Chapter 561: Run Away

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Bai Yue was comfortable enough, and solved the physical problem as quickly as possible. She picked off the leaves with her teeth and claws and wiped it, then quietly stood up.

She didn't called Hu Shuihan. Her eyes are scanned among the plants.

Where should I go?  Can i run away?  Will the fox beat me when i get caught?

Bai Yue's heart beats wildly, hitting her chest hard, every beat reminding her that time and opportunity are passing.

No matter what, let's fight for it!

Bai Yue took a deep breath and walked away tiptoing.

The wind on the cliff was very strong and screaming, which perfectly covered the sound of Bai Yue's deliberately light footsteps.

Hu Shuihan waited patiently for half an hour, but never heard the female's movement, and asked uneasy: "Yue'er, are you all right?"

The only response to him was the howl of the cold wind.

Hu Shuihan was shocked, could it be that Yue'er was caught by a plant?

He immediately stood up and walked around the stone, but no female was seen.

There was no trace of struggling, Hu Shuihan felt cold in his heart, and a sense of betrayal emerged spontaneously.

There was a warm sneer on the aqua-colored lips, creeping into a beast shape, and chasing forward suddenly.

Bai Yue ran to a certain distance, ran wildly.

"Zhi!" Bai Yue didn't dare to shout too loudly, her voice was short and weak while running: "Xiong Yao, Qiuqiu! Where are you?"


Lang Zhi, Xiong Yao and the others didn't respond to her, but an angry beast scream came from behind. You don't need to think who's that. It is Hu Shuihan who is chasing her.

Bai Yue paled and ran faster.

Just now, she was able to pay attention to avoiding plants, but now she couldn't choose her way, and she broke into the sphere of influence of a big tree.

This big tree has more than one kind of leaves, and a vine plant is attached to it.

As soon as Bai Yue broke in, the vines lying on the ground entangled her feet, and suddenly Bai Yue was hung upside down.

"Ah!" Bai Yue screamed, running to cause the blood flow to increase, and suddenly standing upside down, suddenly dizzy and her face flushed.

Hearing the female's scream, Hu Shuihan's blood-red pupils shrank, and he broke out at the speed limit with all his strength, and ran faster.

Not long after, he chased to the place where Bai Yue was caught.

Bai Yue was hung upside down in the air, and there were already several vines entwined around her legs, gathered like a cocoon.

The vines are obviously very corrosive, and the skin they touched immediately showed signs of redness and burning.

Bai Yue's expression was painful. Seeing Hu Shuihan's figure, she did not forget to straighten her collapsed vest.

"It hurts."

Hu Shuihan is a water system ability, and loses his advantage when he reaches the land, but he rushes into the sphere of influence of the big tree without hesitation.

Several vines immediately waved towards Hu Shuihan, and his slender body flexibly avoided the vines, and the hair that was touched by the vines immediately turned brown.

He glanced at his hair and then at Bai Yue, whose legs were entangled by vines, his eyes became more anxious, and he roared directly towards the vines that had attacked him.

"Be careful!" Bai Yue screamed in fright.

Hu Shuihan did not dodge, allowing the vines to wrap around his waist and take it up into the air.

Seeing how he was being slaughtered by others, Bai Yue suddenly realized that he was deliberately arrested to save herself.

The vine thought it was a good harvest, and hung the two together and was about to wrap it up, but the fox in the vine suddenly changed its form, escaped the restraint in a more slender human shape, grabbed the vine in one hand, and jumped onto the vine that tied to Bai Yue.

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