The day they will always remember

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The Avengers have been working hard to find a Hydra base where they keep their most prized and most powerful weapon, they have spent months trying to find this weapon to take it off Hydra so they don't destroy the world, but one major problem is the Avengers don't know anything about the weapon, they don't even know what it looks like.

"AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!!!" steve shouted while going to the meeting room.                                            once everyone was there, he began "We have located the base, it is in Wales, so suit up and get ready for the trip, when we get there we fight, we go in Nat, Clint, Wanda, Thor, and Vision will go and find the files and any info you can get while me, Bucky, Loki, Bruce, and Tony will go and find the weapon, we will need the Hulk bruce but we might also need you as well so we will use code green when we don't have a choice, once your group is done you leave to the Quinjet. suit up and meet in the Quinjet."

~~~~~~Time Skip to when they are in the base looking for the weapon because it's my story~~~

Steve, Bucky, Loki, Tony, and Bruce have looked everywhere for the weapon and were going to leave until Bucky got an idea. 

"What if it's a human," Bucky said

 "What" Tony replied.

 "What if the Weapon is a human, we are made to be weapons, Hydra calls us weapons and they are always looking to make humans more powerful, we have been looking for an object, not a human, we need to go to the cells NOW" With that Bucky ran off towards the cells with the others following not know what is happening but letting Bucky do what he wants because 1.Any idea about the weapon would help and 2.Bucky was one of Hydra's projects.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the base were Nat, Clint, Wanda, Vision, and Thor. They found the room they were looking for not long after searching, Nat was in the room working while the others were outside keeping a lookout. Natasha looked in the filing cabinet and only found one file and linked two and two together "Guys we aren't looking for an object we are looking for a human, a girl she has long, wavy/curly purple hair and I think it will be the only prisoner you find because she is the only file in the filing cabinet" Once Nat told him that the computer was finished uploading all of the files onto a USB stick and her group left to the Quinjet just like they were ordered.


as soon as I realized it wasn't a weapon we were looking for and we were actually looking for a human I knew where I had to go, If I was correct and who I think it is then I will do everything in my power to help her we were just around the corner when Nat spoke threw the coms "Guys we aren't looking for an object we are looking for a human, a girl she has long, wavy/curly purple hair and I think it will be the only prisoner you find, she is the only file in the filing cabinet" Once she said that I froze in my spot, it was her and I NEEDED to get her out of this hell. No, hell would be better than here. 

Steve was asking if I was okay but I couldn't hear him "Bucky are you okay pal?" 

I whispered under my breath " It's her, I have to save her she doesn't deserve this, I will get her out of here if it is the last thing I do." and ran off looking into all of the cells until I found the one and the sight I saw broken me.

 there she was on the floor in a pool of blood, I ran into her cell yelling her name "Amy...Amy come one wake up, it's me Bucky, I'm going get you out just like I promised Doll, I won't leave you no matter how much you beg I WON'T leave you again" I was too busy trying to find a pulse and wake Amy up I didn't see the others and that they heard everything I said. Bruce ran in and checked Amy 

"She has a pulse but it's weak and if we don't get her out now she won't make it," Bruce said looking at me, I was scared that I was going lose her and I think the others saw how much she meant to me, so they rushed her to the Quinjet, I stayed by her side and will stay by her side for the rest of my life if I have to.

3 Days later Amy's POV

I woke up hearing a beeping sound and my instant thought was that I was in another experiment. I opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling, I started to panic and look around until I saw him, James Buchanan " Bucky " Barnes. At first, I thought it was a dream or I was dead and that meant James was dead too, so I stared at him getting closer slowly until all of a sudden he snored really loudly scaring me to the point I jumped to the other side of the room where I fell over laughing waking/scaring James. The Avengers burst through the door all armed and ready to shoot until they saw me on the floor. 

Once I finally stopped laughing I stood up dusting myself off and getting into the Hydra stance as I like to call it, everyone was looking at me, Bucky looked confused and happy where the rest looked ready to kill me if I make one wrong move. I looked over to Bucky and say "What, no hug for me James you're breaking my cold, dead, non-existent heart more than it is" Bucky laughed and leapt into my arms and when I say leapt I mean he looked like a frog. He gave me a bone-crushing hug and said " remember, how?" We stopped hugging and I sat down on the bed thinking of my answer.

 I was in thought until Bucky broke me out of it by saying "Doll you okay?"

 "Oh erm yea, I'm great and with that thing of me remembering, I have my memory back for years, that's why I made you leave me behind, I had my memory wiped and I remember everything they did to me and god they weren't happy, but after 1 year I got all my memories back, I kept it a secret and pretended to not remember and be the perfect weapon I'm made for. it was better than getting my memorize wiped and not remembering my life and not remembering all the people I killed, so I went on like it was normal and here I am....Where am I?"

 A guy wearing a metal suit said"Avengers tower Sweetheart" I turned to him with I'm going kill you look and said, "call me Sweetheart one more time and I will show you how much of a sweetheart I am, I didn't get my Solider name for nothing, Tin can." 

Before he could answer Bucky spoke up"Mimi, that's Tony and he calls a lot of people names like that don't take it personally. you said you have remembered for years, that can't be true, they have been killing you have done recently." At this point, I was getting ready to be kicked out or giving back to Hydra. 

"I have remembered for years but like I said I had to act normal and that does mean killing people and being a soldier even if I do horrible things that keep me awake at night but hey that's life so..." 

Bucky just nodded and said " Mimi, These are the Avengers the good guys there's Tony, Nat, Clint, VIsions, Wanda, Thor, Loki, Bruce and Steve" when he said steve my headshot to Bucky

" the Steve, the guy you always talked about when you remembered and how much you missed your brother" Bucky just simply nodded.

I walked up to Steve and stuck my hand out and said "Hey...I'm Amy, It's finally nice to meet the guy James thinks of as a brother"

Steve smiled and shook my hand responding with "It's nice to meet you too Amy, I hope we can be good friends,  get to know each other more, you will be staying with us in the tower I had Jarvis set a room up for you, you are on a floor with me and Bucky, follow I'll show you" I looked to Bucky and he started to walk with us.

The most broken (Bucky Barnes x Amy May) re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now