☆ Important to me jack x depressed! Reader ☆

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⚠️TW- self harm, mentions of depression and self deprecation if this triggers you please skip I don't want anyone putting themselves in danger ❤️
[Your POV]
You walk out your room pulling the sleeves of your jumper over your hands and holding them there making 'sweater paws' a habit your mother used to scold you for yet you never grew out of doing. 
You walk into the kitchen to see everyone there having breakfast "wow (y/n)'s awake before noon it's a miracle" Dean sasses behind you as you pour yourself a cup of coffee "oh ha ha very funny mr. I drink beer for breakfast" you sass back and sit down next to jack, who's next to Cas and opposite the brothers. Deans face falls and he pushes away the beer he's drinking (at 9 am) and shoves his face full of the eggs Sammy probably made "but seriously (y/n) you're never up before 10:30 what's up?" Sam asks what everyone is thinking, you look up from your coffee to see everyone looking at you waiting for an answer "well if you must know I've got a..date, with a nice normal human. We're meeting soon so I had to wake up early to get ready" you lie looking at your coffee and hoping everyone believes it "damn (y/n) I didn't think you did date, if I'd known I would've asked ages ago" dean smirks and winks and you, you roll your eyes "you suck dean. I'm going to go get ready." You get up and walk into your room changing into black ripped jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt then pack your backpack with your hunting stuff, ok so you're actually going on a small demon hunt a few low level demons making some noise you decided to take them out but didn't tell the boys caused they'd just sideline you like always.
You quickly shove your stolen angel blade into your bag along with some other stuff and quickly go to garage and get into your blue 1964 mustang and drive off to a few towns over to kick some demon ass
You get back to the bunker and stumble out your mustang clutching your side, the hunt had gone a little differently then expected, what you thought was two or three low life demons was actually five of Crowleys demons making deals but you still got the job done and killed them all, of course after been thrown around a little and definitely cracking a rib or two 'it's fine i can hide this from the boys like I do everything else' you think to yourself and take a deep breath standing up straight and walking into the bunker leaving your hunting bag in your car so the boy's don't question anything
Later on you stand in your bathroom shirtless staring at your bruising ribs the sound of the shower filling the room "god (y/n) you're so dumb! How did you not know they were Crowleys crossroad demons!" You growl angry at yourself for fucking up
Your eyes glance down at your left forearm seeing the scars and fresh cuts littering the (s/c) space you sigh "you deserve this" you whisper to yourself then kneel down reaching behind the sink pulling out a small black pouch and grabbing a small blade out and making several cuts along your arm before putting it away and hiding the pouch again then quickly steps into the shower to wash away the day
After your shower you walk into your room and over to your closet looking for something to sleep in
"Hey (y/n) can we talk?" Jack Asks walking into you room without knocking, you quickly pull you towel tighter around you with your left arm on your waist "Jack what did we say about knocking" you remind him keeping a calm tone he blushes and looks down "s-sorry I forgot..I'll wait outside for you to get dressed" Jack quickly walks out and you breath out a chuckle then decide to wear some shorts and one of the Winchester's flannels as pj's "ok jack you can come in now" you say then sit on your bed wincing a little as you do the pain in your ribs making itself known
Jack walks in and sits in front of you on the bed "why did you lie today?" Jack says blankly you blink a few time and tilt your head "what? You'll have to be more specific hon" you say playing dumb "you said you had a date but when I was in the garage I saw your hunting bag in your car and your Angel blade had fresh blood on it" he says not taking any shit, you sigh and look down "ok so I went on a small demon nothing I can't handle and the only reason I didn't tell you and Cas and the Winchester's is because I always get sidelined and I'm sick of it so I lied and went on my own" you fess up leaving out some stuff and shrug jack sighs and nods "you shouldn't lie, it's wrong. Also it means that if your hurt we can't come and help you" he says sounding worried about you, you look up at nod smiling "no more lies. I promise" you hum with your left arm behind your back and your fingers crossed the Nephilim smiles and nods happy with your answer "ok good, night (y/n)" he gets up and walks out your room "night jack" you hum as he shuts your door
You let out a quiet huff and get under the covers and you're out the minute your head touches the pillow
The next morning you wake to see three angry faces and one guilty face "oh god did jack tell you?" You groan sitting against the headboard and rubbing your eyes "you bet your ass he did! What were you thinking going off on a demon hunt on your own!" Dean yells angrily you sigh looking at the disappointed moose and angel "I was sick and tired of being sidelined! You never let me hunt anymore!" You yell and get up ignoring the rush of pain in your ribs "yeah there's a reason for that." Sam says quietly you look at him confused and pissed "what the hell!? What reason do you have for sidelining me!?" You yell angrily glaring at the men in front of you "you keep putting yourself in danger. You keep putting yourself in firing land it's like you don't care about living." Cas says his cold stare making it look like he's looking into your soul, you look down with tears in your eyes "so what!? I get the job done no matter the danger." You say coldly crossing your arms "'so what' 'so what!?' (Y/N) do you understand what you just said! You just said you don't care about your own life" - "I don't! I don't mean anything! Not like you guys! If I die no one cries I don't mean anything but if you die the world ends! The world needs you guys it doesn't need me.." you look up at them tears falling down your face they all look shocked especially jack he looks so..heartbroken
You drop your hands to your side and shakes your head "(y/n)..I would cry if you died. I care we all do" jack says softly walking over to you and taking your hands in his you shake your head chuckling dryly "no jack..I don't matter the way you all do" you sigh and look down then your blood run colds seeing your sleeve has risen up to show your most recent cuts you pull your Arms to your chest but it's too late they've all seen them "(y-y/n) what were those?" Castiel asks taking steps towards you but you back up whimpering "n-nothing! I-I just got a little banged up in the last hunt" you quickly lie but you can tell no one believes you
Sam and Dean walk towards you to stand with Cas and jack but you keep backing up until your back is against the wall "don't lie. What happened to your arm!" Dean says sternly making you jump and look down crying "Dean come on yelling Isn't the way to make her talk to us." Sam says to his brother, some whispering follows the you hear the door open and shut, looking up all you see is Jack in your room he walks over and hugs you letting you just sob into his shoulder you grip onto his shirt as you let it all out.
After crying your heart out he leads you to the bed and sits you down "what's wrong (y/n), what happened to your arm?" He asks softly you look away "me..I-I did it" you whisper hoarsely not daring to look at him, he cups your face so you'll look at him. Jack looks heart broken and confused "c-can I see?" He asks softly you nod and look away he moves his hands to your left arm one hand holding yours and the other pulling up the sleeve he makes a sad noise seeing all the old and fresh cuts on your forearm
Jack sighs and places the one not holding yours on your arm and it starts glowing softly when he removes it all the skin is clean you gasp "y-you healed me.." you say in shock "I-I didn't know you could"
"Neither did I" he whispers and smiles looking at you "I just hated seeing you hurt, instincts took over i guess" he smiles that big beautiful smile he has saved just for you and you can't help but smile back and hug him it's only then you notice he also healed your ribs "thank you jack" you hum nuzzling close and pulls away looking at him "I love you" he rushes out his face turning the shade of a fire truck-it probably matches yours- "I love you too jack" you giggle and kiss him he kisses back cupping your face gently
Things will be ok

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