💜Part 10❤️

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*With Lila, laughing with her "friends"*
Marinette & Chloe: *Leaving the locker room*
Marinette: You sure about this?
Chloe: Yes! *Snaps her fingers* Sabrina!
Sabrina: *Runs across from the other side of the school* Yes, Chloe?
Chloe: I need you to do Lila's homework.
Sabrina: Oh... uh...
Chloe: It's just until we get Marinette's diary back.
Sabrina: Ok... *Walks over to Lila*
Marinette: So, how does Sabrina doing Lila's homework help us get my diary and keep my part?
Chloe: It's to distract her... if she sees us go to Mr Damocles, she'll hide the diary beforehand.
Marinette: Oh! That's clever!
Chloe: Now, I'm gonna plant this note in her bag.
Marinette: What's it say?
Chloe: *Shows her the note*
Marinette: To do list; Take Marinette's diary; Threaten Marinette for her part in the play. I'm not sure Mr Damocles will believe that.
Chloe: He will... trust me. Now, cover me.
*Chloe crawls onto the floor and hides behind Lila and Sabrina on the bench*
Lila: It's really sweet you want to do my homework for me, Sabrina. My arthritis in my wrist has been playing up again.
Sabrina: No problem, Lila.
Chloe: *Puts the note in Lila's bag and bangs her head on the bench* Ow!
Lila: *Looks around* What was that?!
Chloe: *Eyes widen, looks at Marinette for help*
Marinette: *Panics, quickly pretends to bang her foot on one of the pillars, fake acts* Ow! My foot! Stupid pillars!
Lila: *Laughs*
Sabrina: *Looks at Lila* What's so funny?
Lila: *Looks at her* Uh... I... I wasn't laughing, I was crying for Marinette. *Looks at Marinette* Are you okay, Marinette? Do you need to go to the nurse?
Marinette: Uh... actually I do... I'll go by myself... thank you, Lila... *Secretly puts a thumbs up at Chloe and walks away*
Lila: *Looks back at Sabrina* Anyways, where were we?
Sabrina: Right, um, maths homework...
Chloe: *Sighs a relief and crawls away*

*In Mr Damocles office*
(Knock Knock)
Mr Damocles: *On his computer* Enter...
Chloe: *Enters* Mr Damocles! I would like to report a robbery and a threat!
Mr Damocles: *Stops typing* I'm sorry, Chloe? Did you say a robbery?
Chloe: One of your fellow students has just been robbed!
Mr Damocles: Who?
Marinette: *Enters* Hi, Mr Damocles...
Mr Damocles: Ahh, I see. What happened, Marinette?
Marinette: Lila stole my diary and threaten me for my part in the play!
Mr Damocles: Now why would Lila do that? She's the most sweetest girl in school. You know, now that I think about it, you and Lila do seem to have a lot of problems together.
Chloe: Ok, look, Mr Damocles, you have to search her bag!
Mr Damocles: Now, Chloe, you know...
Chloe: Ridiculous utterly ridiculous! I'm calling my father! *Gets her phone out*
Mr Damocles: No, no, don't disturb the busy mayor, uh...
Chloe: I'm sure my daddy-kins would love to hear that you don't take your job seriously...
Mr Damocles: Ok, fine, Chloe... I'll call Lila in...
Chloe: Thank you, Mr Damocles. *Leaves and flips her hair*
Marinette: Yes, thank you, Sir. *Leaves*
Mr Damocles: *Grabs his hankerchief and wipes his forehead* Every time...

*10 minutes later, in Mr Damocles office*
Lila: *Walks in, sees Chloe and Marinette, standing by his desk*
Mr Damocles: Have a seat, Lila.
Lila: *Sits in the seat* Yes, Mr Damocles? What seems to be the trouble?
Mr Damocles: Chloe and Marinette seem to have think you have taken Marinette's diary? Is this true?
Lila: *Gasps* Why would you think that?! I never steal anyone's stuff!
Chloe: Oh, quit the act, Lila... Mr Damocles, search her bag!
Lila: *Holds onto her bag* Why would you accuse me of this?!
Mr Damocles: I'm sorry, Lila, but I have been told to search your bag. Hand it over.
Lila: But... but....
Marinette: Why are you scared when you know you haven't stolen my diary, hmm? *Glares at her*
Lila: *Glares back*
Chloe: *Snatches her bag* Got it for you, Mr Damocles.
Lila: *Stands up* Hey! *Tries to get it off her* You shouldn't take stuff that doesn't belong to you!
Chloe: Speak for yourself, missy. *Throws the bag at Mr Damocles and stares at Lila*
Mr Damocles: *Opens the bag and rummages*
Lila: *Whispers* He won't expel me, you know?
Chloe: Oh, he will...
Mr Damocles: *Shocked, pulls out Marinette's diary and a note* Oh my goodness, you really did take her diary.
Marinette: *Takes the diary* I told you! And she did threaten me!
Mr Damocles: *Opening the note*
Lila: Where's your proof?!
Mr Damocles: Apparently, in this note. But someone could've planted this...
Chloe: Oh, I have proof. *Opens her phone and plays a recording of Lila threatening Marinette*
Lila: *Eyes widen* Sir, I can explain...
Mr Damocles: No need, Lila. I'm afriad I'm gonna have to expel you for a week.
Lila: But...
Mr Damocles: And you will not be taking part in the school play. Now, follow me, Lila. *Walks round and opens the door*
Lila: *Snatches her bag back and glares at Chloe and Marinette* This isn't over... *Leaves with Mr Damocles*
Marinette: *Smiles big and hugs Chloe*
Chloe: Woah, woah, woah, not a hugger...
Marinette: *Pulls away* Oh, sorry, it's just no one ever believes me about Lila and now it feels so good for her to get into trouble. I wanna thank you, Chloe.
Chloe: Yeah, yeah, you can thank me later. But first, you have someone to talk to, right?
Marinette: ADRIEN! Oh my god, what do I say?
Chloe: Don't ask me, Dupain-Cheng. I need to get back to being popular. *Flips her hair and walks away*
Marinette: *Rolls her eyes*

*Later with Adrien, putting stuff in his locker, sad*
Plagg: *In his locker* Are you okay?
Adrien: No...
Marinette: *Walks in, looks around, sees Adrien*
Adrien: I don't know what to do, Plagg.
Marinette: *Eyes wide, hides in a locker*
Adrien: I love Ladybug and Marinette...
Marinette: *Covers her mouth, tries not to scream*
Adrien: When Marinette told me she doesn't want me to date her, it hurt. I... I think I'm falling for her...
Plagg: So, what are you going to do?
Adrien: *Groans* I don't know! I really want to be with her but there's also Ladybug and I don't know what to do!
Plagg: Hey, calm down. Why don't you go home? You need some rest...
Adrien: Maybe...
Plagg: *Goes into his shirt pocket*
Adrien: *Closes his locker door and walks out*
Marinette: *Gets out of the locker she was hiding in, in shock* ADRIEN IS CHAT NOIR?!

To Be Continued

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