☆ Soulmate?-Dean x fem!reader ☆

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(Y/f/f) - your favourite flower
[Dean's POV]
I look over to my right where I heard the shot to see (y/n) fall to the ground I run over and chop the vamp that shot her head off and fall to my knees next to her pulling her into my lap "you're gonna be ok! You hear me!" I say panicked seeing all the blood coming from her chest I put pressure on the wound and look up "SAMMY! GET OVER HERE!" I scream Sam comes in from outside the gross barn and runs over covered in vamp blood "what happened Dean!?" He asked getting to his needs and seeing (y/n) in my arms "we were chopping vamps and one got a gun and shot her! I-I don't know what to do it went right though her heart!" My voice cracks seeing the woman I love like this in my arms, dying
[y/n's pov]
I cough up some blood and look at the two boys above me and smile "m-my family" I croak out they look down at me, Sammy grabs my hand "s-Sammy take care of him..h-he needs y-you" I say looking at him the same smile trying to show I'm not in pain I then turn to Dean Winchester the love of my life and I never got to tell him "Dean, I-I love you. I-I'm sorry I never told you so-sooner" this is when I start crying, Dean pulls me close and plants a soft kiss on my bloody lips "I love you too so much" he whispers I can tell he's also crying I reach up with my free hand and wipe his tears smiling again "we have really bad timing for confessions" I chuckles weakly but then start coughing up blood again "I-I love you boys" I whisper feeling cold "hey, hey, you can't be saying goodbye we need to finish Game Of Thrones" Sam says holding my hand close to his chest I turn to him "finish it without me" I whisper and loose the fight with my eyes as they shut one last tear sliding out from under my lashes


I wake up and look around it's pitch black and freezing, then I remember the lighter in my pocket dean gave me I pull it out and flip it open I'm in a box? Ok then 'let's break out of this bitch.' I think then suddenly I'm topside I look around and I'm in a field of (y/f/f) I smile and start walking towards the road my legs a little wobbly but I get there and look for road signs I find one and it says I'm in "Missouri!?" I yell out confused but my voice is hoarse from not being used so sounds weird I sigh and look for my phone but it's been taken out my jean pockets "really boys?" I groan then get an idea and look up at the sky "Castiel I need you, I'm back I have no idea how but I'm back! I need you to help me!" I yell out then open my eyes looking around for the angel I don't see him so I sigh thinking he won't come and start walking down the road then-boom-right in front of me, in shock I put my hands out to push him but he gets flown into a tree.
I gasp and run over to the tree, he's getting up and once I'm close to him he holds a angle blade to my neck "who are you and why are you using (y/n) as a meat suit!?" He asks angrily despite this I break out in a smile and start crying "Cas! I've missed you so much! I'm so sorry I did that I have no idea how, i-I just woke up in a box then I'm in a (y/f/f) field, then called for you because I didn't know what else to do" I explain getting my tears to stop he looks at me and drops the blade "(y/n)?" I nod and hug him tightly he hugs back a little stiff but that's normal for Cas "thank you" I whisper and pull away "I want to see Dean and Sammy!" I gasp excitedly then suddenly we're in the bunker
I turn around to see the Winchester boys, the family I made these last few years staring back at me confused but it only lasts a second before they're on their feet and point guns at me I tear up a little and hold my hands up "is that anyway to treat family?" I say a little pissed covering the fact I'm just really upset "well you're not family, (y/n) has been dead for a year!" Dean says Gruffly glaring at me I look at them then at Cas who's next to me "a-a year..?" I whisper out tears making my eyes blurry but I quickly blink them away "well surprise I'm not dead" I slowly lower my hands and look at the guns still pointed right at me I frown and my hands ball up into fists "I would suggest lowering your guns, it seems to be (y/n) but she's different." Cas says walking over to the boys Sam lowers his gun like the angel says but dead doesn't and this hurts he's supposed to love me "no I'm not putting this down till I know that the hell is going on!" He yells angrily I glare at the gun 'I wish he would just drop the damn gun! Like if it was made of lava!'
The gun starts getting red from how hot it is and dead drops it too the floor we all look at the gun in shock then they look at me "I-I didn't do that i-I swear." I say hugging myself as I do I feel something feathery "what the hell" I try and move them and they shoot out from behind my back, they're beautiful (f/c) wings "um (y/n) how did you get those?" Castiel asks looking at my wings I shrug "I didn't know I had them until about 5 seconds ago." I mumble looking at my wings in awe I turn to the boys Dean has the same shocked but mesmerised face as Cas whereas Sam looks damn right confused and lost "what are you guys talking about?" He asks looking at me his head tilted with his usual puppy dog eyes "dude what do you mean? Can't you see the huge (f/c) wings (y/n) has!?" Dean yells pointing to my wings, Sammy shakes his head and Castiel sighs "that's because you're not an angel or her soulmate, somehow (y/n) is an angel. The only person who can see an angels wigs are another angel or that angels soulmate. Dean is (y/n)'s soulmate."
We all stare at him in shock "s-soulmate?" I whisper out looking at Dean to see his forest green eyes looking right back into my (e/c) ones. He starts walking towards me in large strides a determined look on his face, once he reaches me he cups my face "prove it's you. What did you say to me just before the vamps came in? it was just us and you said something that you always say to give the hunt good luck." He says gruffly his eyes shiny with tears I smile feeling tears in my own eyes
"I said 'you watch your own ass, if I catch you staring at mine I'll cut you bitch. Then you chuckle and say 'like I'd check out your gremlin ass' and we start the hunt" I whisper a few tears sliding down both our faces and with that he crashes his lips onto mine and I feel electricity rush through my veins and a few lightbulbs around us I pull away biting my lip "sorry, I guess I've got to get used to my angel powers" I whisper my cheeks heating In embarrassment. "It's ok baby girl I'll help you" Dean whispers and holds me close
I'm going to be ok, we all will

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