☆ long time no see, winchesters x fem!reader ☆

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[A/N] idk what this is I wrote it in the middle of the night so enjoy!

[your POV]

Ever since you were a kid it was just you and your dad against the world, fighting against monsters and being an awesome father daughter team at the same time

One day when you were 6 your dad walked into your motel room with another man and two young boys, one walked beside the man he looked about your age and one the man was holding looked younger than you

"(Y/n) this is John and his sons, Dean he's your age and Sam he's only 2" your dad introduced, you nodded and waved "hi" you whispered out shyly, being a hunters kid meant you didn't get to meet a lot of people so you were quite shy

"John and his boys are going to be travelling with us for awhile, I'll be teaching him our ways" he said and you knew that was cover for 'he's a new hunter, we're teaching him the ropes' you nodded again then got off the bed walked over to dean and stuck out your hand "nice to meet you" you said barely above a whisper, the boy looked up at his father who nodded he then looks back at you and shook your hand "nice to meet you too" he mumbles back then drops your hand

From that moment on your family's hunted together, you helped dean raise sam and when you guys were old enough you and dean helped your dads out on Hunts, although a lot of the time you got told to stay back with Sam, Dean always teased you saying because you were a girl you had to stay home and take care of the baby- and every time it got him the reaction he wanted, you got mad at him and your face would go red like a fire truck

One day when you were 16 and made to stay at home with 12 year old Sammy (again) whilst you dad, John and Dean went on a hunt it was a pack of wolves, something you could've easily handled with them but no, they benched you again

You were on the sofa with sam watching some old black and white movie Sam had insisted on watching "I'm sorry" was suddenly said by the brunette next to you, you looked at him and frowned "no don't be sorry, I love spending time with you I just wish they trusted me more to go on hunts with them, but it's not your fault" you smile at the younger Winchester and ruffle his hair turning your attention back on the movie

A few hours later dean and John stumble in scratched up but not to badly injured, you got up and walked over to them confused "guys where's my dad?" You asked looking outside to see if he's getting bags from the car. John sighs and you turn to him "I'm sorry (y/n) the wolves got the jump on us and they got your dad.." every other noise was muffled after you heard that werewolves 'got your dad' You dropped to your knees numb you didn't even realise your were sobbing loudly until dean pulled you into his arms and stroked your hair trying to calm you

After hours of sobbing you passed out in Deans arms, he sighed and picked you up and lays you on the bed

[Dean's POV]

I lay (y/n) on the bed frowning at her tears stained face then turn to my dad and Sammy "what are we going to do?" I ask quietly

Dad sighs and runs a hand down his bruised face "I'll drop her off with some friends, she can stay with them." He says coldly and walks into the kitchen and gets out a bear from the fridge

"we're leaving her?" Sam asks after a moment of silence "why? She just lost her dad and now she's going to loose us?" He rushes out upset, dad sighs again and sends a look to Sam making him instantly shut up "she's not our responsibility. I'm not dragging around her dead weight so I'm leaving her with Ellen and her daughter Jo she'll be useful there, she can work. They own a roadhouse" dad explains, those were the last words said that night

[your POV]

You wake up and rub your sore eyes then get up and look around at the three sleeping body's, pain sets in your heart remembering you won't ever get to have breakfast with your dad again or sneak in his bed when you had a nightmare or missed your Mom

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