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"I am uncomfortable, my trousers are so tight and i need release" Bucky says moving his crotch are to try get comfortable "well we better get you your release then shouldn't we" i say moving towards him " "what but everyone is outside" "then i guess we have to be quiet" i say getting on my knees pulling down his trousers and Boxers and teasing his tip with my tongue "oh god don't tease" Bucky says gently shoving his cock into my mouth and guiding my head up and down. Its a couple minutes later and i began going faster and deep throating his cock "fuck fuck fuck im cumming oh shit" and i feel his cum hitting the back of my throat and i swallow it all and take his dick out with a pop "fuck get on the bed baby girl" i listen to Bucky and get on the bed and then Bucky comes and Bucky shoves his Dig hard dick into me and starts going hard and fast not letting me get use to it "Oh fuck Bucky harder" "beg baby girl beg for me to pound you so hard you can't walk" "please daddy fuck me so i can't walk" "fuck baby girl im close" "me too daddy" after saying that Bucky goes harder until we cum.

After we are done we clean up and everyone look's at us "what you staring at guys" "thank fuck you and Barnes are finally together but we are only 10 minutes from home you couldn't wait"Tony says "Language Babe" Steve say's then goes wide eyed "OMG YESS YOUR FINALLY TOGETHER" i shout and everyone laughs "i love you guys, you guys are my family"

5years later:

"Howard get in the car we are going to see pop and grandad, Edward stop hitting your sister and Natasha stop eating your brothers food" "Hey love, we have to go Tony's ringing" Bucky shouts from the house we have been married for 2 years and have 3 chilldren 2 boys- Howard James Barnes and Edward Steve Barnes who are 3 years old and one girl- Natasha Louise Barnes who is 2 years old "I know baby is the house locked up" "Doll we don't have to lock up we live in the avengers back yard" "i know but Tony wouldn't let use move out if we didn't say we would live here lol" When we first got pregnant we decided we were going to move and "retire" which we haven't and most likely not but Tony refused at first but we made a deal i can move out as long as i live in the back yard and Tony would get a house made i mean it's better than nothing and i'm close to my family. People ask what it's like to be an avenger and it's stressful, dangerous and alot more but it's family when you join, you don't join a team you join a family who help eachother and anyone can see that.


The most broken (Bucky Barnes x Amy May) re-editedWhere stories live. Discover now