★ Criminal minds- Spencer Reid x abused!fem!reader ★

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TW!- domestic abuse, if this triggers you please don't read I want everyone to stay safe! <3
This is really long so buckle up and enjoy!
[Your POV]
You walk into B.A.U building, Monday morning, wearing a cream sweater and black dress pants along with a black blazer, 10 minutes early as normal and go straight to your desk opposite Reid who is also at his desk "morning Reid, how was your weekend" you say with a smile like every Monday morning the genius looks up with his own smile "hi (y/n) my weekend was good I visited my mom she's doing really good, she's been doing a lot better the last couple of weeks" You smiled knowing Spencer got to see his mother, you knew he felt guilty about not being able to see her much and not taking care of her himself. but he knew it was for the best and his mother was being taken care of.
"How was your weekend?" He asks and your smile faltered slightly but he didn't notice "oh same old, same old. Me and Paul spent a lazy weekend in" you lied straight through your teeth, Paul is your boyfriend he's great but sometimes he's a little..rough
*last Friday*
You walk through the door of your shared apartment "Paul baby I'm home" you call putting your bag by the door "I'm in the bedroom" your boyfriend of a year calls back out and you smile skipping into the bedroom but the smile fades very quickly seeing the look on Paul's face "it's 10 pm why are you home so late. You said you'd be home at 9. I had no text or calls or anything! Where were you!?" He asks anger flowing through his words "my phone died on the jet and Hotch wanted all of us to finish our paperwork before we left then it took 20 minutes to convince pen to let me go home, she was trying to drag me to a bar with Derek and Emily" she explain calmly and walk over to your bedside table pulling your phone from your pocket and plugging it in to charge "did you? Go to a bar with them?" He asks dangerously low you sigh and turn to him "no. I came straight here just like you ordered me to." You mutter out tired -big mistake- Paul grabs your wrist tightly "don't you dare disrespect me like that!" He shouts in your face you look down "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that" you whisper, your voice shaking. He lets go of your wrist and cups your face with the same hand the other going to your waist
You look up at him and smile the best you can after being a little shaken up "I'm sorry I shouted baby, you know I worry about you" he says sweetly melting away you sadness you nod "I know, I'm sorry I was rude I've had a long day the case was awf-" he cut you off by smashing his lips into yours, you respond quickly wrapping your arms around his neck
He pulls away both his hands now on your waist "let's not talk about that it's late." You nod and step away taking off your jacket and work clothes and slipping into an old band shirt you stole from Reid or Morgan years ago and just forgot to give back. You haven't worn it in almost a year but it's one of the only things you have clean, you've been meaning to do laundry "is that too new? I didn't know you liked pink Floyd" Paul asks from the bed you turn to him "I don't really, it's not mine I stole it from one of the boys years ago, I honestly forgot about it" you chuckle and get into bed next to your boyfriend "oh really? Who's is it then?" He asks his voice hardening slightly "I'm not completely sure, Morgan or Reid's. After a case my top was ripped by the unsub, I was bate as usual, so one of them offered his shirt and I just never gave it back" you explain laying back against your pillows, eyes feeling heavy "huh. That seems like something a boyfriend would do." At that you look at him like he grew a second head "excuse me? The only boyfriend I have is you." He huffs and in a blink of an eye is hovering over you pinning both your wrists at your sides making your heart race and a tinge of fear course through you "that's what I thought. But maybe I'm wrong. I mean how would I know if you had been with someone else? You spend so much time with them, surrounded by all the men on the team. The only females are you and Emily I wouldn't be surprised if you were fucking every one of them, you were quite slut before you met me. I thought I fixed you but I guess not." He mutters angrily, you start struggling against him "p-please I-I promise nothing is happening between us! They're just my friends and co-works!" You get out all in one breath panicking he gets off you and paces the room "no! Your lying! You're always coming home late!" He yells you get up anxiously staying far enough away from him "Paul look at me" you take a few cautious steps towards him "you're the one I love, I'm not with anyone else" you say and stand in front of him and go to cup his face with your right hand but he catches your wrist and holds it tightly making you wince in pain, he backs you into a wall and glares at you "I'll show you who you belong to. You'll never even think about being with them" he whispers in your ear then punches you in the gut, you cry out doubling over.
This isn't the first time Paul has hit you, the first time you had a black eye and a lot of questions, since then he's learnt to keep bruises in easily covered places, the next morning he always apologises and promises he won't do it again, you always promise next time you'll leave him. Each time you break your promises.
