Chapter 578: Go Ashore

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Soon, the group met at the port.

A sea ship armed to the teeth sailed into the sea, and gradually became smaller in the vast ocean.


Three more days passed in a blink of an eye. During these three days, Bai Yue had been living in the stone covered with the mark of barnacles.

Above the sea, a bright moon hung high in the sky, sprinkling a layer of fine silver light on the sea.

The gentle breeze gleamed the sea. The waves are mixed with stars, bright like a fine brocade studded with diamonds.

It was the latter half of the night, and it was the quietest moment before dawn. The calm sea was full of waves, and the waves became bigger and stronger, like a pot of porridge being stirred.

While Bai Yue was asleep, she felt his arms wrapped around her waist. She woke up instantly when she was on guard, and sat up with a shot of her body.

"What are you doing?" Bai Yue's nervous voice echoed in the air bubbles.

"Hush!" Hu Shuihan made a silent gesture, tightened Bai Yue's clothes, and then stretched his head to look outside the cave.

The sea water surging outside, hit a large number of white waves, blurred people's vision.

Hu Shuihan retreated, hugged Bai Yue and went out.

"Do you want to take me away now?" Bai Yue was shocked, "Aren't you afraid that Qiuqiu is still there?"

"He also needs to rest at night, so I created a tsunami to interfere with him." Hu Shuihan freely shuttled in the violently tumbling sea water, calmly analyzed: "But I think he has already left, and I have been pretending these days.  Staying here is to deceive him to leave."

Bai Yue looked at Hu Shuihan's face and said angrily: "You are so mean!"

"In order to keep you." Hu Shuihan hugged Bai Yue's arms tightly, rubbing his chin against her soft head, "I said, you can only be mine."

"Humph!" Bai Yue began to resentfully, staring at the undercurrent behind him blankly, guessing where Hu Shuihan was going.

Will he return to the sea and stay away from this sea area?

If so, she would really say that should not respond, and the ground would not work.

But Hu Shuihan kept floating up.

The sound of the waves became more and more obvious, more and more obvious, and finally became deafening. Suddenly two people emerged from the bottom of the sea, and followed the waves to the beach.

After breaking away from the seawater and breathing normal air, Bai Yue actually felt the moisture coming on her face, which was even more humid than in the water.

The air was also obviously cold, and her calves exposed outside of her coat were frozen white.

"Ah! We finally landed." Bai Yue said in surprise.

Seeing Bai Yue's smiling face, Hu Shuihan's eyes softened, leading her to the shore.

The white bone vine hasn't appeared yet, it seems that he was really deceived by himself.

There was a trace of pride in the eyes of Hu Shui Han.

He wanted to take Yue'er away from this place, stay on the bottom of the sea, or find another continent for her, but thinking of his promise to Yue'er, he said he wanted to show her the huge footprints, so he took the risk.

Seeing Yue'er really happy, Hu Shuihan felt that all the risks were worth it.

"Don't you want to eat land meat? Let's catch it." Hu Shuihan said.

Bai Yue nodded repeatedly: "Okay!"

As long as she is on this land, she has nothing to worry about, she can always be reunited.

They walked into the woods along the river that merged into the sea. The surging sea gradually subsided, and a red light rose from below the sea level, lighting the beach bright red.

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