Chapter 527: Eavesdropping

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"Hey?" Bai Yue glanced at Langzhi in surprise, finally feeling at ease.

Langzhi didn't completely believe in Bai Yue, but it was necessary to explore the best place to go to sea. Even if there were no canals, he could choose the calmest sea area by comparison and reduce the possibility of shipwreck.

Hu Mitian nodded and said, "Okay, just leaves this matter to us. The Eagle Profound will fly, and the detection speed is also fast. It shouldn't take a few days."

"Hey, don't, let's take your time, work slowly and carefully, not in a hurry." Bai Yue said hastily.

Both Hu Mitian and Langzhi couldn't help laughing.

Xiong Yao is already cooking, and it won't take long.  Bai Yue still has a bunch of medicines to take. It's best to hurry up half an hour before the meal. Langzhi has reached a cup of warm water and walked to Bai Yue with a prescription medicine.

"Take medicine." Wolf gritted.

Bai Yue looked at the posture of Langzhi and couldn't help taking a step back. She was forced to take medicine every day in the mental hospital. Until now, she has not been able to get rid of the fear of this pattern.

"Guoguo?" Langzhi saw that Bai Yue was scared, looked down at the pill in his hand, and asked: "Should I break it for you? This white piece seems a bit big."

Bai Yue took a deep breath, stretched out a hand and grabbed all the pills in the palm of Lang Zhi's palm, "No need."

After speaking, she put the biggest pill on her tongue and swallowed it in her stomach with a sip of water.

She has to adjust her body quickly, so she can't hold her fear any longer.

The males breathed a sigh of relief. Guoguo is usually easy to raise, but she is still a female, and like other females, she is afraid of taking medicine.

However, the lover's eyes showed warm, even if it was a shortcoming, all the males in the room felt extremely cute, and felt distressed for her appearance that was obviously scared but accepted obediently.

"Mom?" Lele sat on the ground leaning on the leg of the chair and glanced at his mother, but he rolled his eyes because he was too sleepy.

Bai Yue smiled and walked over, hugged Lele and shook: "Sleep if you want."

"Mom." When he reached the most comfortable embrace, Lele relaxed wholeheartedly, buried his face in his mother's soft breasts, smelling the fragrance of the best mother in the world, and soon fell asleep.

Bai Yue kept shaking Lele lightly to make him sleep more peacefully, until Xiong Yao made dinner before Bai Yue put the child on the bed.

The family, plus the tiger, snake, eagle, and the three beasts, surrounded a small square table tightly, and the fragrance of rice floated far out through the window.

By the window, there were several fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenagers who were still thin, headed by the goat boy who had spoken to Hu Mitian.

They had come to eavesdrop on the female's movements, but they didn't hear the voice, but were caught by a burst of strange fragrance.

"It smells so good." Someone sighed.

The young goat has the strongest will. He hasn't completely fallen into the temptation of food yet, and he thinks more about the female he just saw.

Hearing that, he guessed: "The food that females eat is more refined than ours. This should be the food that females eat exclusively."

"It makes sense" someone agreed: "But how can we meet a female?"

The goat boy had no idea, and he lowered his eyes to think in secret.

Females should like to eat delicious foods. Maybe he can find some delicious ones to send over. Maybe the males will let him see the females.

Thinking of this, the goat boy couldn't help laughing.  But he didn't say a word to his companions, of course this kind of opportunity cannot be given to others.

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