☆ nightmeres- peter parker x sister!reader ☆

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**[Y/N] POV**
I'm running and fast. I can't look back I don't want to see it. I hear people screaming but I block them out I have to focus and get to peter! He can help me!
I finally see the red spider suit and cry out in relief "PETER!" I scream and run over to him, but when I find him I see his mask torn off blood covering his face and body "p-Peter..?" I whisper dropping to my knees and putting my hand on my brothers chest but I don't feel a heartbeat "no! No! PETER! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" I scream tears rushing down my face.
Suddenly a hand wraps around my throat
You bolt up from sleep sweating and crying silently "Peter!" You whisper and rush out of bed and run into his room not bothering to knock, then you rush over and shake your older brother "Peter! Peter wake up!" You shout making him bolt up just like you did and look around "(y/n) what's wrong!?" He asks worried
**Peter's POV**
I'm asleep peacefully when I feel someone shaking me I bolt up and look around to see my younger sister "(y/n) what's wrong!?" I ask worried seeing my sister with tear stains down her scared face "I-I had a-a nightmare and you-you died!" She starts crying again so I pull her into my chest and rub her back "it's ok sissy, I've got you and I'm ok, I'm not injured at all" I reassure her, she pulls away and nods wiping her eyes and sniffling "c-can i sleep in here tonight?" She asks quietly I nod and scoot up so she has space to get in. Once she's comfortable I lay down and pull her close kissing her forehead, I'm used to this, (y/n) often has nightmares about me or May or even our parents and will come into my room and stay the night she says it because I 'chase away the nightmares' I hope it's true, my sister doesn't deserve to be Plagued with nightmares 3 times a week..
Once I hear her even breaths I let myself fall back asleep keeping (y/n) close and protecting her from bad dreams

//sorry it's so short!! But I thought of this while watching supernatural and had to right it!! Also it's adorable!! Hope you enjoyed!!

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