★ wings TFW/lucifer x fem!angel!reader ★

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The part where you meet Sam and Dean is set before the apocalypse when lucifer is in Nick and they go on the mission to do the ring plan, when Sam lets Luci in
[your pov]
Your sat on your knees sobbing and begging your father for forgiveness "Please father I-I didn't m-mean for this to happen!" You pleaded not wanting to endure the pain that's about to happen "I'm sorry (y/n), my child, but this has to happen. An example has to be made." Your father, the all mighty God says sadly and places his hand at the top of your right wing "this has to happen." He whispers and pulls, a sickening sound of skin tearing echo's in the cell although it's drowned out by your glass shattering scream "f-father! Pl-please stop th-this!" You pleads pathetically he just shakes his head "I'm sorry" he whispers one last time before ripping your left wing off the same two sounds echoing in your small cell in heaven
You fall to the floor curling into yourself sobbing and mumbling apologies and pleas for mercy from the all powerful, the 'loving' G.O.D
He pulls you up and pushes you into the wall making you look into his eyes "this had to happen my child, I can't have an uprising. You were so bright but what you did is unforgivable. So I cast you out." He drags you to the exit of heaven past all your brothers and sisters making them gasp in fear from what happened to you
You see the exit and scream loudly "father no! Please y-you can't do this!" You beg him in front of everyone, people you used to lead he keeps his stone cold face and throws you out making you fall down to earth, the place that caused damn mess.
~thousands of years later~
You step out of the steaming shower and walk over to the mirror turning your back to see the large scars on your back where your wings used to be,

it's a thing you do every morning and every morning you're reminded that there's no hope of them every growing back Sighing you wrap a towel around your body and walk into the bedroom choosing your outfit for the day a pair of black ripped jeans, ...

