★ Daddy isn't well- Dean x Daughter!Reader ★

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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Daughter!reader

Summary: what will happen when demon dean gets out in the bunker and his four year old daughter is with him, unknowing of her father's 'condition'

[Your POV]

'(Y/n) no matter what stay here and when I get back with your dad don't talk, okay? Don't say anything to him.' Uncle Sammy's words echo in your head as you wait in the front seat of your dads car, who he always called baby you found that odd since it was a car not a baby. You didn't understand why you couldn't talk to your dad but you guessed it was because he was grumpy, he didn't like to talk when he was grumpy.

After what felt like hours, it was only about 45 minutes, your uncle came back and put your dad in the back as he did you noticed he was wearing handcuffs with funny symbols on them  but you payed it no mind 'they're probably playing cops and robbers' you thought to yourself, once your dad is secured in the back uncle Sammy sits beside you in front of the wheel "belted up?" He mutters glancing at you, you give a small nod clicking your belt in place then he starts the car and drives off.

The car ride is mostly silent, few words being spoken between the two brothers but you ignore them and listen to the radio you turned on not liking the uncomfortable silence.


Once at the bunker uncle Sammy sends you straight to your room "don't come out till I come to get you." He orders sternly, you pout a little wanting to see more of your dad since it's been so long since you've seen him but you nod and walk to your room and shut the door behind you.

yells and what sounds like an animal growling is what you hear for the next 6 hours until it all stops and silence swallows up the bunker a few more minutes pass then the lights turn off and turn red 'this is bad!'  Was the only thing you could think as you ran to your closet and hid in it behind all your clothes hoping that you'll be safe there, You can hear your dad and uncle Sammy yelling but can't make out the words from your hidden position.

Suddenly your bedroom door slams open and you cover your mouth to muffle the yelp that tumbled past your lips, but it's proven useless when the closet door is ripped open showing your dad with a hammer "daddy is there a monster in the bunker?" You whisper and crawl to the edge of the edge of your closet he nods and picks you up "there is sweetness but don't worry, daddy will protect you" he replies matching your hushed tone and keeps you close to his chest, you wrap your little arms around his neck keeping yourself as close to him as you can, your dad carries around the bunker calling out for uncle Sammy "come on Sammy, I've got (y/n)!" He yells out keeping his hammer up and ready to swing, in case you run into the monster of course.

When you finally catch up to uncle Sammy he's got his back against the wall and is looking around the corner you guess the monster isn't down that way because his body relaxes slightly, he turns back around and tenses up again seeing you in your dads arms "close your eyes sweetness" your dad whispers and you nod shutting your eyes tightly and nuzzles into his neck, there's movement and grunting but you don't dare move your head or open your eyes until you feel large hands pull you away from your dad making you scream loudly "Daddy!" You scream in fear that the monster got you "shhhh (y/n) it's just me" opening your eyes you see uncle Sammy is holding you, you turn to your dad and see him with black eyes.

Uncle Cas is hugging him from behind, his eyes look even blue-er like they were glowing "daddy?" You ask worried "unca Sammy, what happened to daddy?" You ask turning to your uncle he sighs and turns you so you can't see your dad "your daddy isn't well sweetness, Cas take him back I'll stay with (y/n)" uncle Sammy explains and Walks back to your room not letting you get another glance at your dad

You're crying by the time Sam gets back to your room "I want daddy!" You sob into his chest "I know sweetness but your dad is sick, he needs to get better before you can see him" he whispers and rubs your back calming your sobs into little hiccups "when will daddy be ok again?" You whisper look up at Sam he sighs and kisses your forehead "soon, I promise" he puts you in your bed and turns on your tv putting on your favourite Disney movie then walks out locking your door from the outside

[sam's POV]

I walk out of (y/n)'s room and make my way to the dungeon where Cas has tied Dean back up in the demon trap "hey Sammy, how's (y/n) hope she isn't scared"
He chuckles his eyes black "she's worried sick about you dean. You could've killed her and she's worried about you! She's four dean and already gotten used to taking care of your damaged ass" I shake my head and grab another syringe of blood "you've got a lot of making up to do once you're human again." I mutter and stab him with the needle

"That's if you don't kill me first Sam" dean mutters through his panting "i won't kill you. Unlike you I can't hurt that little girl waiting for you to come back."

[Your POV]

By the time your dad is himself again your fast asleep the adrenaline from earlier activities catching up to you

Sam unlocks your room and walks in sitting next to your small frame then shakes your shoulder "wake up sweetness, your daddy is awake" he whispers as you rouse from sleep and sit up "daddy's better?" Your meek voice asks

Sam nods a tired smile on his face "yeah and he really wants to see you" that sentence instantly drains all tiredness from your small body and you jump off your bed and run to your dads room

"Daddy!" You scream jumping onto his bed and wrap your tiny arms around his neck, a few moments pass and he wraps his arms around you holding your close "hey princess, I missed you" he whispers a small smile on his face hiding how much guilt he feels for everything he did to you, he swore he'd spend the rest of his life making it up to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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