Chapter 559: Sleep In The Same Nest

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If Hu Shuihan hadn't seen him, he walked straight to Bai Yue and lay down in the haystack next to her.

Bai Yue froze for a while, but she didn't see any irregular movements of the fox, and she let out a sigh of relief.

The fox beside her was warm. Bai Yue endured for a long time, but still leaned against him, taking the fox's body temperature, Bai Yue could barely resist the severe cold, and gradually fell asleep.

The deeper the night, the lower the temperature, and the water on the ground of the cave has formed a solid piece of ice, and even the sea breeze seems to be frozen into ice knives, drilling into any gaps.

The sleeping Bai Yue only felt a burst of piercing cold on her body, and her bones were freezing and painful, and her body contracted into a shrimp ball could not relieve the cold.

There was always warmth by her side, and she subconsciously didn't want to get close, but finally she couldn't stand the cold anymore and squeezed into the warm place.

Hu Shuihan opened his eyes alertly and felt that there was someone beside him. He was first guarded and tightened his body. Smelling the female's faint body fragrance, he suddenly remembered that this was the female he found, and relaxed.

The female body was trembling slightly, seemingly cold, and she kept leaning against him.

Hu Shuihan suddenly felt distressed, but secretly rejoiced because of the female's dependence. He turned over and pressed the female's body with the softest abdomen, pressing the upward front and back legs against her, and by the way, he pressed the nearby grass close to her.

In her dream, Bai Yue's breath took a little longer and she slept more soundly.

Wow~ wow~ wow~

The sound of the waves rang all night, like a lullaby, making people fall asleep.  In the morning, it is like an alarm clock for people to wake up again, making people sober.

Bai Yue woke up under the call of the waves. When she heard the sound, she remembered where she was and opened her eyes calmly.

But when she saw the snow-white fox's head in front of her, Bai Yue was still taken aback, gasped, and she was about to sit up when she flicked her body.

The fox's legs sank and pressed her restless body.

"Wow~" Hu Shuihan murmured, half-opening his eyes, fished Bai Yue into his arms with his paws, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Bai Yue realized that the warmth of her body came from him, and her expression suddenly became uncomfortable. She opened him with her hands and feet, and said without words: "You get up, I am going to the bathroom."

"Wow?" Hu Shuihan glanced at Bai Yue suspiciously, opened his pointed fox mouth and yawned, and at the same time stretched his limbs straight and stretched out a long lazy waist.

Bai Yue was kicked on his leg by his hind paws, and gasped in pain. Feeling a few vests on her body, Bai Yue sat up and touched the kicked part.

Sure enough, the skin was bruise.

Seeing the female's expression in pain, Hu Shuihan dumbly remembered that he seemed to have touched her, got up uncertainly, turned into a human form, and stretched out Bai Yue's legs.

"Hey!" Bai Yue exclaimed, was pulled back and almost fell, holding his hands behind him to stabilize his figure.

Hu Shuihan pulled out Bai Yue's legs, and three bruise marks were scratched on her snow-white skin was still a little bruise.

"How can it be so tender?" Hu Shuihan first came into contact with a female, and was surprised by the fragility of Bai Yue's body.

The female is actually injured because of his lazy waist?  Hu Shuihan saw it with his own eyes and couldn't believe it.

Bai Yue leaned back with one hand, grabbed the grass with one hand, and put it between the faintly exposed legs, and said in anger, "You let me go!"

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