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it's a thing you do every morning and every morning you're reminded that there's no hope of them every growing back
Sighing you wrap a towel around your body and walk into the bedroom choosing your outfit for the day a pair of black ripped jeans, a navy blue button up and to wrap it all together a leather jacket
Grabbing your backpack with all your stuff you leave your small apartment and walk down to your car, a 1964 blue Mustang she's a beauty you hop in putting your bag in the passenger seat and drive off to work
Entering the small coffee shop you smile and wave at your friend and co-worker Nick "hey (y/n)!" He greets happily you smile and walk around the counter to stand next to him and grab your apron "hey Nicky, What do you want me on today" you hum tying the apron behind you back and throw your hair into a bun on top of you head "I need you here up front with orders, since we're short staffed back there I'm gonna be back there because you hate it" he says smirking at you, you smile and peck his cheek taking his spot in front of the till "thank you Nicky I owe you one" you giggle and he nods walking to the back to help out while you take orders and give people their coffee.
It's been a pretty slow day so when three men walk in you almost jump for joy "hello gentlemen what can I get you- castiel!?" You blurt out in the middle of your sentence seeing the blue eyed angel, someone you once fought alongside, standing right in front of you with two much larger men "(y)-(y/n)?" He whispers and you nod slowly not knowing if you should run or hug him "it's been so long" he mutters "yeah I would say" you mumble and look down "wait Cas you know this chick?" The shorter of the two other men says and Castiel nods "yes she's an angel, or was. Years and years ago God tore her wings off and cast her to earth to live here as a punishment." He says sadly gazing into your (e/c) eyes "yeah well I'm over it and I'm working so can I have your orders. We can talk when I'm off." You say coldly feeling the sting in your back you always felt when your thought of your wings, the three men nod and you learn their names are Sam and Dean Winchester the famous hunter brothers.
After a nerve wracking 2 hours you shift ends and you yell a goodbye to nick and hang up you apron and walk over to the three men that stayed in the coffee shop the whole time "we can talk at my place. Just follow my car" they nod and follow you out of the shop and to their car then eventually To your apartment.
Sitting down on an old rocking chair opposite the Winchester's and Castiel there's an unsettling silence "I'm sorry (y/n). After father cast you out none of us were allowed to search for you.." castiel says looking at you "it's ok brother. What I did was..u-unforgivable, and father was right to send me out." You state looking Castiel in the eye "no that is him talking not you. Countless angels have done what you did and worse and none of them got wronged like you did."
"Can I ask what she did?" Sam asks looking around the room you nod and look and three in front of you "I was the first angel that fell in love with an human..Father found out and was Furious that his brightest soldier was tainted so he decided to throw me in prison until he knew how to punish me. One night he stormed into my cell and told me that I was to be an example, to show other angels to not fall off the path of god. He ripped off my wings and threw me out of heaven of my home. And I'm never allowed back." You explain your voice betraying you the whole way through cracking showing how after all this it still hurts to think of that night. Castiel moves in front of you on his knees and pulls you into his lap rubbing your back just like he used to do all those cold nights in the cells when he'd sneak in just to hold you close and tell you that he's got you.
You can't help but grip onto his tan trench coat and sob into his chest the pain in your back becoming unbearable "that's not all father did?" Castiel asks in shock sensing you were keeping something you choke back a sob and look up at him "he-he cursed me o-or something e-every time I th-think of home o-or my wings th-they hurt..I-it's like they're being torn off all o-over again!" You let out a small scream as the pain shakes your very being, not having felt it this bad in a very long time
Cas rubs your back and whispers sweet things into your ear distracting you and eventually gets you calm but neither of you move until a small cough is heard from someone behind you
You look up at the two brothers to see Sam with a sympathetic smile to say 'I'm sorry what you went through I want to help' then you look over to Dean to see him with a glare that scared you "c-Cas why does dean look like that?" You whisper he turns and sees dean and sighs "I'll explain in a moment go and clean yourself up" you sniffle and nod walking to your bedroom changing into leggings and a hoodie and cleaning your face with makeup wipes
Walking back out you pause hearing them argue
[Castiel's POV]
(Y/n) walks out and I sit back down next to my friends "Dean wipe that look off your face you scared her." I hiss frowning at him
"she should be scared. She had her hands all over you. You're mine." He growls our crossing his arms over his chest, Sam sighs behind me and I shake my head "she's my sister Dean. Nothing has ever happened between us, we fought together and we're close friends before her punishment. I was comforting her she was in distress." I explain to my hot headed boyfriend trying to keep my cool "yeah right. No one with that much history are just friends." He all but shouts "shut up Dean" Sam says annoyed and smacks him upside of the head "I know it's hard for you to believe Dean but (y/n) is just a friend. She was cast out for loving a human so of course nothing happened, I'm her only support system so no more glaring at her. I'm helping her." I say coldly and stand up and walk over to the wall Dean sighs and follows me his head low "I'm sorry baby, I-I just thought she might have been someone you used to be with, that was better than me" he whispers leaning against me I sigh and cup his face to he'll look at me "no one is better than you, you're perfect for me remember that" he smiles and pecks my cheek and sits back down next to Sam but I stay where I am waiting for (y/n) to come back
[your POV]
You walk back in frowning "y-you're with Dean..? Even after everything that happened to me?" You whisper looking at Castiel he nods "yes, after I met Dean I rebelled for him and we fell in love" he says scared of what you'll do, you run towards him and hug him smiling "you did it brother, you found love and fought for it! I'm so proud that you stood up to father!" You say happily and pull away "what did he say?" You ask tilting you head wanting to know everything Father said "(y/n) not long after you were cast out Father left, no one knows he is." He shrugs "he's not in heaven?" You ask and all three males nod "no one knows where he is" Sam says catching you off guard since he hasn't spoken to you yet "good. He was a bad father. I'm happy he can't hurt anymore angels the way he did me and Lucifer." You mutter and sit back down in your rocking chair but Sam and Dean look at you shocked "I'm sorry you feel bad for Lucifer?" Sam asked you nod "of course. Lucifer was my mentor when I was a fledgling and he was good to me but when god cast him down into hell it broke me. He didn't do anything wrong, he loved father too much and look where that got him." You hiss out crossing your arms "I suggest we don't talk about this because I fear an argument will break out." Castiel says and you nod "well if this one is so close to Lucifer maybe we should take her with us when we go to see him, cause if she can sway him then we don't need to do Sam's crazy plan." Dean says and you perk up "Lucifer is out!? I want to see him" I say smiling, the three boys look At each other in a silent conversation then nod and you squeal
-le time skip to being in that old creepy building with Luci-
Lucifer is standing with his back to the four of us he turns around and is about to say something but is stoped dead in his tracks when his eyes land on me "(y/n)?" He asks almost unsure you nod and run forward and jump hugging him, he wraps you up in his arms and his large wings like he used to shielding you from the others "I missed you buttercup" he whispers using your old nickname "I missed you too Lucifer, you have no idea! Oh god the awful things father did after he sent you away" he shushes you and nods "I know buttercup, I knew the second I saw you everything he did. You forget I can read you like a book" he smiles and you chuckle nodding "I know" you hum and for the first time in a thousand years you feel at home and happy with Lucifer you First love. The only reason you loved that human was because you missed Lucifer so used some pathetic human to love instead to ease the hurt but it didn't help "I love you buttercup" he whispers softly and kisses you shoulder, you smile and tears come to your eyes having not heard those words in so long "I love you too Luci, so much" you whispers back and pull your face away from his neck to kiss him
[Castiel's POV]
(Y/n) runs into Lucifers arms and he picks her up cocooning both in his wings, the brothers look at me shocked and confused "there's one thing I didn't tell you. Me and (y/n) were never lovers because there's one one Angel and she loves that that was the archangel Lucifer, after he fell she was a mess she hid it well but I saw her and held her all the nights she cried out for him, so she went to earth and found a poor human and directed her feelings into him, to take the pain away from Loosing him then well you know what happened, that's why I was so ok with her coming I knew this could happen" I explain to the brothers smiling widely knowing she's finally happy.
All of a sudden a blinding light floods the room coming from Lucifers cocoon we all Shield our eyes and wait for it to be over, after a while the light dims till it's all gone and we look over at (y/n) and Lucifer to see them smiling at each other and holding each other's hands, I look over at (y/n) and smile widely seeing her beautiful big black wigs back and then see Lucifers vessel healed and it now seems strong enough to hold him "ok what the hell happened!?" Dean yells out angrily and (y/n) looks at him "we healed each other." She states and looks back at her wings "they're soulmates, finally being back together healed their souls and their body's. So Lucifer's vessel can now hold him without burning up and now (y/n) has her wings back." I whisper to the two confused boys "now if you don't mind me and my sweetheart are going to make up for lost time." Lucifer says and in a ruffle of wings their gone "apocalypse averted?" Sam asks hopefully I nod "I think so"

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