💜Part 5🤍

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*With Valet, holding Chloe and Sabrina prisoner on top of the Bourgeois hotel*
Chloe & Sabrina: *Tied up against a chair*
Valet: *Pacing back and forth*
Chloe: Who said you could tie us up?!
Valet: Who said you could be so bossy, chloe-kins?!
Chloe: Jean Michelle?!
Valet: You still can't get my name right!
Ladybug: *Lands* Am I late to the party?
Chat Noir: *Lands* Hey, Bugaboo, don't forget your plus one!
Chloe & Sabrina: Ladybug!
Valet: I hope you brought me a present! Like your miraculous! *Throws plates*
*The heroes dodge the plates and land on either side of the villain*
Valet: It's rude to turn up without a gift!
Chat Noir: And it's rude to not invite us to the after-party!
Hawk Moth: Quit playing around and get them!
Valet: *Looks left then right then throws a plate at both Ladybug and Chat Noir*
Ladybug & Chat Noir: *Dodges*
Valet: *Jumps off the roof*
Ladybug: I'll go after him, you stay and untie the girls.
Chat Noir: *Nods and goes over to the girls*
Ladybug: *Jumps down*
Chat Noir: *Unties Sabrina then Chloe*
Chloe: Thank you, Chat Noir. *Winks at him*
Chat Noir: Uh... no problem... you girls get inside! *Runs off to jump off the roof*

*With Ladybug chasing Valet into the park*
Valet: *Stands on top of the fountain*
Ladybug: *Lands, throws yo-yo into the air* LUCKY CHARM! *The Lucky Charm gives her a jar of honey* Honey?
Chat Noir: *Arriving* Yes, my sweet?
Ladybug: *Rolls her eyes, looks around for clues*
Valet: *Throws plate*
Chat Noir: Ladybug, look out! *Jumps in front of her and gets hit by the plate*
Ladybug: Chat Noir! Are you okay?!
Chat Noir: *Sits up, holding his side, groans* I will be...
Ladybug: *Looks around, finally gets some clues* Stay here...
*She takes off the jar lid and drops the honey jar, walks towards Valet*
Valet: What you gonna do with a jar lid?
Ladybug: This. *Spins and throws it at a building*
Valet: Pfft... that's it?
Ladybug: *Crosses her arms* That's it.
Valet: *Gets his plate ready* Well, then get ready to... *Gets hit by the jar lid and drops the plate*
Ladybug: *Catches the plate with her yo-yo and breaks it, letting the akuma fly free* No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilse! *Catches the akuma and sets it free* Bye bye little butterfly. *Grabs the honey jar and throws it into the air* Miraculous Ladybug!
*Everything gets fixed and Valet changes back to Butler Jean*
Butler Jean: *Holds his head* What happened?
Ladybug & Chat Noir: *Fist bump* Pound it!
Ladybug: How's your side now, kitty?
Chat Noir: All better thanks to your miraculous ladybugs.
Ladybug: Thank you for saving me.
Chat Noir: No purr-oblem, m'lady. You know I'd always protect you.
Butler Jean: *Stands up* Did I get akumatized?
Ladybug: You did but it's okay because we saved you.
Butler Jean: Thank you, Ladybug...
*Ladybug's miraculous beeps*
Ladybug: I'd better get going. See ya, kitty. *Blows him a kiss and throws her yo-yo*
Chat Noir: Until next time, bugaboo. *Bows and runs*
Butler Jean: *Walks out of the park*

(The next day, with Adrien and Kagami fencing at school)
Adrien: *Misses*
Kagami: *Lifts her helmet up* Adrien, what was that? You had a chance to perform a counter-attack. Why didn't you?
Adrien: *Lifts his helmet up* Sorry, Kagami. I'm just not feeling it today. I'll just go home. *Goes to the locker room*
Kagami: *Follows him* Ok, Adrien, what's on your mind, today?
Adrien: *Sighs, closes his locker and sits on the bench* It's the play.
Kagami: What play?
Adrien: The play my class is doing.
Kagami: Ok, what about it?
Adrien: Me and Marinette are the leads and we have to do this kissing scene...
Kagami: Wait... seriously?
Adrien: Yeah. I know it's only acting but what if we kiss and... it didn't feel like acting?
Kagami: Are you saying you might catch feelings for her if you kiss?
Adrien: *Silent for a few seconds* Maybe...
Kagami: *Shocked* Wow... 
Adrien: I'm scared I'm going to catch feelings and she doesn't. Our friendship will be ruined. I don't want to lose her.
Kagami: Then you have a choice...
Adrien: A choice?
Kagami: You do the play or you quit.
Adrien: *Stands up* I can't quit. Marinette will think I don't wanna kiss her and she'll be hurt.
Kagami: Adrien, look, I care about you and I want you to do what's best for you. If you think you're going to catch feelings for her then don't kiss her.
Adrien: *Sighs*
Kagami: I'm just going to go. I hope you make the right decision. *Hugs him then leaves*
Adrien: *Watches her leave*
Plagg: *Flies out of his bag* What are you going to do? 
Adrien: I don't know. My class is counting on me and I don't want to hurt Marinette!
Plagg: *In a sing songy voice* I told you so...
Adrien: Told me so?
Plagg: You like Marinette... you care about her too much to let her down...
Adrien: Ok, so what if I do like her? She doesn't like me back. Plus, I'm in love with Ladybug! I'm so confused. *Walks out*
Plagg: *Follows him and hides*
Adrien: *Walking out of the school*
Luka & Marinette: *Pull up on Luka's bike*
Adrien: *Hides behind the door*
Marinette: *Gets off the bike and takes off her helmet* Thank you, Luka.
Luka: No problem. I hope my advice helped you.
Marinette: It did. Thank you. *Hugs him*
Adrien: *Starts to become jealous*
Marinette: *Pulls away* I'll see you at the party tonight.
Luka: Yeah and hey, if you want to bring Adrien, you're more than welcome.
Marinette: I doubt his father would let him.
Luka: Hey, if you managed to persuade his father to let him come to New York, you can get Adrien to that party.
Marinette: *Smiles* Yea...
Luka: See ya. *Pedals away*
Marinette: *Smiles at him and she walks into the school*
Adrien: *Pretends to walk out* Hey Marinette!
Marinette: *Jumps a little* Oh, hey Adrien. Did you... um... just finish fencing?
Adrien: Yea... um... what are you doing here?
Marinette: I was just getting my school bag. I left it in my locker.
Adrien: Oh.. ok... well, uh.. I better get going.
Marinette: *Smiles and nods*
Adrien: *Walks down the stairs*
Marinette: Wait... um... my friend, Luka, is having a party tonight and... uh... can you come?
Adrien: *Smiles* Sure, I'd love to. *Walks away*
Marinette: *Watches him leave as she sighs a big relief and walks into the school*

To Be Continued

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