Her first mission, might be her last

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It was 5 in the morning and the people who were going to the Hydra base were up that included Tony, Steve, Clint, Amy, Wanda, Pietro, Bruce and Thor. The others Vision, Loki, Bucky, Rhodey, and Sam were staying out of this mission to Bucky dislike that is.

On the mission:

"East side clear" Tony said threw the coms "Not clear, defo not clear" Steve said sounding like he was struggling "I'M ON MY WAY" Amy said trying to get to Steve as fast as she can "Amy no stay I the jet" Tony ordered but Amy didn't listen when she got to were Steve was he was to busy fighting the men in front of him to see the guy behind him with a gun, Amy bolted in front of the gun and got there just time "AHHHH!" Amy screamed just as Steve killed the last guy "AMY...your okay your going be fine" Steve said reassuring but it sounded like he was telling himself that "TONY AMY IS DOWN, its okay Amy I need you to do one thing for me okay keep your eyes open, because we can't lose you think about Bucky you need to go home to him and if you die I don't think we have to be scared of the winter solider but we would have to be scared of Bucky Barns and that's worse so please keep your eyes open....why would you jump in front of a gun?" Steve had tears pouring down his face at this point and in the coms the others were trying to take over this base and didn't care what they were here for all they cared about at this point is getting Amy home. "To be honest i saw a gun and you and all what was going threw my mind was i have to stop that bullet from hitting you because the world needs you and I don't know if i would of been able to control myself if you got hit" Amy said smiling true smile. Tony finished his side and went over to Amy "Hey, Amy its your first mission and your already shot saving your teammates." Tony said not caring that he's crying "No...saving my family" Amy said "what?" tony said "I didn't do this for my teammates because I don't have any, I do in fact have a family and all I saw was one of them was in danger so I had to make sure I got them out of it." Amy said now having tears pouring down her face but they weren't sad or pain tears they were...Happy tears? Amy finally let herself have a family well she didn't have a say in it anyway but she accepted it and in that moment Amy was ready to die because she finally got something she thought she would never have a family and a home, she looked around her and saw her family not all her family but she was still with family "Bucky" Amy said "I need to speak to him" "What no you don't because your not dying we are going to getting you home" The hulk was now there and he was crying "Hulk sad" Hulk aka Bruce said and sat next to Amy holding her hand...well she was holding her finger and he turned back into banner and luckily Tony had gone and got Bruce some clothes to put on "Bruce you have to help her" Steve and Tony said together frantically but all Bruce could do is put presser on her gun shot wound and sent Thor to get the first aid kit from the jet begging that he would be back before its too late "Bucky" Amy said again squeezing Steve's hand, Steve nodded and called Bucky " hey Steve, are you already done with the mission?" Bucky asked a bit worried  "Bucky" Steve whispered not caring that is voice broke "Steve, what's going on are you okay...is is Amy okay?" Bucky said but the last part in a whisper begging that everything was okay "Hey James" Amy weakly whispered "Amy! what's... what's wrong?" Bucky practically yelled "Steve was surrounded and this gun was about to shoot him from behind so i jumped in front of the gun before it hit Steve" "what I don't know how am I  meant to feel about this, I feel a lot I'm glad that Steve is okay, pained that your hurt, I'm also pissed off and proud all at the same time" "Bucky-" "No, Amy I know what your going say your going say goodbye but don't because you ARE NOT DYING you hear me Amy." Amy laughed and slowly her eyes started to close "No Mimi come on keep your eyes open Thor is here with the first aid kit your going be okay" Steve said trying to wake his daughter up. "NO NO NO NO AMY COME ON WAKE UP, COME ON OPEN YOUR BEAUTIFUL EYES" Tony yelled "Amy please don't leave me you can rest but not die, I need you please I love you" Bucky said they could all hear Bucky crying on the other line.

In Amy's mind:

"Hey Amy, what are you doing here, its not your time you have to wake up" said this voice behind her, it was the voice of the girl from her dreams and memories.

flash back in Amy's mind:

"Amy please don't do this its me Angel your best friend, your sister please you have to fight this please remember" Angel begged, Amy was back at Hydra and her best friend was at her feet  and Amy shot her in her head not even caring who it was.

memory switch

Amy was with Angel and they were climbing trees and smiling ,talking and laughing

memory switch

 it was in high school Amy was just about to go into year 9 and Angel was going into year 11 and they were taking photos.

memory switch

it was a week after the avengers recued Amy and she went to visit Angel "Hey Angel, its been a while I'm so sorry I didn't mean too but that's not going bring you back, I have a family the Avengers and I'm happy but I don't deserve to be not after what I have done to my sister"

more memory's of when Amy and Angel were little and every time Amy went to angel, and the avengers would always ask where she was and she would always just change the subjects.

Back to the present in Amy's mind

"Angel" Amy said voices breaking and tears I her eyes "Hey Amy, I heard every time you came to my grave and it's not your fault it wasn't you and I'm always here you just can't see me and i will always be here to lead you to the right decision and we will meet again when it's your time but that's not today" Angel said "What no I'm not leaving you" "come with me i need to show you something" Angel said. Amy followed Angel and they were in the hospital wing at the tower and all the team was there and they looked like they haven't left once but Bucky, Steve and Tony looked the worse they looked broken and their eyes were dull, happy less and pained but Bucky had one more emotion Heartbreak. I stood there staring at the Avengers and they just sat there staring at you. 10 minutes had passed or so Amy thought, Nick came into the room and ordered everyone to go and sort themselves out and that i wouldn't want to see the like this and they knew he was right so they all left everyone but Bucky he just sat there holding my hand, rubbing his thumb gently across it "Bucky your not helping Amy when your not helping yourself go clean ,eat and get fresh air ill be here in case something changes and I will call you straight away i promise" Nick said "Okay just give me a minute alone with her please" Nick nodded and left "Hey Amy, its time to wake up don't you dare die because we need you...i need you and i don't care if it's selfish because I love you Amy, not in just a friends way in the way that i would be dating you to die with... so please wake up you don't have to today but just make sure you wake up so i can tell you face to face and kiss you and hug you" with that Bucky kissed her forehead wiped his eyes and left at this point Amy was on the floor crying and said that she loved him too just seconds later Nick came in and sat next to you, and held your hand and broke down crying "Hey Amy, Its Nick you know it's meant to take sometime for people get the whole die for my team thing and defo don't jump in front of a gun for someone on their first mission, I guess you were too ready for your own good , I heard you say that the world needed Steve but the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D need you I mean you have seen how the avengers are without you, they are lost and I'm lost and I can't believe I'm saying this but Amy your my best friend and i need you i let my guard and act down with you, we need you Amy and if you die it will break everyone and it will impact the world and everyone in all 9 realms and maybe more will feel the impact your death will make". "You see Amy, they need you and you need them so you have to go back" Angel said "I know but what about you" "ill be okay and ill be by your side and you can always go visit my grave and i will hear you". everyone came back into the room and looked more healthy but their eyes are still dull "It's time for me to go back know isn't it" "yea it is goodbye for know Amy and i forgive you and you should forgive yourself" "Goodbye Angel and i will visit you in about 1 hour" and with that Amy woke up. 

The most broken (Bucky Barnes x Amy May) re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now