★ castiel x blind!non-binary!reader ★

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[y/n POV]
I'm walking down the street Stella, my guide dog, leading me through junk cars to get to Bobby's place, Bobby singer my neighbour of about 4 years now and my only parental figure I've had in a long time. he's been there for me since I moved in the house a few miles away he's been helping me out and I visit him a few times a week because I know he lives alone and his nephews, Sam and Dean, only visit every so often. To be honest I think it helps both of us, we both get pretty lonely at times..
Anywho I'm getting off track,
Stella led me to Bobbys front door and I give three solid knocks and in no time at all I hear the door open "hey there (y/n), hey Stella! Come on in" he shuffles out the way and we wonder in once I hear the door shut I let Stella out of her harness and she shakes off but stays close like a good girl
Bobby hands me a hot cup of what smells like hot coco and leads me to his couch "thanks Bobby" I smile sitting down and taking at sip of my drink then pop it in the coffee table in front of my feet "no problem (y/n)" he says and I'm guessing he's smiling he then sits opposite me, Stella sits at my feet and I give her head a pat
              *a time skipper-doodle*
Me and Bobby are talking about heading into town tomorrow to get some food at the market, I don't like going alone, I have some anxiety with that many people, when I feel a rush of cold air and hear what sounds like..Rustling feathers? "Bobby did a pidgin just fly in?" I ask confused when I hear Stella growling at something "ah no..my nephews friend Castiel came in" Bobby sighs
"Nephew? Bobby I'm here to find out where Sam and Dean are. Who is this? Why is she wearing sunglasses inside?" This Castiel asks and I cringe at the pronoun "I'm (y/n) and I'm blind." I mumble and stand holding my hand out in the direction I heard his voice, Bobby moves me a little the left and my face gets hot with embarrassment but I feel a large hand in case mine and shake it slowly, I retract my hand and pet Stella's head to get her to calm down she stops growling but keeps in front of me blocking Castiel from getting to close to me
[Castiel's POV]
I look at this y/n's dog at confusion then look at Bobby who sighs and runs a hand over his face "Cas the boys aren't here right now, why don't you just call Dean?" He grumbles patting the dogs head making it calm down at little but it won't take it's eyes off me "I tried but he would not answer, I thought you'd know where they are" I say looking back up at him "well I'm not too sure so try dean again then try Sam and I'll call you as soon as I hear from em" Bobby says patting my shoulder "are you trying to get me to leave? Is it because I'm making her uncomfortable?" I say pointing to the girl making her make the face again, like she's in pain "yes and I'll drag you out if you keep calling them she." He says gruffly like a father protecting his child "I don't understand She's a female right?" I say looking at the uncomfortable person in front of me "no. They don't identify as a girl-" he starts to point but is cut off by y/n placing a hand on his shoulder "it's ok Bobby he didn't know, I was born a female but I don't identify with that label, I feel more like I don't have a gender, most people won't get it if they haven't felt it themselves, anyway but because i don't identify with either male or female I use they/them pronouns" she-they explain clearly and calmly, much better than Bobby
I nod slowly "okay..I've never heard of this..but then again I don't exactly socialise with humans.." I mumble and y/n looks confused "he's very socially anxious he mostly hangs out with me and my nephews" Bobby says quickly and y/n nods "well I get where you're coming from, anyway it's probably getting late and I need to get home and feed Stella and myself" they smile and put a bright blue harness on the dog that says 'service dog. Do not pet' the dog seems to get excited with the harness on
Y/n smiles at both me and Bobby then walks to the door "it was nice to meet you Cas, I hope to see you soon" they smile and walk out and I turn to Bobby "I like them" I say and Bobby chuckles "Cas I swear you stay away from them, They've been hurt before, the reason they're blind is because their parents poured acid in their eyes whilst they slept after they came out at non-binary, y/n is like a kid to me and I'll protect them as long as I can breath." He says in a protective stance "I understand, I wouldn't hurt them like that. Maybe I'll give them a little visit soon" I say slowly then leave
[y/n's POV]
I walk home Stella leading me as I smile thinking about the sexy voiced Cas "I hope i see him again" I say to Stella "well hear him, you know what I mean" I chuckle and hear Stella huff as we walk home
That night I fell asleep thinking about Castiel, it was like god himself lined up your life to meet him
I was more right then I thought

(A/N) hey guys! I hope you liked this, I've never written in Cas's PoV yet but I hope I did well!
Peace out ✌🏻

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