The whole weekend was a cycle of arguments and beatings then tears and cuddling by the end of the weekend you're convinced your right wrist is at least fractured but it's fine you've wrapped it refusing to go to a hospital and lie also your stomach and hips are black and blue but with a few painkillers you can ignore the burning pain when you move
*end of flash back*
Spencer nods convinced and you both get to work, you're having a little trouble with your hurt wrist and constant pain no matter how you sit "hey kitten you ok? You look like your in pain" you hear Morgan ask from his desk across the bullpen you look up at to see everyone including pen looking at you all with concern on their faces, you give a pained smile and nod "y-yeah guys I'm fine, just cramps" you mumble and get up walking past them and to the small kitchen area and make yourself a coffee you also down like 3 pain killers "you're only supposed to take two" Reid's says from behind you making you jump and almost spill your coffee "you need a bell. You scared the crap out of me" you mutter looking at him and sipping your coffee he chuckles and shrugs "Or maybe you need better hearing" you roll your eyes and go to walk away but spence grabs your free wrist, the right one, to stop you. You let out a loud yelp of pain and tears spring to your eyes, Reid quickly lets your wrist go and you put your coffee down cradling the throbbing appendage, everyone had seen that even Hotch who came out to gather the team for a briefing "Agent (l/n) what happened?" Hotch asked making his way to you "n-nothing I-I hurt my wrist over the weekend a-and when Reid grabbed me it hurt" you stutter out the bs explanation hoping they'll believe it but who were you kidding it's a room of profilers, you wouldn't believe it if you were in their shoes "well that's a lie. Agent (l/n) I need the truth" Hotch says sternly you looks down "it's nothing just a small sprain I'm ok." You mutter back and push past everyone to get to your desk feeling all their eyes follow you, it's quiet for a moment your back to the team as you pretend to search through your bag, then footsteps walk towards you and a hand is placed on your shoulder "(y/n) talk to us, what happened to your wrist" you look at Emily and shake your head "I-I can't tell you." You whisper tears filling your eyes she sighs and takes your left hand and looks to pen "I think us three girls need a chat" she says then her and Penelope take you to the bat cave and sit you down on the sofa at the back of the room, they sit across from you in office chairs "ok (y/n) it's just us, talk to us" Garcia says softly but worry is clear, in both of them you sigh shakily and look down not saying a word "was it Paul?" Emily says flatly you head snaps up at her with wide eyes "o-of course not! He's my boyfriend he wouldn't ever hurt me!" You say quickly needing to protect him "hon I don't need to be a profiler to see that was a lie..why are you covering for him" pen says moving Next to you on your left side "I-it wasn't his fault..I-I yelled at him" you whisper a few tears betraying you and falling down your face "you need to tell us everything" Emily says taking your left hand you nod and start from the first time Paul hit you
After telling the girls everything you're in tears sobbing into Penelope, she's got her arms around you softly rubbing your back, tears of her own in her eyes but she keeps them away to stay strong for you
Emily gets up "I'll go talk to the team" she says and walks out.
A few minutes later Spencer and Hotch walk in both with sympathetic looks you pull yourself from Garcia and stand up wiping away your tears thanking whatever god there is you decided on no makeup today "come on (y/n) we're taking you to the hospital to get you checked out" Spencer says quietly like you'd break if he spoke any louder you sigh and shake your head "no I'm fine to work. I don't need to go to the hospital." You try to walk out but hotch stands in your way "I'm sorry but it's not a suggestion it's an order. Go and get checked out at the hospital" he says authority in his voice knowing there's no way he's letting up you nod "fine, come on Spencer let's go get this over with" you say and walk out with Spencer right behind you, spence is definitely the closest friend in the B.A.U it's something about how he knows everything about everything fascinates you and you're the only one that loves it when he starts listing off 600 facts about random stuff
We get into the black SUV in silence about 5 minutes into the drive you can't take the silence anymore "he's not a bag guy.." you mumble glancing at the boy genius to see him gripping the wheel so hard his knuckles are white and his face is stone cold "are you seriously still defending him!? (Y/n) he broke your arm!" He yells you flinch and shuffle closer to the window "I know what he did. I'm just saying he isn't always Like this, he's really loving.." you mumble looking out the window "wow he must really have his hooks in you. He abuses you. He hurts you again and again and you still love him AND defend him" Spencer chuckles a humourless laugh and shakes his head "it's fucked up (y/n)" he mutters you huff bur don't bother replying
Once you arrive at the hospital both of you hop out the SUV and walk into the E.R in silence, he goes up to desk talking to the desk lady before sitting next to you in the waiting room "look I'm sorry for yelling but I hate that I didn't realise this was happening" spence whispers looking at you with glassy eyes you shake your head "I didn't want anyone to know, one good thing about being a profiler is being able to hide things from other profilers.." you shrug with a sad smile
You name gets called so both you and Spencer follow the nurse through double doors into a room lined with beds most filled, the nurse leads you to the empty bed and hands you the hospital gown "you can change in the bathroom, then sit on the bed and wait for the doctor" you nod and rush off the the bathroom
When you exit you very quickly sit on the bed your face bright red "they should put closed backs on these damn things" you Seeth and Spence chuckles "Hospital gowns with an open back are designed to allow medical staff easy access to whichever part of the patient is required. This also allows easy removal of the gown even when a patient has IV lines into the arms."
