showing off her powers part 2

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The next morning:
"Okay so today and the rest of the days i will be doing the powers i cant control or have never tryed to use, i will have to take control of them and there is a possibility that the powers can take over me and if they do i will no longer exist it will just be ny body i will be gone and you will have to kill me i will do 7 today, 6 tomorrow and then 7 the next day. okay the first one i will be doing is the elements." I said "wait what do u mean kill you we will not be killing you we will find a way to get tou back if it does take control" Bucky says "No, there isnt another way you have to understand i will be fighting the power and trying to take control and if i lose then i die and the power will be in human form, i will no longer exist think of it like possesion but my soul is gone." "Then your not doing it" i was about to say something but someone else spoke first "She has too, she has to take control because her body is fighting to stay in control and there is only so much fighting her body can do and not only is she fighting all the powers she has no control over she is also fighting her mentalhealth, one day she will wake up and give up because she would of been fighting for too long" Nick said "Hey Nick and how did u know about my mentalhealth" "I checked your medical folder to see how you are doing and it wad on there, it also said you refuse medication to help you and we wont talk about it now but we will when you have control of your powers" "If i take control of my powers" "No Amy when you take control, because you are strong and wont give up and will win" "okay so im going to try control the elements" *Amys mind*
Fire-To take control of us you have to name us. And ask permission.
Amy-oh erm okay Fire i name you...Blaise. and please may i control you.
Fire-You have given me a name and You may not control me but we may become partners and i will listen to what you tell me to do unless it puts you in danger or you are in danger.
Amy-Okay i will take it water i will name you...Aqua and please may we become partners.
Water-You have given me the name Aqua and i accept your partnership.
Amy-Air i give you the name Alizeh and please may we have a partnership.
Air-You have given me the name Alizeh and i accept your partnership.
Amy-Earth i give you the name Bhumi and please may we have a partnership.
Earth-You have given me the name Bhumi and I accept your Partnership.
Buckys POV
"Is she okay shes just standing staring at the wall"
"Yea shea fine shes taking control of the elements"
When i finally got out of the weird trance thingy it felt like it had only been a couple of seconds but it actually was about 10 minutes.

Time skip by Natasha hitting Clint in the back of the head.

It was a week after showing the team my powers (these are all the powers Amy has Telekinesis, Fire, Earth. Air, Water, telepathy, Healing,TELEPORTATION, FORCE FIELDS, shapeshifting, Super learning, Strength, Empathy, mimic others powers,Light manipulation, water breathing, Speaking with the dead, Super hearing, Density Control, mind control, Animal control, life control/energy control, pain infliction, Sharpshooting, Chi, speak to animals, Time control, sense danger, vision, Super intelligence, Ice manipulation, speed and Atom and organ control, Phasing) and Wanda has been helping me with my powers as well as Vision, Loki and Dr.Strange, me and Nick are really close and lets just say everyone but mainly Tony, Steve and Bucky are keeping a CLOSE eye on Nick but all me and Nick are is friends, i can tell him anything or ask anything and he will be upfront and tell you how he sees it or how it is and he wasnt scared to. But today he was scared i could feel it and he was showing it "Hey Nick whats wrong" i said worried "erm well we have intell on a Hydra base and it is also your first mission" Nick said as soon as it left his mouth every one except me tensed up "WHAT ARE YOU SURE SHE'S READY, SHES STILL IN TRAINING" Tony shouted "YEA AND WHAT IF SHE GETS HURT." Bucky yelled and Steve responded with "what if we keep her in the Jet until we need her, she will be safe and we wont call for her until one of us is close to death" "WHAT NO IM FIGHTING AND I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS, IM READY" i said with a stare what say" try me i dare you".
After a LONG argument i was allowed on the mission as long as i stay by Bucky, which i get to go on my first mission and be with Bucky its a win win situation.

The most broken (Bucky Barnes x Amy May) re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now