☆ too little too late - supernatural x fem!reader ☆

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[y/n's POV]
I'm walking through town to get to the library my long (if you have short hair, pretend it's long for this one it's important to the story line) (h/c) hair covering the left side of my face, covering the scar I hate with everything in me, the scar i got about a year ago...
*flash back*
I walk through my apartment door late at night going to meet up with a close friend that's just been dumped.
As I slip into a ally way that will pop me right outside her apartment building when I feel two arms wrap around me, one over my waist and arms the other over my mouth, my eyes widen and I freeze in fear "what's a hot piece of ass doing out his late..alone?" He chuckles in my ear, his hot breath fanning over my neck making me cringe and try and get away from him "hey hey hey not so fast there pretty little thing. I'm going to move my hand if you scream I'll slit your throat." He threatens and takes his hand off my mouth "pl-please let me go..I-I haven't done anything.." I barely whisper out tears overflowing out my eyes "so you're hot, evil and a liar." He chuckles then something hits my head and everything goes black
When I wake I'm tied to a chair with sliver chains and I look down to see some weird pentagram thing in red paint.
I look up to see my kidnapper sitting across from me his longish chestnut brown hair push away from his chiseled face, in any other circumstance I would says he's drop dead gorgeous but him kidnapping me makes that hotness level drop to a one.
"Why—why am I here..?" I croak out trying, and failing, to sound strong and brave "you know why you're here you black eyed bitch." the guy practically growls "black eyed what!? Listen dude you're completely off your nut!" I scream struggling in the chains wanting to get away from this crazy dude, my captor is about to say something when an older man walks in he's old and hairless he goes over to his younger counter part and places his hand on the others shoulder "Sam are you sure she's the demon? She looks like a helpless human." The older man says to this 'Sam' character "I'm sure of it Samual." He says back shrugging the hand off his shoulder as he stands "Sam and Samual? What is this? Family kidnapping!?" Sam chuckles "she's talkative. Samual just trust me and give me an hour" he says the elder sighs but nods and walks out "an hour Sam" he says before shutting the large metal door
"Now let's get to business. What were you doing when I found you?" He says walking over to a metal table and picking up a old knife with odd symbols on it and dipping it in what looks like holy water, I'm guessing front the cross on the bottle "I-I was just g-going over to a friends house, sh-she got dumped I-I wanted to console her. I promise that's all!" I stutter out not taking my eyes off the knife "you're a real good actor, most hunters would think you're human but I know your lies. I saw you attack those innocents!" He yells and slashes my face all the way from my left eyebrow to my top lip, I scream from the pain my salty tears stinging the cut "p-please let me go.." I sob looking at the now shocked man "y-your skin it didn't- you're human. Shit. SAMUAL!"
*flash back over*
I snap out of my awful memory when I end up in front of the library, I see myself in the door window and frown seeing my scar I quickly fix my hair to cover it then walk in going to the back and sitting at the desk closest to the fire escape and pull out my favourite book, I always come here to get away from my noisy neighbours and to just escape the rest of the world.
I'm interrupted from my peaceful silence when I see two tall men walk in and sit down at my table opposite me, I don't mind but when I get a good look at them I gasp and drop my book on to the desk, one of them it's the man that took me, it's Sam "no no no..you can't be back..!" I whimper and get you stumbling over my feet the two look at me confused then Sams face goes pale "Dean, I know her. I kind of kidnapped her a year ago when I was with Samual.." he says looking..remorseful..? What!? This guy kidnapped me and now he seeks me out to give me puppy dog eyes "Sam you what? She's a human!" Dean says with a sigh "I thought she was a demon, I was wrong.." he mumbles and looks at me making me think of that night over and over. My eyes bolt all over the place trying to find something to defend myself with, the shorter of the two, Dean, get up with his hands up and walk towards me "s-stay back!" I yell scared backing up to the fire escape "wait just let me talk to you..my brother wasn't...in the right headspace last year..but I helped him and he's ok again.." dead explains slowly then Sam gets up and stands behind Dean "I'm so sorry..y- y/n- y/n..! I'm sorry y/n" he says sorrowfully after taking awhile I remember my damn name "you two are crazy! I-I'm out of here!" I shout and stumble out the door whilst I grab my phone and dial the number of the sheriff but before I can call I bump into a man in a trench coat "s-sorry.." I mumble trying to get around the guy but he grabs me and places two fingers on my forehead making my world go black
