showing off her powers part 1

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"Okay I'm going do the ones I have control over, the first one is Telekinesis," I said, and moving the chair which was in the room, Bruce wrote it down on the tablet "The next one is telepathy," I said and I went into all their minds "can we get a McDonalds later please," I said in their minds everyone but Loki, Wanda and Vision flinched when they heard my voice in their head, Bruce wrote that down "the next one is Strength, Bucky do you want to spar with me," I asked "I'll be honoured to," Bucky said walking in me and Bucky spared and it took a bit of time but I tackled him and got him on the floor when Bucky was out the room and Bruce wrote that down I asked for a knife and for someone to come in so I could stab them it took some convincing but Nat came in "Okay my next one is Healing I can heal myself and others" I stabbed my self and then healed myself and did the same with Nat  and Bruce wrote it down "Next is speed, I am fast but not as fast as Pietro (he still alive he's just on a mission)" after i said that I ran around the room and Bruce wrote it down "Next is Super intelligence and how do you want me to show this one" "Why don't you solve Einstein's riddle only 2% of people can guess it me and Tony got it" Bruce said (I got it right so i don't believe only 2% of people can guess it, you just have to focus and take your time took me about 15-20 minutes) "Okay tell it me" "There are 5 houses in five different colors. In each house lives a person of a different nationality. These five owners drink a certain type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of cigar, or drink the same beverage.

The question is: Who owns the fish?

the Brit lives in the red house the Swede keeps dogs as pets the Dane drinks tea the green house is on the left of the white house the green house's owner drinks coffee the person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds the owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill the man living in the centre house drinks milk the Norwegian lives in the first house the man who smokes blends lives next to the one who keeps cats the man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill the owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer the German smokes Prince the Norwegian lives next to the blue house the man who smokes blend has a neighbour who drinks water

Einstein wrote this riddle this century. He said that 98% of the world could not solve it." Bruce said "The Green house owns the fish," I said Tony and Bruce stood there shocked then they looked at each other and smiled "how would you like to join the Science bros Amy, it's just me and Bruce and you," Tony said while Bruce wrote on the tablet "I would love to, okay next one is speaking to animals, do you have any animals I can use and I can also use my other power controlling animals" "yea let me go and get Nibbles" Bruce said once he was back i used my powers on Nibbles who was a bunny, I found out when he was only a kitten his family got caught and killed by hunters and i used my animal control to get him nibble Tony's feet and Bruce wrote it down "the next one is life control/energy control but I'm not going show you that but i will tell you, it is where i can take a living things energy it can be a plant but it doesn't give me that much energy or it could be a human where it gives me enough energy, I can give life but to give a human their energy back it will take all of my energy so it is basically a life for a life. next one is Sharpshooting, i will always hit the target no matter what weapon it is you don't need nor want me to show you that one, okay next one speaking to the dead, thank god I can control this One because when i first got this i saw everyone I killed and other people who are dead but I can turn it off and on, next one since I cant show You that Super hearing To show you this one I'll Tell You What I hear And you can ask Jarvis if its right, i can hear happy outside on The Phone with pepper because Tony WAs Meant to be At a Meeting right  around this time. Next one is shapeshifting, I can shift into anything" I shifted into a wolf and like every other time Bruce wrote it down "Okay next one IS Super learning, it's like a computer you give me something like a book on a language I don't speak so welsh and all i have to do is scan my eyes over each page and i will know how to speak that Language, okay next one and last One for today because I don't have much Energy left phasing i can do what vision does and go threw walls and Doors.

The most broken (Bucky Barnes x Amy May) re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now