Ready to jump back into action

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Amy's pov

I hear a beeping noise beside me and I try smacking the thing while saying "SHUT UP IM TRY SLEEP" and I hear chuckling beside me and I remember where I am and I sit up fast and snap my eyes open which was a mistake because I got blinded, dizzy and sick "whoa Amy, be careful your safe and in the hospital. "What day is it and how long have I been here" I say well whisper "you have been here for 3 months and it's a Saturday," Tony says "Oh ok...WAIT WHAT IM LATE, I NEED TO GO"I yell trying taking all the tubes and wires out " whoa Amy stop they need to stay in," Bucky says "No I promised her I would see her I need to go" and when I was about to exit the door ignoring the avenger's protests and trying to get me back in bed, Nick is in the doorway "Amy get back in bed" Nick ordered "No I need to see her I promised, keeping this promise is the least I could do since I didn't go with her and decided to stay alive to be with these not like she would of let me go with her anyway but...please Nick" Nick had the look of sadness In his eyes while the others are just confused "how about this...when you are allowed to leave the hospital on the way home, we will go and see her?" "Okay but when am i allowed to leave" just as i said that a doctor came in "Hey Amy I'm doctor Smith, how are you feeling?" "Hey Doc, I'm good just need to be some place so when can I leave" "we just need to run a few more test then you are free to go." and with that he left.

Time skip brought to you by Loki stabbing Thor for kicking a book

We were now in the care and i couldn't wait to go and see Angel the others are still confused but haven't asked any questions "Amy we are here and here are some flowers" Nick said i nodded and took the flowers, Angel was buried on top of a hill under a beautiful tree we found on one of our trips to NYC. We finally made it to Angels grave and the others were now a little less confused "Hey Angel, it's Amy i know I'm a little late but it's me so i brought my family you know the people i was telling you about when I need to pick if i was to die or come back to life, not like you would let me die anyway but... I still feel guilty for leaving you oh and I'm going to go speak to you know who i hope your proud because I'm scared out of my fucking mind i mean what if he hates me I'm his sister and i haven't been to visit him in 5 years, it's getting late so we better go. Oh and take it easy on these guys don't get to protective and terrorize them, they will protect me don't worry...i i trust them." when i turned back around everyone was looking at me with tears in there eyes and they all just hugged me well Nick didn't he will though when the others aren't looking.

Back at home

we have been back at the tower for about an hour and they all haven't left my side which is a problem because i need to speak to Bucky ALONE I was snapped out of my thought by Bucky walking in with a...girl? "Hey Amy I want you to meet Britney my girlfriend and also an agent here" in that moment of time it felt like someone just took my heart and squeezed it into dust "Oh h..hey its erm nice to meet you and i would love to chat but i don't feel to good so i think im going go to bed goodnight" "Amy do you want me to come we can cuddle and watch movies" is this man trying to break my hearts more "No I'm going a sleep" i said and left. When i closed my door i could hold it in anymore and just broke down crying. of course he didn't mean "i love you" in a romantic way how could I be so stupide and let my self have emotions, ill never make that mistake again.

the next morning (sorry for all the skips)

This morning i woke up and just wanted to lie in bed all day but i won't let myself so i got dressed into some work out clothes and went to the gym and of course Bucky is there with Britney i mean why would they be. I ignored them and went to the punching bags and started to hit them really hard with out wrapping my hands up. it was about an hour later and i haven't stopped hitting the bag once and kept on hitting it with out slowing down until Bucky was telling me to stop but i just started to hit harder "Amy, what are you dong stop your going to cause damage to you hands" but i didn't listen until he was dragging me away and sat me on the bench and got the first aid kit while Britney just stud in the corner keeping out the way Bucky came back and started to try to take care of my hands but i yanked the wipe thingy and said "I can do it myself thanks"

The most broken (Bucky Barnes x Amy May) re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now