☆ Teddy bear - john winchester x daughter reader ☆

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In this the reader is Deans little sister and Sam doesn't exist
Reader - 8 years old
Dean - 12 years old
[Readers POV]
waking up to shouting in the motel room you hug your teddy bear that mommy gave you closer to your chest, knowing that shouting it's daddy and Dean. They're always yelling.
[Dean's POV]
"Dad you're being unreasonable she's 8 years old!" I yell at my dad he's pissed that (y/n) still carries around her teddy bear that mom got her, it's a brown bear that's wearing an old shirt of moms, (y/n) even called it Mary and dad wants her to get rid of it but I'm trying to stop him and let her be a kid for a little longer "no she's too old Dean! She needs to get rid of it!" He yells back walking towards (y/n)'s room "no she's not! She's 8 dad! She's a kid! She never got to meet mom this is the only thing she has! Let her keep it!" I yell but instantly regret it, i brought up mom he'll kill me
Dad turns around facing me emotionlessly "don't you dare bring up Mary!" He yells walking towards me and pinning me to wall by the collar of my shirt "I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to I-it's just that mom gave the bear to (y/n)" I stutter out my eyes clouding with tears "you made a big mistake! You know not to bring up Mary and now you're gonna he a sissy about it and cry!?" He yells in my face "d-daddy? What are you dowing to Dee?" A small scared voice silences the room, me and dad look to see (y/n) standing in the door way of her room clutching her bear
Dad quickly lets go of me and turns to her "nothing sweetheart. Me and dean were just having a disagreement." Dad says softly disagreement my ass
I smile and walk over to my little sister and pick her up "nothing you need to worry about peaches, let's get you back to bed it's too late for princesses to be up" I smile at her and tickle her side making her giggle and light up like she always does "will you read me a stowy?" She asks excitedly I nod and chuckle "of course, I can't let a princess fall asleep without and story!" I say overdramatised and walk back into her bedroom
[John's POV]
I watch Dean take (y/n) into her room and smile weakly sitting on the sofa and hanging my head. I want (y/n) to be a kid and keep the bear but it's hard seeing it it's just so Mary also I need to start training (y/n) and I need her to learn that nothing last forever. Maybe I'll let her be a kid a little longer, if not for her or Dean then or Mary.

(A/N) I know it's short buuut the idea was stuck in my head and I had to get it out! Also I know the ending sucks but I like it so yeah!
Eli out, peace

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