Cared more than they thought

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When I looked around my room I saw all the, my family all except for Nat and Clint, I began to panic "where are Nat and Clint?" I said, and before they could say anything I ran off in a panic about having another panic attack. I searched everywhere until we met each other in the kitchen "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU, I SAW EVERY ONE EXCEPT YOU GUYS I THOUGHT SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU GUYS AND GOD HELP ME NO ONE ELSE I CARE ABOUT IS DYING, YOU ARE MY FAMILY AND I NEED TO PROTECT YOU SO THEY DON'T HURT YOU AND I CAN'T DO THAT IF YOU AREN'T WITH ME AT ALL TIMES" I screamed at Nat and Clint with tears in my eyes, the thought of losing the family I just got was the most terrifying thing I have ever felt when I was shouting I didn't notice the others in the kitchen with us but I didn't care because they were all with me and I can protect them. When I was done shouting Nat and Clint hugged me apologizing tell me that they are sorry and that didn't mean to panic me "I just can't lose the family I just got and dreamed of  they found you all and killed you off one by one until it was only me left and they said that it was my fault you guys were dead because I didn't protect you all like I'm suppose too" I whispered but loud enough that they all heard "Who are THEY Lady Amy" Thor said "They are a group of people in Hydra, who are worse then Hydra they kill peoples loved one in front of them and tell them it was their fault and did way more and worse things then Hydra and when I tried to escape with Bucky I was sent to them to be taught a lesson, They killed my daughter in front of me and said that it was my fault and monsters and weapons don't deserve happiness and that whenever I find the happiness they would be right behind,e ready to take it away" I said with a blank face but my eyes told all the emotions "Amy what do you mean daughter?" Bucky asked "I gave birth to my little girl a year after you escaped, one of the guards raped me to teach me a lesson, and even tho her father was evil, I knew she wasn't and she was beautiful I named her Scarlet James Bucky Louise Barnes," I said smiling at Bucky who had tears in his eyes "you named your daughter after me?" Bucky said "Yea why won't I, she reminded me of you when I first saw her and she was the only one other than you to bring me happiness and I knew you wouldn't forgive yourself for leaving me so it was like "I forgive you for leaving me even tho I forced you to go" kinda thing," I told Bucky remembering the time I had with Scarlet "Amy I'm so sorry, we have your file but it doesn't say anything about a daughter when was it last time updated," Bucky asked "It was last time updated one week before you escaped," I said  "How many powers do you have Amy," Loki said "I will tell you when I'm ready and let me just say this Hydra doesn't stop injecting you until you die most die around the 3rd one, some make it to the 5th one 1 or 2 people in 2 years makes it to 10, I'm way past 10 and I have the most serum injected into me than ever in history, I'm the greatest Thing ever made and the most powerful and i won't tell you what my powers are ill show you and it will take about a week since the powers take my energy  and we will need some animals and  I also need a person who I can use my powers on and they might die because most of these are new and I haven't taken control of them yet so they have to be someone who no one cares about and wont miss" I said, everyone was just standing there looking at me well Bucky wasn't and Loki was looking at me in aww "Okay you can start tomorrow we will set everything up and while we do you should go and get some rest" Tony said "No i can't sleep i need to be awake so no one can hurt you" I said "Amy its okay no one will get us and we all protect each other and you need energy for tomoz because i have a feeling your going use a lot of it" I hestatanly nodded my head and went to my room.

The next morning/ 4 am


I woke up and felt like making breakfast for everyone so I went to the kitchen to get started, I decided to make choc chip Pancakes with pure orange juice and fruit. "Jarvis can you put some music on please," I said to the AI "What kind of music would you like ms Amy," Jarvis said "something I can relate to please Jarvis,"  I said and Monster by Imagine Dragons came one.

Ever since I could remember
Everything inside of me
Just wanted to fit in
Oh, whoa, oh-oh
I was never one for pretenders
Everything I tried to be
Just wouldn't settle in
Oh, whoa, oh-oh

If I told you what I was
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
If this problem lies in me

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger

I sang while making the breakfast and I could relate to this song that much, I got kinda scared

Can I clear my conscience?
If I'm different from the rest
Do I have to run and hide?
Oh, whoa, oh-oh
I never said that I want this
This burden came to me
And it's made it's home inside
Oh, whoa, oh-oh

If I told you what I was
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
If this problem lies in me

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger

I was to busy focusing on singing and cooking that I didn't realize that I was singing loudly and woke the Avengers up

I'm only a man with a chamber who's got me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger

I finished cooking breakfast at the same time the song finished and the Avengers left when the song finished, they decided it was best not to be seen because they thought that it would put my walls back up and that I would feel guilty for waking them up. I put all of the pancakes on a plate and set the table in each space there was a plate with 2 pancakes and a glass of cold pure orange and in the middle was a bowl of fruit, Chocolate spread, Maple syrup, a bowl of chocolate chips and more pancakes "Jarvis tell the others that breakfast is served, please" "they have been notified ms Amy "Thank you and Jarvis call me Amy"I said "Okay I will call you Amy" I sat down and heard running and everyone barged into the dining room and took there places it went Tony at the end of the table on the right side it was thor, Loki, Clint, Vision, and Nat, on the left was Me, Bucky, Vision, Wanda, and Bruce and on the other end of the table is Steve, they all said there thank yous and started to eat, I was on my second pancake when I went to drink my orange juice "Amy your shaking whats wrong"Tony asked me his voice full of worry but before I could answer someone spoke before me "Her powers are trying to take over her body since she has taken control of them and her body is fighting them off I'm surprised you only just noticed that's why she is always tired, her body is using all her energy to stay in control" this man with a eye patch said "Im Nick Fury, you must be the one and only Amy who the team are VERY protective over, its nice to meet you, you can call me Nick" The man said "Hello Nick, would you like to have breakfast with us, we have more than enough" i asked "I'll make a deal with you I'll eat with you if you tell us a number of how many powers you have" Nick said "Okay deal" I said Nick sat down in the seat next to me "I have 35-36 powers all together" I said "and how many have you taken control over?" Nick asked "16," I said " that means you are fighting of 20 powers from taking control, how do you still have the energy," Nick said "it doesn't come without a price, I'm always shaking and I don't have much energy and have to take naps and I'm not as strong as I should be but every fight has a price to pay," I said "you are a fighter Amy how would you like to be an Avenger and they can help you take control," Nick said " I erm yea I would like that thank you, Nick," I said he smiled and finished off his breakfast and left but not without saying goodbye to me, we finished off the breakfast, washed up and went down to this special room where I can show my powers "Okay Amy go in that room, we will be right here and you can see us in the glass," Tony said I went in the room and made sure I could see them all.

The most broken (Bucky Barnes x Amy May) re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now