Chapter 523: Slum

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Bai Yue stopped talking, resting her chin on Xiong Yao's shoulder, acting as a mentally retarded figure.

Every city under the jurisdiction of the capital has a slum residential area. The houses here are almost free, and you can live for a long time with a small amount of money, but the conditions are not as good as the villas. Each house is a single room and a bachelor’s. Assembly point.

Said to be civilians, but in fact it is a paradise for minors.

These underage orcs have just gained independence, but they don't have the funds to buy a house, they will settle here, usually until they join the team, or the particularly powerful directly bought females and villas, they will not leave.

Of course, there are also some disabled orcs who are barely relying on housing in slums.

Lang Zhi and his party came to the slum area.

Hu Mitian opened the road ahead, walked into the stairs, and encountered a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old beasts who were about to go downstairs.

The young beasts saw Hu Mitian being such a big man but appeared here, and the out of place pictures made them roar with laughter.

"Brother Tiger, have you been driven away by the captain? You still live here when you are an adult." A young man with shaggy white hair smiled and asked, with a pair of pointed white ears standing on top of his head, which can be seen as a goat  Orcs.

Hu Mitian has been arrogant all his life. At this moment, he was ridiculed by a group of minors, and his face would inevitably be lost.

But his face was full of smiles, and he jokingly said: "You should have a good experience, otherwise you will be as old as I am."

The goat boy looked at Hu Mitian with a lot of admiration: "You are quite frank, in fact, there are a lot of orcs who can't make it into the team. You have joined the team before, so you are capable."

The tiger smiled, while talking, Lang Zhi and others walked in, and Bai Yue also walked in in Xiong Yao's arms.

Listening to Hu Mitian's ridiculous preaching, Bai Yue couldn't smile, her face was buried in Xiong Yao's arms, and her shoulders trembled.

The teenagers in the stairs were all silent. The goat teenager who was talking to Hu Mitian was the nearest to Bai Yue. He was even more helpless and stammered: "Female, female...female?"

Bai Yue lifted her head from Xiong Yao's arms and glanced at the boy.

Wow, what a soft and cute boy, is this a goat beast?  There are also a pair of small horns on the top of the head, so fun.

As soon as she raised her head, there were obvious gasps in the small space.

The talking goat boy blushed instantly, and he took a few steps back at a loss.

Bai Yue's appearance is not liked an adult females, it is too clear and watery. This is exquisite and cute in the eyes of the young beasts, just like a little girl who hasn't grown up yet, and it fits their aesthetics.

Bai Yue was taken aback by their reaction, turned her head and hugged Xiong Yao's neck, no longer showing her face.

Hu Mitian laughed and said, "Actually, we just came to live temporarily from another place. Trouble gave way. The female needs to rest."

"Ah? Oh." The goat orc replied dullly and hurriedly stepped aside.

The teenagers stepped aside and watched the group of people go far, but they hesitated to go downstairs.

They looked at each other a few times without saying a word, but they all followed tacitly.

Listening to the footsteps behind him, Langzhi looked at Bai Yue helplessly, and said, "You are starting to cause trouble again."

I thought that the orcs here were not interested in the type of Guoguo, but I didn't expect to kill a group of juveniles.

"Haha..." With the teenagers following, Bai Yue couldn't speak well, and smiled weirdly.

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