"Always with the facts spence" you both chuckle at that and you lean back against the bed and sigh waiting for the doctor
After a while the doctor Walks in and pulls the curtain around the bed for privacy "hello I'm Doctor Stevens and I'll be helping you today, what seems to be the problem" the cheery blonde female said "I think my arm is broken and I've got some bad bruising on my stomach and hips.." you tell her not meeting anyone's eyes, Dr. Stevens nods and looks at your arm "we'll get an x-ray but it looks broken and I'll look at the bruising in a moment, can you tell me how you got hurt" she asks picking up a clipboard and pen writing some stuff down before you can think of a plausible lie Spencer Buts in "her boyfriend beat her over the weekend." He states emotionlessly you snap your head in his direction "what the hell Spencer!" You quickly look to the doctor "he doesn't know what he's talking about my boyfriend loves me he would never do this!" You quickly try and explain tears brimming your eyes Spencer scoffs and shakes his head "seriously (y/n) why are you still defending him! He broke your arm! What else has he done that you've brush away how many times have you covered for him after beating you!?" Reid yells and your tears start overflowing "ok sir I need to ask you to step outside while I have a moment alone with the patient." Dr. Stevens says calmly and escorts Spencer back to the waiting room, she comes back and sits on the end of the bed watching you cry for a moment "(y/n) I need you to be honest with me..did your boyfriend do this?" She asks softly you look up at her and nod slowly "h-he doesn't mean to it's just he gets angry and sometimes it's a little rough. But he loves me" you sob out wiping your eyes and trying to calm down "I'm sure he says he does but honey this isn't love" she says frowning "your boyfriend isn't supposed to be the cause of a broken arm.." a broken sob falls past your lips and you shake your head "I love him..he's not always this rough we just had a big fight" you weakly try to explain although you know it's useless "come on let's get you to x-ray then we can fix up your arm" she says sweetly and sits you in a wheelchair you didn't notice before and takes you away to scan your arm
You walk out of the hospital your arm in a (f/c) cast and domestic abuse leaflets in your good hand- you quickly throw them in the trash the second you leave the hospital-
"So where do you want me to take you? Anyone on the team will let you crash at their place, including me" Reid says helping you into the SUV you look at him confused as he gets behind the wheel "I want you to take me home. Where I live and will be staying." You say chuckling softly now it's his turn to look confused "you can't be serious (y/n). I'm not just going to leave you there to get beaten up more!"
You sigh and look down "Spencer it's not up to you. If you don't take me home I'll walk." You say sternly he sighs but nods "fine. But I don't like this." He mutters and starts the car, driving to your place
You unlock the front door and walk in dropping your back then take off your shoes and sigh walking through the house "Paul are you home?" You call out into the apartment "yeah baby I'm in the front room" he calls out and you feel relief flood your bones hearing him you rush into the sitting room and sit on the sofa and cuddle into him "what are you doing home this early baby?" He asks holding you close "and you have a cast on your arm, what happened?" He asked concerned you nuzzle closer to him "my boss made me go to the E.R to have my wrist checked out since I was in pain, I broke it over the weekend" you mumble looking down "I have to say home for a few days" you finish and feel Paul's hand lift your chin up "I'm so sorry my love, if I had known how bad your wrist was I would've taken you to the E.R myself" he whispers and moves his hand to cup your face "I know, I thought it was just a sprain but Hotch didn't want to take any chances" he nods and pecks your lips and holds you close you smile and relax in his arms, not fully but enough to fall asleep
When you woke up it was cold, you sat up and saw Paul pacing in front of you holding your phone "baby? Why do you have my phone" you croak out rubbing the sleep out of your eyes "why has someone called 'pretty boy' called you 4 times in the times in two hours?" He practically growls out making you sink back into the couch "Paul you've got it twisted, our nickname for Spencer is Pretty boy, Morgan came up with it" you explain keeping your voice level your boyfriend scoffs and shakes his head "how can I believe you!? You lie!" He yells walking towards you, you whimper and shuffle back hitting the back of the couch making you wince in pain "no! I didn't lie I promise!" You plead with him but he ignores you and grabs your hair making you cry out in pain "no! Looks like I'm going to have show you what happens when you keep lying to me!" With that he drags you, by your hair, into the bathroom he throws you in and your back hits the wall a loud groan falls from you "P-Paul please no! We can talk about this!" You plead, tears falling down your face he walks over to you and kneels down "we're past talking, all you do is lie! First the late nights, then the shirt and now the calls. I can't trust you to tell the truth. I need to teach you not to lie." He kisses your forehead and turns on the taps for the tub then walks out of the bathroom locking the door.
