Still don't trust them

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It has been about a week since Amy got taken to the Avengers Tower and she would either be in her room, Gym or with Buck and/or Steve. The Avengers are trying to get Amy to open up but it's hard when Amy is always on guard.  people can't make a sudden move around her, they have to tell her what they are doing so she doesn't attack them, lately, they have noticed Amy becoming more relaxed, open,  and spending more time with them like when they would go out for shawarma or sit with them when its movie night but she has to be near Steve or/and Bucky, they have noticed she starts to panic when she can't see them or is on high alert and always looks for them to make sure they are okay.

POV Clint

I was in the vents when I had a brilliant idea for how we can get closer to Amy and get her to open up so I ran-well crawled really fast to Nat's room where she was sitting in bed, once I got to Nat's room I crashed in there, literally, and got a gun pointed to my head. " WHAT THE HELL CLINT, I COULD HAVE SHOT YOU THERE IS A DOOR FOR A REASON KNOCK ON I MIGHT HAVE BEEN GETTING CHANGED" Natasha yelled 

" Okay okay geez,  I have an amazing idea to get Amy to open up." this got Nat's attention and so I told her the plan and then we went to Amy's room where she normally is when Bucky and Steve are on a mission.


I was in my room watching Sherlock trying to stop me from worrying and trying to focus on not panicking like I do every time I'm away from Bucky or Steve, especially when they go on a mission, how am I meant to protect them if they aren't with me or I'm not with them anything could happen to them and it would be my fault because I wasn't with them...I was now having a full-blown Panic attack. "Ms. Amy, please try to calm down I have called the Avengers," Jarvis said but I didn't hear him or know what was happening until all the Avengers were in front of me. Clint, Natasha, Loki and Tony were on the floor with me trying to calm me down "It's okay Amy calm down, we cant help you if you're not calm and tell us what is wrong," Loki said but I didn't hear him I was too busy looking to see if Steve and Bucky were there, but they weren't and Tony noticed 

" Hey Amy, it's okay Bucky and Steve will be okay and they will be back soon," Tony said 

"No I'm meant t-to be w-ith the-them I nnn-eeed to pro-tect them, i-i need them safe" I tried saying struggling to breathe with each word, what Tony did next surprised us all. 

Tony went and sat behind you turning you around so your face was in his chest and he was rocking you back and forth, one hand resting on your back and the other going through your hair soothing you while Tony was also humming to you until you fell asleep clutching to him. Tony didn't care because you were safe and, to be honest, Tony started to feel really protective and like you were his responsibility. I was in his arms asleep while Tony was still doing what he was doing before.

POV Tony

I was there just rocking Amy back and forth, humming and stroking her hair while she clung onto me like I was going to leave her and disappear. but that was the last thing I was going to do because from that day forth I was going to make sure Amy is okay and that I was always there for her, all the Avengers can tell Amy is sweet and Protective and a good person once she trusts you and lets you in, but she is scared to trust and to get close to people in case they leave her. It makes me so pissed off how this sweet girl can go through so much pain to what be a "weapon". I can't help but feel proud because even tho Amy went through the worst things possible she is still the same person she was before Hydra took her, that's how all the Avengers knew Amy was one of a kind, she never lost herself she just locks it away and puts up walls to protect her,  we are slowly getting her to put them down. Amy asleep in my arms was a HUGE fucking accomplishment, it means she feels safe with me but we still have to be slow and take our time to get all the walls well most of the walls down but that will happen in time all that matters is Amy is safe and she will never get hurt again.

The most broken (Bucky Barnes x Amy May) re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now