? Who is it?
Marinette: *Eyes widen* Uh... *Looks at the clock* Oh, would you look at the time, I better get going. *Spills her drink and runs out*
Plagg: *Flies out of his jacket* What was that about?
Adrien: I don't know. Does she not trust me enough to know who she likes?
Plagg: I don't know.
Adrien: I need to get closer to her...
Plagg: Adrien, you can't know every single detail in someone's life.
Adrien: But I want Marinette to be happy and I want to help her. 
Plagg: Are you sure she's just a friend? The way you're acting right now almost sounds like you like her...
Adrien: She's just a friend... besides I like Ladybug. Now hide... *Opens his jacket pocket*
Plagg: Whatever you say. Don't say I didn't tell ya! *Flies into his pocket*
Adrien: *Walks out of the nurse's office*

*In Marinette's room, after school, Marinette falls onto her bed face first*
Marinette: *Muffled* I can't believe what I just said to Adrien today.
Tikki: At least you didn't tell him that he's the one you like.
Marinette: I told you, I'm a complete mess around him. How am I able to do the play with him?
Tikki: It's only acting, Marinette. 
Marinette: But to me it isn't. *Pulls out the script in her bag and shows her a page* This scene is basically me telling how I feel about him. That won't be acting because all those words are exactly what I want to tell him.
Tikki: Why don't you practice with someone else besides Adrien?
Marinette: I can't. Ms Bustier only wants the leads to rehearse together. *Puts the script in her bag and lies back down on the bed*
Tikki: Hey, why don't you go on patrol? That might clear your head.
Marinette: And listen to Chat Noir's compliments all night? I'd rather listen to Lila...
Tikki: Oh, come on, I know you don't really mean that. Chat's your best friend. Why don't you ask him for advice? 
Marinette: *Sits back up* He is my best friend but... what do I say?
Tikki: I'm sure you'll find something.

*Later on patrol, Ladybug is sitting on the edge on a nearby roof, swinging her legs*
Chat Noir: *arrives, holding flowers behind his back, takes a deep breath and walks over to her* Hey, bugaboo.
Ladybug: *Doesn't look at him* Hey, Chat. Can I ask you something?
Chat Noir: I don't know, m'lady, I don't know why I'm so handsome.
Ladybug: *Rolls her eyes* Wasn't even close to what I wanted to ask you.
Chat Noir: *Laughs a little, puts the flowers down besides him as he sits next to her* Ok, what do you wanna ask me?
Ladybug: How do you know when it's the right time to ask someone how you feel about them?
Chat Noir: *Surprised* Woah, um... I don't know... why?
Ladybug: I.... have to tell this boy I like how I feel about him...
Chat Noir: *Shocked* Wait, you have to?! 
Ladybug: I can't say why I have to because of my identity. I just want to know how....
Chat Noir: *Whispers* Can't believe she likes someone else.
Ladybug: Huh?
Chat Noir: Nothing...
Ladybug: *Looks down, sighs* I wish it was easy...
Chat Noir: *Looks at her* It is easy...
Ladybug: *Looks at him*
Chat Noir: For starters, no one is forcing you to admit anything. Love takes time and paitence and when the day finally comes, you will know because it's all you think about. You are ready...
Ladybug: *Smiles*
Chat Noir: Think about it like this; love is like... a rollar coaster. You wait in line for the most exiciting ride of your life. Sure, there will be twists and turns along the way but in the end, you come out all happy and cheerfully. Others may come out feeling nautious or even scared but knowing you, bugaboo, that person will come out feeling the most luckiest person in the world.
Ladybug: *A tear falls from her eye, wipes it* Wow.... um... that was really beautiful... thank you, Kitty.
Chat Noir: *Smiles and looks at the flowers, beside him, sighs* I'm just going to go and patrol other there. *Stands up*
Ladybug: Wait! *Stands up* I just wanna say.... for someone who just flirts and puns all day, you really do have the confidence to talk to me about all this.
Chat Noir: It may seem like that but underneath this mask, I am someone who is scared to admit their feelings too. You're not alone.
Ladybug: Well, thank you, anyways. *Hugs him*
Chat Noir: *Hugs back*
Ladybug: *Pulls away, smiling*
Chat Noir: *Turns around and jumps away to another roof*
Ladybug: *Turns around and sees flowers on the floor, goes over and picks it up, smells it* Oh, kitty... 


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