[Dean's POV]
"What the hell cas!?" I angrily ask the angel seeing the unconscious girl on the floor, I pick her up bridal style "she was going to call the sheriff, that can't happen so I brought us more time." He said in his usual monotone voice I roll my eyes "Sammy kidnapped her a year ago, so kidnapping her now is not a good idea!" I yell quietly but see people starting to notice us "quickly in the car." I grumble, awkwardly getting Sam to get my keys out of my pocket
We all pile in the car with Cas and Sam in the front and me holding y/n in the back
We get to our motel room and I lay her on my bed "well what do we do now?" I ask sitting down with a loud sigh "I'll go grab some supplies for the girl, for when she wakes" Cass says then flutters away
[y/n POV]
I wake up on a bed in what looked like a really gross motel, I stay still and shut my eyes when I hear two voices from the other side of the room arguing about what to do with me, this is bad I need to get out of here.
I move onto my side pretending I did it in my sleep as my hand moves under the pillow brushing against a..gun? Perfect! I quickly grab it then stand up pointing the gun at them, they look very alarmed and put their hands up "I-I'm going to Walk out of here a-and I'm going to the police station a-and you're not going to stop me." I say taking the safety off the beautiful gun "we can't let you do that (y/n)" dean says inching towards me "don't move!" I yell pointing the gun right at his head "after your 'brother' here kidnapped me and made me a freak I took a lot of self defence lessons, I know how to use this and I can beat Your ass if you dare put your hands on me" I glare at Sam I see him frown as he looks at the ugly scar he gave me "and you." I move the gun to Sam "because of you I was fired from my job, I was a school teacher-little kids but after you all my kids got scared of my face so the school dropped me now I work the graveyard shift at the hospital but not with patients no I stack towels and clean up vomit! All of that is your fault" I yell at him walking closer and I put the gun against his forehead my eyes blurring with tears "I should kill you right now for what you did." I whisper my finger moving to the trigger "(y/n) please don't do this! He's my brother he's all I got left! He wasn't him when he hurt you! Please just let me explain, put the gun down.." Dean pleads walking toward me slowly I turn to him tears rolling down my ugly face (you're all beautiful!! This is just for the story and the reader's insecurities!!) "why!? I have nothing because of him! My parents died when I was a kid, my boyfriend dumped me when he saw my face none of my friends stuck around through my depression and nightmares and anxiety! WHY SHOULD YOU GET TO KEEP YOUR BROTHER WHEN I HAVE NOTHING BECAUSE OF HIM!" I scream and turn back to Sam and pull the trigger but nothing happens
Sam holds up the chamber with the bullets "you might need this for the gun to work." He says and puts it on the table I drop the gun and look at him "why?" I whispered out all my anger being washed away as sadness and depression seeps in "just sit down and let me and my brother explain.." he says softly and stands up I nod and walk over to the bed sitting on the end and slumping over as the brothers sit across from me
After the Brothers explain everything to me I'm shocked to say the least "ok so: you hunt monsters, with the help from an angel, Sam was soulless after being brought out of the cage with Lucifer but now he has a soul and what..? You just ignore the fact that you hurt people without caring who they were?" I shake my head and stand up "I mean you were wrong about me. We're you wrong about anyone else?" My hands are balled up in fists and I'm shaking slightly "no..not as far as I know, you were the only person I wrongly accused of being something evil.." Sam says quietly "this is bullshit!" I yell walking towards the door "promise you won't go to the cops" deans rough voice cuts through the thick air behind me, I sigh but nod not looking at them "just stay away from me and leave as soon as whatever you're hunting is dead." I mutter coldly and walk out never seeing those jackass's again

(A/N) I'm sorry the ending was kinda shitty I got writers block with the end but I liked enough of it so say 'fuck it' so I hope you enjoyed!
Eli out ✌🏻

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