Panic spreads through your chest and you do the only thing you can think of, you shuffle over to your sink and grab the phone you stashed there when you first moved in you open it and go into the contacts, you have the whole B.A.U teams numbers programmed in, you call Hotch and shakily hold the device to your ear after a few rings he picks up "hello this is Agent Hotchner with the B.A.U who is this?" He asks with his usual 'unsub questioning' voice "Hotch it's me (y/n) I-I need your help" you whisper your voice wavering "I came home after Spencer took me to the hospital and everything was fine, we cuddled and I fell asleep. But when I woke up Paul was really mad because of how many times Reid called. He's convinced we're having an affair, I've never seen him this mad! P-please you have to help me!" You finish and start crying silently scared of making any loud noise "it's ok (y/n), we're on our way stay strong." And with that Hotch hung up "please hurry" you whisper into the phone even though he's long gone
Paul bursts back in slamming the door shut after and walks over to you and lifts you up and places you in the tub that's filling up with freezing cold water "Paul p-please you don't have to do this!" You cry out in fear
"Oh baby I do. You keep lying, I have to teach you not to lie to me" he says sounding upset with underlying anger he then forces you under the freezing water holding you down as you hit his arm repeatedly
After 30 seconds he pulls you up and you cough and gasp for air
He then repeats over and over until your lips are blue and your shivering uncontrollably "this is the last time" Paul whispers in your ear and shoves you back under, you let him too weak to fight back
Suddenly you see the door fly open and your team file through aiming their guns at Paul, he pulls you up and out the water and the tub placing your weak and cold body in front of his "let go of Agent (l/n) and put you hands where we can see them!" Hotch demands glaring at the man holding you "p-Paul just d-do what they say, t-then they won't h-hurt you" you croak out looking up at the man you've loved for the past year "listen to her man. Don't give us a reason to hurt you!" Morgan yells angrily
Paul looks down at you and shakes his head "they'll take you away from me, I don't want to loose you" he whispers and holds you closer "Paul.." you sigh takes his hands off you "y-you've already lost me" you whisper choking back a sob, he nods and kisses your forehead one last time and drops his arms you crawl away behind the team Spencer helps you stand and leads you out of the bathroom where your now ex-boyfriend is being cuffed and read his rights
Your sat on a hospital bed with a blanket wrapped around your blue and shivering form, the team is trying to speak to you but you've completely checked out starring at the wall in front of you
"(y/n) please say something" Spencer practically begs and grabs your hand making you jump and look at him alarmed, he quickly pulls away and frowns "I-I'm sorry..just please talk to us" he says quietly his voice breaking you look around at your team and sighs looking down at your cast "there's nothing to say Spencer. My boyfriend almost drowned me. And now he's going to prison." You rasp out, eyes filling with tears
There's a heavy silence in the room for a few minutes until Hotch decides to speak up "(y/n) look at me" he says sternly you look up at him "you need to talk to us and tell us everything that happened since you got home. We already know your history from Emily and Garcia but we need to know what happened today." He orders but still has a soft undertone to his voice you take a shaky breath and nods then proceed to explain everything to your team- your family
~5 years later~
"Mommy!" You hear as you walk through your front door and see your 4 year old boy, Matthew, run up to you chuckling you kneel down and pick up him up "hey big guy! Mommy missed you so much!" You day and hold him close "I missed you to mommy! Daddy missed you too!" He giggles and as he said that your fiancé Spencer rounds the corner and joins the two of you "hey baby, how was work?" He asks kissing your forehead you shrug "it was a paper day, I think they save the cases for when your in" you grumble making spence chuckle "hey you're the one that suggested we alternate weeks at work to raise this little guy" he smirks and ruffles Matthews hair you let your son down and he runs off to play "I know but I haven't been on a case in like a month! You always get the cases" you pout, Spence just chuckles and kisses your pout making it disappear "I love you" Spencer whispers against your lips "I love you too" you whisper back and kiss him again

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